Tuesday, October 04, 2005

one year

I'm not good at making decisions, especially those fork-in-the-road type decisions where life will ultimatley turn out very different but you're not fully sure how different because you can't see the end of the road in either direction. *takes a breath* And okay, admittedly, it's not THAT big of a life decision but its enough. I remember when I had to pick a university and I was just so torn between them all that I ended up in tears. I'm still not sure if this was the right way to go. I love it here, but I can't help but wonder. I'm the kind of girl who likes to make a well-informed decision...who likes to know the outcomes. And I guess when those outcomes are just not available, the decision becomes impossible for me to make. Despite weighing all the pros and cons it still doesnt matter. Some things just can't be weighed and some things you can't even comprehend until you're actually in the situation. So maybe I'm just being chicken shit. But maybe I want to enjoy fourth year and finally get out of here instead of coming back to a place where most of my friends have already left and struggle getting back into the swing of things once again. Some may think it's only a year, but it's not just that. A lot changes in a year. I don'tknow what I might be missing out on or destroying by skipping out on this one year.