Sunday, January 19, 2003

i found out this week that i wasnt a total failure at calc, which i started to convince myself i was. its strange, but i seriously don't derserve the mark i got, cause really, i didnt understand it, but by some miracle, it seems as though all the answers in the answer key were magically changed to mine. i sat in my bedroom for a good portion of the day just reading.. nothing i liked, was reading a school novel-forcing it down my throat really. but its read and i can do the 3 essays that follw and be done the next couple of lessons.. also ended up watching a couple of movies later on in the night. i needed the me time. i needed not to have to talk to anyone. sometimes i'm actually thankful that my house runs the way it does.

Sunday, January 05, 2003

i think i messed up my blog

Friday, January 03, 2003

so i've finally taken a day off from my so far incredibly crazy christmas break. i'm SUPPOSED to be skiing today... i'm SUPPOSED to go out with laurallini and chananagan for girly goodness... i'm SUPPOSED to go downtown to drop off my correspondence.. but i really dont feel up to any of it. i feel like being bum-y... but im forcing myself to do homework...i think im getting stomach problems from the cookies i just ate.. uhoh