Tuesday, July 20, 2004

its the little things

i know i haven't posted in a while...and really, this post will just be disappointing, especially after the long wait, but i think its needs to be said.  i know you don't read this and so maybe that's making doing this a little easier, but THANK YOU.  i know people may think its funny and/or just cute in a loser-y way, but i really appreciate that you really really just want to spend time with me...that you're willing to shake up and rearrange your whole schedule just so you get just a little bit of time.  i know in the past i've made it harder than it had to be, but you still tried.  it amazes me that you're still here sometimes...even after the freak outs and girly moments and the times when i havent been the easiest to deal with.  and re-reading this all makes me feel like a loser just writting it, but it something that just needs to get off my chest.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

getting to know you...

so i know its been a while since i last posted. and it just seems that i never have the time to turn on this stupid machine and that nothing really big is happening.. but there is stuff to update you all on.
-im not totally hating the gap...but its almost time to quit. im trying to figure out when would be the best time to say something and how.. hmm
-im getting a new phone.. this sean guy who sold it to me seems uber nice.. he's personally delivering my phone to the office cause he had some problems ordering it. but yeah ill give you the new number once i get it.
-it makes me wonder how things are gonna be next year, when it's such a drama to even plan getting together to discuss a few things. i like how i was the one who was called inflexible when i was the one trying to work around other people's schedules. im sorry if i wasnt willing to let you take your sweet ass time doing whatever it was. cause we all know by the time it was all done, it would have been too late. excuse us, if people have work early the next morning and aren't willing to conform to you and haul ass across the city at 11 oclock at night. it would have been so easy if you had just called jackie and figured things out yourself.. instead of expecting me to figure it out for you. it sorta makes me want to move out even before moving in. but im still excited.
-i burned myself on a pop tart. it's true, the filling is incredibly hot. and when i say burned myself, i mean actually burned myself. my finger is still red and on the verge of blistering. here's a tip: if you take a pop tart out of the toaster and it starts to fall, for goodness sakes just let it fall to the floor and make a mess rather than trying to catch it. cause it will only cruble into a million pieces as it hits your hands and burn you and still make a mess on the floor as you gasp and grasp your fingers in pain.
-50 hours this week. and really, it's not so bad anymore.


sometimes it's nice to be taken care of...even if just a little.
for the past few days, the boy has driven me to work after a hellish 8 hour day of his own. he really didn't have to. i take the bus all the time. but it made the day so much better knowing that someone was there that cared enough to even consider it. and even though to some, it may not be much, to me it means a lot...just cause my family sucks. excuse me while i swoon.. lol i think i found me a good one.