Sunday, May 29, 2005

tequilla and tabasco

So despite Joker advertising that they have three rooms, it's really only one. We were kinda worried when we walked into the bottom room and found it deserted. Going upstairs we found where everyone was...even tho it was still semi empty when we walked in but semi cheap drinks helped fix that... And I have decided that that Kevin guy I talked to on the phone was GREAT. Thanks to him, no cover and line bypass..and luckily he didn't keep a count, cause then he would have realized my group of 20 turned into about 27 or so...

I enjoyed that the three of them had enough guts to jump on the podium and dance. I needed to be a little more drunk before that would even be a consideration. It's nice seeing that they're still as close as ever. It made me laugh when Cris came up to me and asked me why Ryan and Jacob were bizarro him and Luke. I found it even funnier that he was the one that realized this (cause usually people don't see it themselves) and decided that he and Luke of course were the better looking versions. Me and Amanda actually got the four of them in a picture. It made my night. I think it was the drunkest Luke has been, although he didn't look it. But oh man that boy can hold down a lot of liquor. Surprise visit by Sam was nice. AND I finally got to meet Jeanette's Stephen. He's cute :) Ans so if he's as nice and good as she tells me he is, then I say he's a definite keeper. lol joking..but not at the same time.

I was craving poutine from those stands back in london and although great, johnny's fries just don't cut it. However, the onion rings made me feel a little bit better. mm deep fried battered onions...

OH and went to the Oshawa office on friday for a shift. I wish I could work there all the time, it's so much easier and orderly. It also showed me that some of those situations that you don't think you'll ever have to deal with after highschool still have their place in the workplace as an adult. It something you;ll never be able to leave unfortunatly. Oh the politics and the drama... my gut instincts about people apparently are pretty accurate sometimes, surprisingly. Just hearing the stories; its unbelievable what even grown adults are capable of. We all aren't as mature as we like to think we are.

Saturday, May 28, 2005


wednesday was a day straight out of that cartoon 'the weekenders' except of course it was wednesday AND we were missing a fourth. We just hung various places...and found ways to amuse ourselves. And made great fun out of the nothing day.

i LOVE those fried onions in those johnny burgers. The burger themselves are okay, but the FRIED ONIONS...mmmm

a friend of mine hand-fed a fry to a seagull...well, after i convinced him it would be a good idea. After a few tries, the seagull actually came up and snatched it right out from between his fingers. We videotaped it, and the seagull was clearly poised to make an escape even before it got to the fry. What was I doing during this whole time? Hoping his finger didn't get bitten off (afterall fries look a lot liek fingers) and hiding behind my purse. you know, just in case.

I lost the mid-day popsicle challenge. partially cause I was already full from johnny's, partially because I don't really care for banana popsicles, and partially because it was too much...creamy.
I got some on my jeans and I don't know what that ice cream filling is made of (especially since it claims to be low fat) but it left a grease stain.

Tried to 'booby-trap' the playground with our one sad hole. Needless to say , it didn't work.
But that sand sure was quality sand. Almost beach-like.

Finally got a tv and restored balance in the Leung household again. Although now that I think about it, I still haven't touched it.

Looking forward to some dancing tomorrow. Its funny cause we're not really 100% confident about the 'fun' factor of the place...yes fun factor... We just tried to make the night as cheap as possible. And note for next time, calling the clubs gets you a lot more than just emailing them. Yay magical guest list.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

greek food and the Freshly Squeezed special

So even though I can't exactly make you a list of all the things that have been keeping me occupied (cause in all honesty it feels as though I've been doing nothing), I feel as though I've been so busy and as though right now is the first time that I've actually had nothing to do. Well not NOTHING cause there is the ever-present homework situation, but nothing that needs to get done or requires me leaving the house.

Jeanette and I both decided today that leaving for university slightly screwed us. And we both agreed that with what we pay in rent every month (and utilities and food and whatever else), we would have had a car by now if we had stayed....easily. Not a new one, or a nice one, but one that runs. AND if we had actually put our minds into saving for one. Things are differnet when it comes down to: you HAVE to pay vs. you SHOULD pay.

Yesterday went out for an impromptu wing session after afterlife didn't work out for us. Ryan brought Mona, which threw me off at first just cause one, I didn't know they still kept in touch and two, when was the last time I saw her? It was weird just cause shes a part of my old old old old old life. It was almost like a mini Bede reunion...except for the fact that I usually see Ryan and Anthony...

Submitted my first essay for this english course last Friday. I'm gonna admit, it's a piece of shit. A weak thesis, crappy supporting arguements, and you know me, I have no concept of grammar or sentence structure. But I had no time and it was a rushed job (definitly!) and I only knew half of what I was talking about. Hrm, reminds me that I need to figure out when this test is so i can request some time off....

next friday, gonna be heading to Oshawa to cover a shift. This should be quite interesting.

Friday, May 13, 2005

achoo, bless me

i am sick.

the point of the sickness that you only feel yourself getting worse, not better.

i knew the busy-ness and lack of sleep would eventually catch up to me. low immune system. it was inevitable. i never recover from these things unscathed.

so the plan on this rainy night? neocitran and some sleep. maybe a book too. not one i choose to read, but so far, most of the ones for this course aren't bad. i really liked the princess and the goblin. made the rushed reading of it not bad at all.

the complete nonsense of edward lear tonight it is.

Sunday, May 08, 2005


Today i saw the two sides of my father that i have become accustomed to. One minute a gentleman, the next an asshole. As they say the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, and sometimes i wonder about myself. Truthfully, I saw a bit of myself in it. The part of myself that i know comes out when i'm pissed off or frustrated or put up against a wall. And yes sometimes the other person did deserve it, but watching it as a third person made me think that maybe i should try learning to take the high road and not stoop to their level. I guess cause partially in the end, you'll still look better coming out of it all no matter what the outcome.

The other day i was leaning over to shred some papers at work and i got my hair caught in the paper shredder (yes i am THAT cool). I forget how long it is sometimes and still sometimes find it pretty much in my food thats on my plate. Anyways, i reacted quickly by pulling my hiar outta the teeth of the shredder praying that it would just pull out and wouldnt get caught. Wouldn't that be interesting with me bent over, hair stuck in the damned thing in front of a waiting room full of patients. It only took off about an inch from a section of my hair. No one saw the little incident and the missing hair was not noticable unless i told you since my hair isn't exactly one length anyways. let's just say was uber relieved.

While i was away at school, my dad and brother decided to paint the windows of the house on the outside. I however, did not know that they had painted my window shut accidentally and struggles to get my window open. My dad insisted i was stupid and had left the lock on the window on when i jokingly asked if they had had all the upstairs windows sealed up while i was gone. To make a long story short, me and stephen took turns on a 20 foot ladder trying to cut away the paint of my window while the next door neighbours looked on. We didn't bother doing the bathroom window like we were supposed to.

Don't think i like that destiny place like i used to back in grade 12 or whenever it was when we used to go there. the new place is huge and noisy and the drinks arent as good as i remember them. then again, maybe i shoudlnt be deciding this after having nicki's super sour lemon juice with no sugar in it.. it was.... certainly interesting was literally tapioca balls in pure lemon juice.

i got 10 outta 10 on my first quiz of summer schoool, yay me! although it was easy. i wish i had taken a speed reading course sometime in life. it would help a lot right about now. damn you two novels in one week! it's not like i don't have other things to do....

sorry yoyo, i tried witht he whole capitalization of tings, but it seems somewhere in the middle i forgot and im not going back to change them all like last time.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

who knew little red riding hood had so much meaning... who knew that in the original version, it says that she took off her clothes before getting into bed with the wolf.

assumptions and shiny gold keys with bonus capitalized sentences for yoyo

Again, yet another thing gets twisted around. It's like when celebrities read the tabloids and find out that they're apparently in rehab for a painkiller addiction because they said once that they took a tylenol. And yes i'm exaggerating, but it paints the right picture. It's just a guess, but i'm pretty sure its just a lot of stuff being picked out of context and read without knowing anything about the situation and also while still being mad at a gajillion other things. But nothing much i can do about it. It's getting kind of funny now. Not to be mean or anything, just feeling kinda disconnected to it all. Not funny haha but amusing funny. hmm.... yes they are different, i've just decided.

So the room is painted and although it was kinda ugly going on, it dried to the colour i wanted (phew), which is good. We found out the landlord was paying for all the paints and supplies which was another bonus of the day. Yay! Saves me about 50 bucks for my room alone. Also picked out colours for the bathrooms and living area. Kristen and i are aiming for a super girly bathroom for ours downstairs cause we figure when else can we do something stupid like that. That's right never, cause it's not really something i wanna have in my real house when i'm old. tried to squeeze all the furniture including the big desk into the smaller room. At one point we just stood in the middle trying to figure things out. Needless to say, i have to get rid of a few things. But yay for reduced rent and i would gladly give up the extra room for the added cash. And as much as i do wanna help, i'm kinda also hoping that the house gets all magically painted by the next time i am able to pay a visit.

I hope you don't want to shoot your head off now. I think i got them all.

Monday, May 02, 2005

bits and bites

it was the first time the drama has reared its ugly head again, but in an indirect way. it was afterall inevitable. as much as i wanted to go and say hi to a few friends that i haven't seen in a while, i also did not have to deal with any reprecussions of my showing up....not that i could guarantee there being any, but it was better safe than sorry i guess. and it was weird sending him there knowing that i wasn't going. leaving his house to go home while he went the other way. a part of me felt like saying hey i'm not going to make this easier for them especially since i was already there with him. but i'm better than that and it wouldnt be fair to everyone else. and i'm trying to realize that eventually i will just have to deal with the chance of drama and just go...and learn that either way whether i see it or not, something will arise from my coming.

in truth i've been semi avoiding this one person, whether she knows it or not. i've tried once in a while, but a part of me just isn't sure and i cower again in my comfortable little corner. but sometimes i feel as though she's just too connected and in an odd spot. and i'm trying to learn that hey i should trust her enough to separate things but trust is a hard thing to keep. but i'm still trying and avoiding just seems so much easier

that reminds me, the other day i was reading random blogs and there was this one girl who was writting about trust. something about her sister and a rumour at their office...cause i guess apparently they worked in the same office. i should have kept the link, it was quite entertaining, i sorta questioned whether it was real or not. but after reading it, i thought it's true.....if i had lost trust in someone, i would propbably be willign to betray them in a heartbeat. well you knwo considering the circumstances, cause afterall they must have done SOMETHING for me to no longer trust them and i'm not one just take things sitting down if i can help it. i mean, i don't owe you anything and i know this is not a great way of seeing things but if you're being stupid about it, i have every right to be stupid too if i chose to. if you slapped me in the face, i would have no problem kicking you back...but harder.

so after visiting the house on saturday, we girls realize that we have a bit of work ahead of us. and even though it seems like a lot, we figure when else are we gonna be given an oppertunity like this. and from hearing other people's horror stories, we don't feel so overwhelmed afterall. i just hope some things are cleaned really well when i get there tomorrow. oh man boys are gross. i should pack gloves just in case. but it's painting the room tomrrow and unloading the rest of the things off the truck and this time the boy will be coming nad meeting the 'family'. lol

and this children's literature course may kill me even before it officially starts.