Sunday, November 30, 2003

uptown girls
i'm feelin a bit antisocial as of late, and i can't really figure out why. the only thing i can think of is my period, but i think far too many things are blamed on it. didnt do much this weekend, unlike all the others here that involved some form of alcoholic beverage consumption and some form of dancing or at least getting outside of this building at night. but i liked that the place was cleared out for me. even though lindsay stayed, she was trying to milk her last weekend of freedom before exams for all it was worth, and i got the suite to myself. it felt almost unnaturally good that i had it to myself the past two evenings. really had that sense of this is my place and i can be bum-y and could do whatever the hell i want. was supposed to read psych and even though i did technically read some, it wasnt all that i wanted to get accomplished. i dont like the fact that there are no assignments and whatnot here..well i do but the drawback is, is that i dont do anythign unless i have to. and of course th leads to realizing i have to read half a textbook for this exam coming up cause being stupid, i didnt read it in sections like everyone else seemed to do.

other things that happened in brief:
-had to face the fact that i was losing jess as my physics lab partner, shes dropping the course. we agreed to continue our friday dates though
-jess got told that she could drop the course, but continue doing the labs since they were half done anyways and just not do the lab component next year. we just have to get it approved by the lab coordinator. our fingers are crossed.
-went to masonville with dan where we both figured out we are not "cosmo girls". also gave him a mini crash course on being a girl and make up.. now he sorta understands the goop his sister seems to own. (hahah no, dan doesnt wear the make
-was supposed to watch ohl verses sarnia. but seats were sold out due to the retiring of brenden shanahan's (he played for the london knights a million years ago) jersey or number or whatever it is they retire. since it was snow-raining, didnt bother to make other plans, especially when it involved hauling my ass downtown to meet the off campus people who live so damn close to that place in comparison.
-had the first 'bump in the road' with the boy. it wasnt anything..just a little annoyance..a little realization sorta thing. all good now. it will be nothing but a pebble once the real problems show up later on.
-i was scratching my leg the other day and it felt like a mosquito bit know with the itching and the little hardened mass in the middle. then i forgot about it. i looked a day later and its a big ass bruise and the hardened mass is still there but smaller. so the question of the day is, is the mass there cause of the bruise (like some sort of blood clot thing?) or is the bruise there because i was scratching it harder than i realized?

Friday, November 28, 2003

things while 'studying' at the ucc
chivalry: it made me smile just to watch them. the little things that a lot of us take for granted, like making sure that he gets a chair for her first before finding one for fixing the wobble in the table once he notices it, or even getting her coffee just cause...all this and he had a cute little accent and messy hair.
Ivey: two business students with laptops plugged in and papers spread across the table with the word 'Ivey' emblazoned on them quietly argue amoungst themselves. words spurt out like 'black and decker scenario' and facts, figures, and margins of all kinds. No matter how stressed out you feel, always look at an ivey person and they'll make you feel better.
friends it started with a group of of two girls. sitting, studying like me. one more joins the group, and another, and another; all people who just were in the ucc too. they turned into one massive huddle of laughter and loud voices. normally i would have been annoyed. but today it made me miss people. i miss the feeling of knowing everyone. i miss the feeling of people stopping me from studying. there have been days that i feel as though im bumping into a million people i know...but they dont happen as often as i would like.
jock this gigantor jock with a walking cast walks by. there is a table covered with everyone's collective garbage. jocks are apparently attracted to shiny things cause he walks up to the garbage table picks up the shiny thing he sees only to realize it is a bit of foil from those plastic/foil gum packages. the look of disappointment and confusion was perfect.
sunshine a pat volpe-esque student walks across the pavement, in full view of all those studying at the ucc with a giant labatt blue i am candian PATIO umbrella. you cannot fully appreciate what i am trying to describe without actually seeing the enormity of this umbrella and the way that the slitted sides bounce as he walked. it was great while watching as the laughter spread across the room as each person saw the spectacle, like fans doing the wave at a baseball game. that man was the sunshine to my rainy day.

Monday, November 24, 2003

there are things i cant explain
trip back home was great...refuelled me for the last three weeks. you know friends that you'll keep throughout your life when you come back and its like you have never left. the fact that i can just pop in and we can talk and go out and do things as though we've been together all along still gives me that warm feeling inside because honestly for a while back there i was worried. i forget that im in toronto when im in toronto now... it just feels as though they are a part of my life all the time.. kinda like if i went to school in toronto but at another campus or soemthing. i'm kinda glad that the big city still has that mystic to it..that i still get a little confused downtown. i dont know if i would want it to all change cause well the city wouldnt look the same to me if i had gone to school there. i like how my two once separate worlds melded together so nicely. i was a little scared that they would clash.
ive been doing a lot of thinking lately..about well the future. i realized that there are a lot of things right now that are up in the air that could affect things later on. and if things go the way they seem to be heading, i might be in trouble. i dont want to end up 'taking care' of people who should not be my responsibility to take care of. just because you did not realize that it is time to grow up and take care of things yourself doesnt mean that i should be the one there to take care of it for you. i want to be able to know that if something does happen, it wont always be me being the one to deal with it. and a part of me doesnt trust them to do it either. and its sad when other people dont get worried about these people til they realize that theres no one there to take care of them anymore. its sad in a way.
in the recent years i've started to realize that my parent's nonchalent way of taking care of us and their busy schedules were a blessing in disguise. they probably feel really guilty about it at times but now i kinda want to thank them. i know it was partly my own personality, but im really glad that i was forced out on my own...forced to deal with things. i think being exposed to stuff at a young age and the fact that i like this independent kick i get once in a while let me be better at this being older thing. i know i can be okay on my own. i get frustrated at people who cant seem to put their lives together. and im not saying that mine is perfect or even remotely stable and i do have the occational breakdown; but i cant deal with the people who cant even seem together for two seconds...people who cannot function even a little while on their own, people who meet up with a little bump in the road and simply think its the end of the world instead of merely dealing with it. i dont want to take care of you just cause you cant take care of yourself. sometimes you gotta actually face the wolves to learn how to fight them.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

sometimes you make me so sad...and you don't even know it.
out of the vein
i wonder if i am really able to handle this all. sometimes, and i know this is bad, i wonder what it would be like if it all didnt happen. would i actually be reading this psychology that never seems to get read? would i be in the livng room with my roomates more? would i be better adapted and perhaps happier in that respect than my current situation? i am happy. really happy but if it all didnt happen i wouldnt know how happy i could have been right? its like that movie.. where i think gwenyth paltrow has two life paths..sliding doors? well i actually never watched the movie so i could be totally wrong. im just wondering what if? and i just realied i shouldnt be wondering that and instead living in the now, but the question always manages to find a way back into my mental processes. i always think of all the options...i always weigh out every possibility. its engrained in me. even when i make seemingly rash decisions, the millions of possibilities and decisions have all been looked into in those few seconds. i dunno i think im just doubting everything righ tnow. reevaluating my life a bit. i get like this sometimes.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

diggin on you
petrina coming by this weekend was my little bit of home that i hd been yearning for. it was great just to catch up...just to sit there and not necessarily do anything and still be comfortable. i liked that lindsays friends were also over. i like that mallory finally got to stay a weekend instead of going home to work. i'm glad we all got to go dancing together and drunk together and be stupid together. it really has made a difference in my head. i am the only one out of the 7 people that were here this weekend to not be hooked on bust a move. and i really dont think i should get started.

there are so many things whizzing through my head right now. im almost dizzy. the blogging i guess will have to wait til i sort them out cause right now i dont even know what i know anymore.

flu shot tomorrow.

Sunday, November 16, 2003

you can affect people in so many different ways without you even knowing that you are.
-i didnt want you to feel that way and would have kept my mouth shut about it if i knew that that was what it would do. i wanted to tell you because i thought that you should know..just like all that stuff you wrote you wrote because you thought i should know.
-the bonds that are between us cannot be broken by a few measly miles. i personally didnt think anything was wrong. i wasnt mad that i didnt know. i didnt think that it was a sign of the impending doom of us. i thought that perhaps because we still talked all the time you just forgot you didnt tell us. i honestly spent like no time analysing that in my head and a lot more time than necessary wondering why if you didnt tell the three of us who did you think you told? lol cause its not like you told 15 and left out like told one person! lol. i just think its amusing thats all. and next time you feel like thigns are falling apart and you dont have enough hands to hold the pieces together while you wait for the superglue to dry, im always here. i know things arent ideal right now.. but think of all the changes you went through the last five years. things are never static and just when you think they are stuck, you find out theyre not. like who woudl have thought that it took us a good chunk of highschool to actually really find find eachother..
-i want to throw them all into a box and tape it up. i want to deal with them when im ready and able.
-is he gay or not? i cant quite tell...not that i will ever see him again. but he sure makes me wonder. do straight boys have tongue rings?
-i sometimes get so frustrated with her and it makes me feel sad. i cant help it but there are things that really get on my nerves but seem really petty and i cannot bring them oblivious.

Thursday, November 13, 2003

according to chinese horoscope rats and horses dont get along
i dont know how he does it. even from 300 kilometers away he still has this grip on me. i hate it. i hate it that even after all these years i'm still affected by it. i hate that even on msn i can hear his voice and hear his emotions and hear the underlying sarcasm and that strange way he says everything that makes me want to hit him and wonder why he had any friends growing up at all. i hate the fact that i am 19 years old and he can still make me cry. i hate the way he makes me feel like shit. i hate that after every conversation with him in person or not, all i want to do afterwards is crawl into bed and pull the covers over my head. no one should be able to do this to you. its so exhausting the mind games he plays. things may have gotten better since back then, but the issues that have always come between us are still there. he pretends like its okay...but that's all it is-pretending. you can tell by the way he phrases things or by the things he does. things aren't fixed.

he wanted a proper little girl. one who didnt scream, or run around, or did anything 'unfeminine'. children are supposed to be seen not heard would be one of his policies. her brother could run around...he was cute and doing what all boys did when he would crawl over people and accidentally poke them in the eye. she apparently was a dissapointment and well more of challange than he expected (you mean girls aren;t supposed to just want to sit there? i think it was a shock the first time i picked up a bug to show him). he simply wasn't ready for what he thought he was. the girl grew and eventually he got laid off. he was forced to stay at home with the two children. the weekend grocery shopping trips and dinner at home didnt seem so hard, but being a full time father was completely different. the fights started. the girl was stubborn just like her grandma...ironically his own mom. eventually he learned that kids involved more than just feeding and clothing them and things did get better, but he qucikly found that maybe he couldn't adapt quickly enough...the kids seemed to change way too fast.
as she hit her preteens, things turned ugly like in most famillies. she grew up in a westernized world he never had any idea of. her mom tried to tell HIM that girls dont stay in and cook and take care of the family here like his older sister did all those years ago. there was no need for that. and that just because she went out with her friends, it didnt mean she was a tramp gallavanting around town. her mom tried to tell HER that her change probably hit him pretty hard too since she went from the little girl who would be interested in computer games and who helped him to build bookshelves and who would hold his hand grocery shopping to suddenly independent and opinionated. turned out she was not the daughter he imagined or wanted in fact. it was made perfectly clear the night of grade 8 graduation. and yes she did many things to intentionally piss him off and there were months of not speaking to eachother and she was by far not perfect (there was even that one HUGE mistake), but this was a blow that even she was not quite ready for and still has not recovered from.

he still doesnt trust me totally... he says he does but its apparent in everything that he does or says. it would be different if he just said hey i dont trust you..cause then we could at least deal with it. but he hides it and does things that just seem unreasonable. the relationship has never had a chance to fix itself..and by the way things look it probably never will. he loves me.. im pretty sure. and sometimes i know he tries really hard. but its just so much harder to appreciate these things when all the other stuff is... well like this.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

i smell like pizza
i am finally settling into a routine...if you can call it that i guess. well its the closest thing to a routine that i have to establish yet. and i despite the fact that i need my life to be somewhat hectic and crazy all the time in order to not get bored, i still need that underlying routine to return to once i get tired; that i know will be there for me to crawl back too when i get scared. and no its not a routine in any sense of the word in a way because there is no schedule to be followed and i still dont know what i am doing a few hours from now...but i think i'm used to things around here now. im used to fighting for the laundry and know when i will most likely get it. i dont even get so frustrated with it any more. my long ass hell tuesdays dont even seem that bad anymore cause i have so many under my belt that that dont phase me. yes theyre still a pain but i know i can get through them cause i have. grocery shopping and going to the bank and liquor store seem more like normal activities instead of major inconviences. i have times set aside to just clean the mess that my room has accumulated that week or so.. so that i dont go crazy from the mess. things like that.. i dont know how to explain it exactly.. hmm.
petrina is coming.. not penta, not pete, not trina.. PETRINA is coming. lol :)

Sunday, November 09, 2003

jeremiah was a bullfrog
i dont know whats healthy for me anymore. sometimes i want to scream and just kinda leave it in the corner to fester on its own for a while. sometimes i dont want to deal. sometimes i dont know if im just over reacting. but i hold it in...trying to not cause another petty fight...trying to keep things 'good'. but holding it in is never the answer in my head, but i worry that it may be building..building up .

on another note: i was watching this thing on the life network about doctors without borders. and it really made me want to be a doctor...and not just a doctor but a doctor in bolivia or angola or something. just watching those kids faces made me want to help and be there and travel by rusty truck or days by boat just to get to them so th they wont die. but another part of me knows i would die. it knows i would be the first one to break under the pressure. it knows i cant handle the conditions. sigh.

Saturday, November 08, 2003

you know how when you feel a strong emotion, you feel it in your heart? when you miss someone or are heartbroken from one thing or another, there is this weird surge of something that paralyzes you for just a second and you feel it right in your chest. i want to know what causes this. what is exactly in pain right there? why do we feel it there? i know we all relate the heart to emotion, but really biologically, its just an organ there to pump blood. strange how when we feel strongly for something you actually do feel it in your heart in a way..werid.. but WHY?
i'm not alan...stop calling me
i didnt know i could grow so much in a day. there was something about today that made everything worthwhile; that made the crap okay. i woke up sleep deprived and grumpy, and knowingly grumpy too (i still have yet to determine whether it is worse or better than unknowingly grumpy..cause i hate it that everytime i say or do something, i wanna hit myself for being such a bitch). i showered and ate, all the while thinking about whether or not i could in fact make it into toronto, even though i had already resolvednot to go this weekend. at this point, i just wanted something to look forward to...something to get me out. needless to say, it had finally sunk in that the exam-physics of all subjects was today...and that i had a good chance of not doing so well. i went to my nine o'clock class and was incredibly restless in the chair; to a point where my back started to hurt from all my moving around and bad posture. jess honestly made all the difference today. i could not have done that last minute 5 hour study session without her..and the coffee..and the manchu wok (that we both had for the first time in years). and despite this day which consisted of 10 hours devoted to either a physics lecture, physics studying, physics tutorial, or physics exam, it was nice to get that feeling of finding someone that finally understands you...who you can talk to in noises like i talk to the people back home and who doesnt think im crazy for doing so...who knows that the last couple of hours while digesting dinner CANNOT be spent studying and must be spent doing frivilous (sp?) things such as watching downloaded episodes of that 70s show, but still knowing that in the last 20 minutes or so before the test, a quick review of the notes and equations is a must.
also got to know the roomie just a little bit better. feeling nothing but good vibes. and i like how even through the shitty days, a little light comes through. i like that i can still find the good stuff..i like it a lot.

Friday, November 07, 2003

kennedy road
these past few days have certainly been an experience. and well the spontaneous and-not-so-well thought out move i made certainly added to the craziness. i dont think he's ready for crazy ang just but it was nice, and i felt grown up. it may be bizarre, but in a way, it felt like my own place.. like we just always wake up and i go walk to get lunch for us and we sit and watch it was something we do everyday. and it was great getting to know the other side that no one sees. he's really cute with his brother. i can't help but have a perma-smile whenever i see them together. seeing him with his family makes me kinda want to have the same sorta connection in a way. i think i am finally seeing what i missed out on all these years. whether or not i actually make the effort is another thing entirely however. our families are made of different stuff. saw matrix three today, whcih was a pretty good movie, even depsite the fact tht i dont remember the first one and didnt see the second one. i secretly giggled to myself as he bought the tickets. it was just such a 'date' thing that i had yet to experience.
i know we both knew this wasn't going to be easy...but i also didnt quite expect it to be this hard. its strange but i think im falling for this boy..really falling. didnt think that run-away ang would say that huh? but im still looking for whatever it is that will ruin things to come along. not that im actively looking for it. i just realize that you know, this thing may not be forever...and that i choose to take it day by day. and its true, in many ways i am a commitmentophobe (i think i just made up another word..add it to the dictionary)

Sunday, November 02, 2003

funny how when you see or smell or experience some things, it reminds you SO much of someone else that it hurts to not have them there.

sometimes i have to just learn to deal with the fact that im gonna miss out on things. ive missed out on things before cause of work and i miss outbecause im in london.

no matter how stagnant things seem, theyre always just dont notice the change til later.. kinda like how the earth is always moving around the sun, but you dont notice it until you see the season change and whatnot... eww did i just relate somethign to science.. haha FREAK.

sometimes other people know what you need more than you do and you should just listen to them.

conversations had by pressing two separate phone receivers (or their equivalents) together are the best...especailly when its with my two.

Saturday, November 01, 2003

t-shirts in october
the true beauty of the campus cannot be appreciated until you clear out the tousands of people who wander through it on a daily basis and leave maybe about fifty, drifting about the streets. you only then begin to really notice the way the leaves have changed colours nd have fallen to the floor how they compliment the limestone of the buildings. the streets seem different and the familiar buildings are seen from a new pespective. they look older, more distinguished. even though my friday labs, which end at 5 are a pain in the butt, i appreciate that i can see campus cleared out this way every so often. its really different...really. so much so that the same path that i take everyday from the same building i have my lab in looked so different, for a second i almost took another way..because simply it wasnt the same to me. i started to wish i knew more photography and had an SLR i actually knew how to use. there are some pictures i want to take...crevices i want to explore i guess.. . im thinking that maybe i good 35mm loaded with black and white might suffice.