Thursday, January 31, 2002

friendships are like everything else in the world.. you gotta take care of them or else they rust and tarnish and break down. im not saying all friendships are high maintenance.. because they really shouldnt be..because its okay to leave and pop in once in a while... but if you dont try at all its a different thing.
so if you one day wake up and realize that everything is different. that you dont have any friends any more. many you should stop thinking of ways that they've changed so that you no longer can relate, and realize that they have only moved on when you were busy ignoring them.
maybe i shouldnt have said that.. now God will spite me *knocks on wood*
i am appreciative of how NOT complicated my life is right now. sure there's still lots of things going on. and lots of iffy situations.. but none of them are really the ones that keep you up at night.. cause i know basically what to do, or realize that someone else is in the same situation and can deal with me.
ive been having weird dreams.. all of them about me and my father fighting.. like real arguements about the stupidest things.. ive had about 5 of them on separate nights, all fighting, but over different things all equally stupid.

Tuesday, January 29, 2002

so yes, i spent the day wallowing in a pool of my own snot.. trying to make myself feel better with bowls of soup, cups of juice and the fresh fruit which my mom has forced upon me. i now have induced diabetes from all that sugar. but by dinner time, my appetite had come back and i ate like a cow.. i guess my body was trying to make up for the last four days
my sick day also means that i pushed back me tests once again and need to take my sph test tomorrow and have only one night to study for religion, which i totally think i cant do thanks to sam... if i fail, its all your fault!
im rested (its amazing how much i can actually sleep.. without any form of medication) and raring to go.. lol well maybe not quite.. i still have to act sick enough to get sunday off work.. hehehhehe

Sunday, January 27, 2002

it feels like i have some mutant form of the flu
its 6:30 and im up. why? because at around 4:30 my body decides that it cant sleep anymore.. which would make sense because i slept all day yesterday. in my mind, yesterday never happened and it is still really only saturday. i would literally get up and come downstairs for half an hour and then need to go back to be cause i was already exhausted. but then again, i guess watching lizzie mcguire really can take a lot out of a person.. someone please shoot muscles ache.. my head feels like its going to explode... my nostrils burn when i breathe.

Thursday, January 24, 2002

in another working rut once again... im going to QUEENS!! sooo excited.. i think thats partly what is distracting me.. can choose between two courses.. i dont like it when things are unsettled.. even if i dont really have to decide for another month.. it still stays in my mind and eats away. must go do law.. being on unit four is not good

Tuesday, January 22, 2002

did it work?
oh look at that.. i messed up my blog again

Sunday, January 20, 2002

Lion KIng was wicked! most amazing show! if it wasnt fdor the special effects and animals and other stage stuff, it might have been a little slow cause it was exactly like the video.. i was saying lines in my head before the actors spoke them. but they added some werid thing about scar wanting to make babies with nala.. yuck. the animals are amaing!! i want to be the big elephant! oh no! the giraffe!! yeah the giraffes were the greatest... either a giraffe or the person who helps simba get dressed...*drools* simba's got one hot body...
good friends.. good food.. burned my tongue on hot chocolate. quite subway ride home with an almost empty car... we were all soo tired.. reminded me of that coke commercial.. except the boys were not as great to look

Thursday, January 17, 2002

weird.. i just realized that women managers are bitchy whereas i like male managers.. hmm.. figure that one out
one of my managers is leaving. why do they always have to promote the good ones? yeah i know.. but he's the best manager we have and i dont wanna let him go. the one who puts on a pink woman's blazer (XXL and it was STILL busting at the seams) just because we tell him to and walks around the store with his arms flailing about because he looks like an overgrown monkey in a little suit (you know the ones with the cymbals and the little hat? or is it an accordian?) hes the one who joins in with us when we talk about how ugly the clothes are and say they are gap rejects... hes the one you actually WANT to work for.. and now hes gone.. why couldnt they take one of the bitchy women?

Tuesday, January 15, 2002

im done my english essay!!!! well the draft.. but theres not much more writting after the draft is done !! so ha!!! yay me!!
i made a big boo boo on my sph test.. just realized when i got home..

Sunday, January 13, 2002

my new favourite thing in the world? Stat holiday pay!!! getting money for doing absolutely nothing is GREAT!!! I feel so rich after finally getting all my holiday pay.. i feel like they should put me in a new tax bracket... hahahaha
too bad half of it went to pay my taxes... dammit.. how much of it can i get back?

Saturday, January 12, 2002

my mom likes the flowers i got her. i came home today and found her re-rearranging them. i think my dad is jealous. or soemthing else is wrong. he hasnt spoken to me since. or maybe im just paranoid
had a wonderful time was quiet, but i think i prefered it that way.. too tired to do anything big
i appreciate:
-practical strangers who let me to their houses to watch tv and to play (or try to play) foosball, or as they call it 'gitz'
-boys who are patient with me and my lack of hand-eye co-ordination
-friends who are willing to go outside looking around a parking lot to look for a cell phone which you thought was lost
-friends who are willing to call it 5 times hoping we'll hear it ring
-friends who are willing to drive you home even when its in the middle of nowhere, just so you can stay out for the night with them
-warm, cheesy pizza with dipping sauce shared with a small group of friends
-my new free telus mobility calendar.. the one with all the animals from their commercials!!
-people who dont get jokes until 5 minutes after they happen and then laugh hysterically at it
-the person who didnt understand the whole "focker" joke in Meet the Parents until halfway through the movie

Thursday, January 10, 2002

i think ive developed some sort of a bond with macisaac or at least an understanding... its weird..i remeber how much i hated her in grade nine. and now i actually thnk shes a wicked person. and i think she likes me too. cant really explain it though... but then again, maybe im speaking too soon. we were walking int he hall the other day, just talking! about exemptions, how everything was messed up at the begining of the year and about how the grade 12s have sort of been forgotten this year :OACs are important because they are going to university, grade 9-11 have new cirriculum with 'bugs' to work out. she's actually interesting in seminars and i learn lots.

was talking to someone today and told them how much i actually liked physics and actually understood it. he said that engineering was a possibility. i never really considered it before.. kinda just dismissed it. what is engineering exactly anyways? but its only grade 12 hard can that be compared to actual engineering?

Wednesday, January 09, 2002

teachers shouldn't destroy something you really thought you would be interested in. dont they know that their opinion can sometimes mean the world to me? i mean if i think i can do it, why shouldnt i at least try? why would a teacher of all people disparage my academic aspirations? there is no reason why i shouldnt be able to... you can't tell me i can't do it, because that shouldn't be in your job description. but everytime i seek advice, its like hitting a brick wall. its damn discouraging.

Saturday, January 05, 2002

i just stubbed my foot.. not my FOOT on a freakin slab of wood. its numb with pain.

Thursday, January 03, 2002

Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz

im begining to think no matter what you answer, you will get these ugly lips
had a jolly good time with the new webcam.. still waiting for nicole to finish downloading her file!!!! damn our slow connection!! sad thing is,.. im not even sure it is worth the wait
i cant do poetry.. i just cant.. can anyone tell me what those two sonnets were about???
i am sleepy.... ive been eating wayyyyy too much... i should be doing homework....i hate law..... hate it with a passion...... runner up is chem... one more day of work.....hey! jimmy the greek for me!!! here comes the food again..... help me