Tuesday, August 30, 2005


I've been looking at photos from the new orleans area and I am floored by it all. Houses totally flattened or imersed in water up to the rooftops..Big ass buildings moved and reloacted miles away from its original sites. I can't imgine having everything wiped out like that...my life...all the keepsakes that can never be replaced. I'm very thankful for the people in my life....The people who I thought about potentially losing who made me get teary-eyed. It's crazy...and amazing the people in the photographs can still smile.

don't knock it til you try it

In an instant I was an ipod convert. I never understood what was so great about those little things and why everyone wanted to get their hands on one so badly. Not that its remarkably unique (its a fricken mp3 player for goodness sakes) or that it's necessarily worth the uber dollar, but it is nice to have around. It reminds me of when I was so against having a cell phone. It was like a wireless umbilical cord allowing my parents to find me whenever they pleased...not that it stopped me from lying to them. You wouldn't know my past resentment towards a cell phone now. I LOVE the thing. It's become a dependence that I'm kind of ashamed of. I actually get a little nervous at first if I accidentally leave it behind at home for a day. So needless to say the little green iPod is with me most of the time; all the time when I'm on public transit. It's still only just over half full. I'm thinking it was a better choice than the pricier 1G sony one I was also eyeing. Luke is slowly turning me into a gadget geek...sorta...okay not at all. BUT, I do sometimes stop and wonder what I DO know because of him. I can pick out a nintendo ds from a mile away in a lecture hall while the girls sitting beside me have no clue what it is looking upclose. Times like that I realize that I probably wouldn't known either. And I'm pretty sure if it wasn't for him, I would still be listening to the ol' cd player or the (always interesting) 'sounds of the nugget' as I like to call them. In conclusion, I'm hooked.

Monday, August 22, 2005

here comes the sun

It finally feels like summer. No homework...no exams. Too bad its only for a few weeks.

Finished the weekend birthday bonanza that was me and yoyo's birthdays. Luckily we decided to switch birthdays this year otherwise that outdoor movie thing would have been quite interesting in the hail and the tornado warnings and all.

Speaking of the crazy storm that hit our area...I'm glad to say that I wasn't really caught up in it all on friday. Luckily for me, I sought refuge at Luke's house down the street and the raining had mostly stopped by the time I got off. After seeing those pictures of trapped buses lined up and cars half sumerged in water, it is almost a miracle how I was not affected at all being a routine commuter. It didn't even affect the birthday plans afterwards. Place was fine and everyone expected to come, came. I'm one lucky duck I am.

Karaoke turned out to be HILARIOUS. It could have gone either way in my mind. So the last minute, night-before decision to do this was a good thing afterall. Thanks packie for your help in telling everyone while I was at work. There's no videoclips or pictures up cause I'm not fancy like that, but if you want to see just let me know.

Dropped by a house party after yoyo's movie night and saw some people I haven't seen all summer...actually some I haven't seen in a long while. Who knew that Sean Lennon would still pop in sporatically in my life. It was nice.

I'm waiting for my ipod mini. 5 days doesn't seem like a long time to wait for soemthin to ship in, but ohh man I want it NOW.

AND thanks everyone for coming out and making it special and thank you for the presents and drinks and everything else :) I don't feel like birthdays call for celebrating anymore, but I do like the excuse for us all to get together and have some fun.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Back from the camping weekend.

A little sun burnt and bitten but all and all a great break from the ordinary. What could have been a very interesting weekend turned out to be drama free despite all the potential for it. I can't say that I'm not a little surprised, but I'm glad for those that were there and as well as myself that things went the way they did.
I went out to 'swim' for the first time in years. It's been probably almost 10 years judging from the last time I actually owned a bathing suit. They tried teaching me, but I think I'm too afriad of the water in my face to be comfortable enough to swim longer than three strokes. And seeing how I'm around water practically never, I'll never really learn how to swim, but I've also kind of accepted that. I'll lump it with the un-coordinated, unathletic part in me.
I saw my first shooting star. The clouds parted just enough for me to catch it.
I loved the corn Jacsen and I got from that farmer's market. It was soo sweet. Suspiciously sweet. Maybe even too sweet.
Having the tent to ourselves was nice. Lotsa space and lotsa late night talks and lotsa cuddling. I liked the 'love shack'....lol.
Tried to get back to Toronto as soon as I could so that I could get downtown with Luke to catch a friend's premiere screening of a movie his production company made. I know Jac sen didn't quite understand my rush, but every minute counted and really, would he have preferred me to just stand there and stare? I would have been uber sad if I had missed it. I'm not gonna be going to the L.A or New York film festivals. One chance kind of deals.
We have so much food left. I dont know why there was so much leftovers...

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

strawberry shortcakes, huckleberry pie

and with the completion of my english course comes the start of my summer. I can't wait til I can just sit on my butt with nothing to do again. Well there's never ever really nothing to do...but you know..nothing pressing.