Monday, August 30, 2004

sofas and stairs

it's starting to actually feel like home.

Sunday, August 08, 2004


my mom was never one of those bake cookies, make sure you're okay kind of moms. not to say that there is anything wrong with that i guess... but it kinda just pisses me off when she expects certain things from me. she makes it seem as though i was some horrible kid..(edit: still AM some horrible kid) that somehow no matter how much she tried or did, she could never please me.
i don't need her to be there constantly doting over me, i would never ask for that. but it would just be nice to know that when i come home i can get fed, even if it's leftovers, and not have to worry about groceries and whatnot when im living with capable adults who are still technically raising another child at home other than me. no one cooks here. what the fuck do they eat?
i also don't want her to be complaining about my mess, when she's off making her own. yes my room is disgusting, with clothes and shopping bags strewn on the floor. but i bet you if you ask me where anything is, i can tell you the general vicinity of where it is...even if it is buried under a week's worth of laundry. don't tell me to pick up my shit when i have to sit in yours.
i know i'm far from being the perfect daughter. i know i really should spend more time at home and come home at decent hours. i know sometimes i spend too much money for my own good. but dammit, it's my own money, its not like i'm spending yours. i haven't asked you for anything more than shampoo and bus tickets over the past 4 years. and it's not as though i'm doing anything at 2 in the morning other than sitting on my ass in someone's house. and i'm sure i could be doing more things around the house IF i was home, but really, telling me the thousands of ways i did whatever it was wrong, isn't going to make me want to do it any more. if it's not one thing, she'll complain about another.
on another note: cow capes are the shit. my boyfriend would look great in one...standing in his shopping cart and all. whooosh.