Saturday, December 21, 2002

so i wrote a whole big thing here last week, buts its all gone because blogger broke and i didnt feel like writting it again.. so here's another rant.

why do i get myself involved in all these things? why do i seem to care so much when it doesnt directly affect me? why do i let what's going on in other people's lives shake me up? There's been a lot of demented chaos around me and a lot of bitterness, confusion, and stupidness to boot. i need to get away from it all because it's really bad for me. its making me bitter and mean and... it just doesnt feel good. i think its time for some me time

Friday, November 15, 2002

i was going through my envelope of warm and fuzzies again when i got home. i've decided that's what everyone needs - a package of love. something they can carry with them wherever they go. something to remind them of where they've been and of all the people who have supported them and continue to do so along the way. something that they can open up when they're down and need a pick-me-up or just because..
i wanted to put actual thought into these warm and fuzzies, but a lot of them just turned out to be half-assed letters, desperatly telling people how much they mean to me..but really, that little sheet of paper, and the 5 seconds given to us to write them counldnt do anyone justice. there were envelopes i could have filled by myself if i were given the time, because there was just that much to say.
it's been so long since i have last written i here, it actually feels weird. that oac retreat was just what i needed, and i didnt even know it. everyone needed to just let it all out.
everyone needed to be reminded of how much they are loved
everyone needed to be shown that even though some of us have only exchanged a few words in the last 4 years, we're still connected in a way
everyone needed to collectivly let out their anxieties, feelings, and thoughts, because in the end, we found out that we're not so different afterall.
everyone needed to say what was on their minds
everyone needed to see mcmorrow's hair that night during the
we've all carried eachother through the years, whether we've known it or not.
this is going to be the fastest 7 months in the world.
thank you

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

its weird how even though you know something is gonna eventually happen, when it does, it doesnt come as a surprise but still effects you? it's weird, but it seems as though i've been in a soap opera episode the last couple of weeks.. or at least a eventful tv show.
there have been so many ups and downs, times of joys, and times where i would just sit and wallow.
a lot has happened . heres a breif update:
-stuff has been going on.. and well, but what effects others, effects me. (i have also realized that i dont know when to use effect and affect..i thought i knew.,. but wow writing that just got me all confused.) its surprising to see how much crap people are actually dealing with on a day to day basis..relationships are tough, and i dont meanjust the boyfriend/girlfriend type.
-i've been working like a dog.. two jobs, which also means basically never seeing my house. i haven't been eating properly.. cause well there's no time.. but that's all gonna be over soon, so its okay.
-my mom is actually letting me to go montreal, which was a surprise..but there is no one else to share the bus with.. so now the dilemma is, do i wanna sit on the bus with a stranger and pay more for it? but montreal is so worth it..i dunno.. we'll see.
-went through university info books and decided what i wanted to do with my life-about a thousand different times. turns out i wanna be a microbiologist/immunobiologist doctor with a degree in pharmacology, who during her spare time does work relating to genetics and is an obstetrician on the side. i would throw in a bit of biochemistry or biophysics, but i dont know what they are yet.. so basically, i still dont know what im doing, but by the sound of it, western and u oft dont make you choose first year anyways.. willread more info books later.. do you think i can get mcgill to send me one of theirs?
-this stupid sac dance is taking up more time than i anticipated.. arg.. why oh why..
-i'm sick.. and when i'm sick, i'm a big sorry.
-my dad is mad atme again.. i wonder why i even try cause it gets me no where.. but as vanessa says, "we;re 18 and should be used to it by now" and i am, which sometimes makes me worry.
- i think i should start packing in some volunteer time.. but im so not willing to sacrifice the hours. ugh
-$15,000x 4 yrs = $60 000 yikes and i still wont be done school by then.
-should get ready for horrid sac trip that i payed wayy to much for considering i'm only spending one night there.. but on the brighter side of things, i'm only spending one night there!
-need to exchange money and get insureance for new york trip.. exchange rate is shitty though.. but next week, will drive to the bank and get this all done,, also showing father that i dont need his help afterall, i am self sufficient woman. did i tellyouhow mad he was when he found out i got myself insured for the car when he refused to do it for me? haha it was great. (note: must also learn to do taxes, just because i dont want HIM doing it. who wants to teach me?)
-also had great fun at korean BBQ
-developing distaste for a certain new teacher...

Sunday, September 29, 2002

hey you guys.. message from yoyo:

I just created a webspace on msn for Mary Ward OAC's!
there's a message board and a chat room!
so feel free to go there whenever you are bored and post stuff about life, music, school or whatever. Chances are there will be other ppl on and you can chat with them as well!!
here's the link
new 'bag' from the Bay..............................$1.79
cake to surprise a friend............................$1.85
my portion of the pizza..............................$2.25
bus fare to and from Downtown..................$5.00
socks from jacob.......................................$19.27
gas for the car..........................................$22.50
pilates book from Chapters........................$25.11
clothes from Old Navy...............................$52.79
a weekend filled with friends...................priceless

hehee i know, that was cheesy

Monday, September 23, 2002

so i went to work today at the store, hoping that somehow the managers working would be the ones who didn't know about the other job, because simply, i was too confused to be ready to have a conversation about it..but both were there. i managed to avoid the subject the whole night, almost thinking that maybe since they never got a call for references, they just assumed i didnt get it, or perhaps they had somehow forgotten altogether. but as we were closing, tom says to me, "so about that thing that we talked about the other night, what's going on with that?" i felt my heart sink.. so i told him what was going on. i told him that i wanted to come back for christmas because even though it was hell, it was one of the best times of the year as well. i asked when they would be doing the seasonal hiring so i would come back and reapply. He looked at me and said, "come back any time, there will always be a job for you here." and even though he may not have fully meant it, to me, he seemed truly sincere, and for some reason it meant the world to me.

Saturday, September 21, 2002

wow i'm so tired
so i just got back from a bbq, which eventually had to be moved into my friend's dinning room because it was thunderstorming.. lol but despite all the fun, it really made me think. now that i sort of have two jobs (well at least during the next week, while the doctor 'sees' how everything works out) of course im debating which one i should take if in fact i do end up with two. the office job yes is a new experience.. and yes it pays more... but am i really ready to give up old navy yet? it's really not that bad.. my managers are awesome and the rest of the staff gets along so well.. and i like doing cash! at the office its the same old 4 people. although the dentist assistant people are relatively young.. but not young enough for me to hang out the same time, i think that the only reason why i'm so reluctant to leave is BECAUSE i'm comfortable at the store. it was so overwhelming today... and to think that i still don't know how to do half the stuff i'm supposed to... the previous secretary assistants got fired becuase they weren't performing up to their expectations.. what makes them think that i can? i mean these people couldnt have possibly been stupid. and the office is a longer bus ride.. and who knows i might not even get it cause i dotn speak chinese.. i dunno..i'm so confused and thise whole entry is a whole bunch of ramblings...

Thursday, September 19, 2002

so i just had the most awkward conversation with my manager.. how do you explain exactly that you need a reference but still manage to not offend the store cause you might be leaving? i explained how i loved working there..i explained how i wanna come back for christmas even if i get the job.. i explained how it was last minute (which is why i called at 1030 at night)... i lied and said there were three other girls running for the position, thereby decreasing my chances..
worst thing is, i had to explain it to two managers cause the one that picked up wanted to know why i couldnt deal with her.. bur i need a change.. things have been stagnant for a while.

Monday, September 16, 2002

I, like everyone else is feeling swamped.. even before the work has really started. its so hard to believe that the third week of school is already here.. and what do i have to show for it? it's not like i'm doing anything about it either. i mean i work at it and all, but not as much as i should. i realized this weekend how much my work habits have changed.. it's not necessarily a bad thing mind you because i can still get it all done.. juts makes me think that's all.

Sunday, September 15, 2002

i'm feeling like one of those jealous girlfriends... and it sucks.. it sucks even more that i'm not even a
i love these people.. but when they're there.. people act differently and i dont like it.
i don't know what's wrong with my computer.. it hasn't been letting me into hotmail... then i set up a yahoo account and it works, for a day, and then i cant login anymore.. why am i sucking?

Saturday, September 07, 2002

and it starts once again
so as another school year begins, as always, ang is making her life more complicated than it really has to be. i hate courses. i never know which ones to choose. it's like this every year- i just write them all downonthe sheet and wait until the next year to really decide. but now im stuck (yes, this is exactly like the big avn/sph debacle of last year). mag or gwi? i really dont wanna take mag.. i really dont.. i have a lot on my plate already and another math is not going to help. BUT i may need it. i dont know. i dont think i do, but its the MAYBE that worries me. i wish i knew what the hell i am doing with myself. so you would htink that the answer is now obvious but i actually kinda like world issues and it'llbring up my average this year too.. and plus, it'll be a good break from all the math and sciences i will have this year. the other option is to actually do all 6 courses, two of which are ap, sac and the job (and somewhere in there was also a slight ambition to start up with yearbook again or possibly newspaper).. but i really dont feel like i can do all of that and NOT fail and continue to have a social life.. my one glimmer of hope and possible mantra? jess did it and more, so why the hell can't i?

Monday, September 02, 2002

goodbye summer
so this is it. once i go to bed, summer's over. it's back to classrooms, units, using full and complete sentences.. lol
my brain doesn't know how to function anymore... and suddenly it will be hit with bio and math and kopach.. how will i deal?

Saturday, August 31, 2002

i apologize to the people reading this.. i know i havent been posting at all, and when i do, it's garbage that no one understands. i too get frustrated when i come on and there is nothing new to read on other people's blogs, so i understand. it's just that i don't feel the need to write here anymore. maybe i'm growing out of it too.. but i think i'll keep it around because afterall, school is starting up once again, and i may need to turn back to this. i did a lot of stuff this summer, gained some independence, wasted some money, spent a lot of time with friends; made new bonds and reaffirmed old ones. most importantly, i grew significantly as a person, or at least I think so. i feel more self-assured. i feel more grown up. i feel different. it's good, i like it. i got a lot of things outta the way this summer.. things i have been waiting for what seems like forever for. i feel more grown up i guess. wow... ang grown up. lol
i can't believe summer is over. wow. so many things happened. i can't even believe it myself. sigh.. tomorrow crepes?

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

so that's it.. my french boy has gone. who's up for renting a room at a certain hotel so that i can secretly stalk him? lol.. okay maybe a little too far there.

Saturday, August 24, 2002

you know you've been spending too much time with black people when... you're a little asian girl who says things like "tough" or "we'll reach ____". hahaha. (disclaimer: although this may sound incredibly racist, i dont mean this in any racist way. this is for those of you reading this who really dont know me that well) I've been spending a lot of time with people from work lately, especially these two guys who live by me. i've never really had friends who were close enough that i could just drop by anytime like this before, other than jaxs's house of course. i've been seeing them wayy too much.. lol every day almost. no matter what we do during the day, somehow at night, we see eachother. it's kinda nice just walking around my neighbourhood, or sitting on the porch with pop, or just haning out in the streets. it may seem simple, but hey, i've never done this before. like tonight, i got a drive home from a friend who went out of his way to drive me home so i wouldn't get raped. we ended up just eating ice cream on my lawn.. mmm hagen dazs. tomorrow? helping someone pick out a birthday present for his girlfriend.. hehehe me and a bunch of football jocks at STC.. hehehe.

Wednesday, August 21, 2002

Happy Birthday to Me
If one word could describe my day today, it would be love. i felt SOO loved. it makes me smile just thinking about it. I have awesome friends.. and they all went out of their way today to make me feel like a princess. my girls came out fro lunch with me- jaxs, petrina and vanessa.. after a bit of catching up, shopping and eating incredibly sweet cake at my house, jaxs and i went to yoyo's house. it was stupid fun, but fun nonetheless. they ordered pizza and surprised me with ice cream cake. then a visit to a few friends/coworkers in my area with a late-night delivery of cake. lol Thank you guys and everyone that called. and thanks soo mucho jaxs

Saturday, August 17, 2002

that is all i have to say.

Thursday, August 15, 2002

spent yesterday with nicki and everyone and slept over too. having everyone there wasn't so great. it was nice when they left and we got a chance to talk. poor yoyo and emmanuel must have wanted to hit both of us. its nice to get some things off your chest.
also went on date with jaxs and saw sexy sammy at work. johnny likes to hit on her... hahahah poisoned work environment..

Tuesday, August 13, 2002

btw.. my cousins are finally gone!!! now ang can have some fun
soo guess what?!?!?!?! i got my G2!!!!
yeahbaby! finally conquered it! however, i barely passed. i seriously didnt think i would. i did SOO many things wrong. but yeah i passed. hehe now waiting for that insurance to kick in

Saturday, August 10, 2002

vanessa!!! i still dont know how to park and will have no time to until the morning before my test.. maybe the night before.. lol
if anyone has 5-6 free tomrrow evening, come visit me cause i'll have nothing to do at work.

went to niagara falls today with the family. it was gross. we were there early and it was still kinda cold out. we got soaked by the 'mist' from the falls, which seemed more like a rainstorm than simple mist. i don't know what was in that mist but we were left feeling sticky afterwards.. makes you wonder doesnt it? i don't like long car rides. i don't like waking up at 7:00 on a non-school day. i dont like crowds of people. i dont like smelly tourists (even though i am technically considered one of them). i don't like the hot sun beaming down on me while i still feel sticky with mist residue. but the conversations with my little cousins and the stupid things we did made it worth all the hassle.

Thursday, August 08, 2002

when i daydream, i set myself up for failure. i always hope for the best and convince myself that something, which has no way of occuring will, and then when it doesn't happen, i get upset. STOP BEING SUCH A LOSER ANG!!!

been really busy latley with family being down and all. i sorta feel guilty for not being around enough but really, if i were around them more, they would not want me around becase i would be in a miserable and foul mood. i need breaks. i need money. i need the company of people outside of my house.
um vanessa, our test is really really REALLY soon.

Tuesday, August 06, 2002

jason and karen meets old navy
i took my cousins shopping yesterday. i told them i would get them each an old navy outfit and that we would pick out their clothes. They said that they knew they would look cool because they have a cool cousin (lol) and their mom wouldn't be allowed to come in.
I want to have children just so that i can dress them up. i dont want any of the responsibilities, i just want to take them shopping for outfits. future career? We had to go into the change room a couple of times because i had picked up totally wrong sizes for them.. (i was an old navy failure) and the boys selection was somewhat limited, which wasn't helped by the fact that jason is a picky dresser.. but it was nevertheless sooo fun. i got karen a knee length denim skirt with a light blue and white striped rugby top and jason antique washed painter jeans with a t-shirt.. they were soo cute. i'll post a picture of them later. i changed them before we went to see their mom. she didnt even recognize (which gives me an idea if i ever want to be a serial kidnapper when i grow up). french boy was there in the kids' section. he wasn't the most helpful, but he tried. it was cute. he spoke french to karen and jason and even though i didnt know what the hell he said, i wanted to fuckin' melt into one big, liquidy, (and hopefully for my sake) sexy blob.. sigh

Sunday, August 04, 2002

just taking a few minutes to catch up with everyone while my cousins are getting washed up for bed. wow. i never realized how anti-kids i can be. i can deal with them for only a few hours before i want to pull mu hair out. i have a new respect for those who have to deal with those brats on a daily basis and for hours on end (ie: teachers, camp counsellors, etc.). its so.. soo.. draining.

umm is anything happening for petrina's birthday? cause i have the day off.. call me in the evening sometime and tell me.

what have i been up to? nothing really out of the ususal. ive been at work a lot.. and im sorta relieved.. work's a lot less stressful and plus i get paid (bonus!lol) but yeah a week or so of fun family ness.. im sorta scared.. lol

Friday, August 02, 2002

just got back from jaxs' birthday dessert with a couple of ladies i have not seen for a while. she called while i was washing the kitchen floor (chinese people have weird obsession with cleaning house from top to bottom when people come by) so i wasnt sure if i could leave because i stillhad to wax it. Dessert was fun, full of girlish gossip and it was just nice to see my sams again. i am soo tired, but i cant go to sleep or else crepes/waffles, whipped cream, ice cream, strawberry and chocolate sauces will go straight to thighs. lol also, i have to finish cleaning my room. my cousins are coming down and well i'm working all day tomrrow and plan to go to spammabanna in the evening soo.. i dont have time to de-grossify my room for them except for right now. do you think they'll mind seeing a pile of underwear on the floor when they open the closet? it is clean afterall.. they can push it aside to put their suitcases down..

Thursday, August 01, 2002

i think i'm sick from mark and bethany's chilli... either that or its from eating so much swiss chalet and cake for jaxs' birthday today..because it can't possibly be the cookies nicki and i made yesterday.. we are simply too martha stewart-y to poison ourselves.
yesterday was awesome. it was one of those impromptu get togethers. we made chilli and baked cookies and talked and played monopoly.. lol it was the greatest

today surprised jaxs for her birthday..even though she probably already knew it was coming. lol we tried.. and it was us, and like always, we freaked HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAXS!!!!

Wednesday, July 31, 2002

wow that performance was... somewhat lacking
why is it taking olp so long to show up on kraig kilborne? dont they know i'm getting sleepy?
my self-indulgent bitch
i'm kinda surprised at how insecure i have been lately - insecure with my body image, insecure with my sense of self, insecure with what i am becoming. but really, i should have expected this, because like clockwork, it comes every year as my birthday approaches and i dont know why... but for some reason this year, it came a bit earlier than before. i guess its a time where you kinda look back and see what you have done.. see what's wrong and needs to be fixed, basically take stock of my life. it's not that i'm unhappy, because i like how everything turned out.. i like my friends, i like my accomplishments, i wouldnt really change anything.. well there could always be a few minor adjustments in a few areas (and if you know me well enough, you'll know

i've never been one to worry too much about how i looked... i would see girls with their leggy, toned, slim figures or watch britney spears flaunt her abs and seductive hour-glass figure and like any other girl, i wished that i could look more like that, but then quickly got over it. i wouldnt ever starve myself or anything simply because i didn't care about it all that much. i was okay with who i was. but lately i can tell that i'm more fixated on these things; not to a point of where i am depriving myself, but i'm begining to notice that i care more. i look at myself in the mirror more and stress about how certain things fit or wonder why i'm not proportioned the way i want to be. it hasn't just been a physical thing either. i'm starting to find that certain things i do are really annoying and wonder how anyone could have endured them for so long. i see certain habits or parts of me that are really ugly and that i dont like and want to change. i start to think more about the way i act and how these actions are seen and taken by others. and while all of this is going through my head, i am having the greatest time with everyone, which makes me wonder how i can be so happy, yet so disappointed.

Monday, July 29, 2002

went out for a bite afterwork with some people. It was a nice change from the faces I see everyday..even though i do kinda see them often. It's kind of surreal when you begin realizing how small the world really is. You find out how close people were to you, without you even knowing it all those years ago and you look back and wonder why you were never friends before. I think they think my dad is racist.. or super crazy because i wouldnt let them into my house.. lol i dont want him seeing my friends, its awkward. They even knew the boy next door, who i have never spoken a word to for the ten years i was living here. But today, while we were all sitting doing nothing in the car, the next door boy comes onto my driveway and totally says hi to my friend.. and i think to myself.. wow.. i wonder if my next door neighbour even knew i existed before this moment.
They brought out a different side of me. one that i didn't really like. It's not that I was totally different from what i normally am, because if this had all happened a week ago, i wouldnt have mind. its just because of recent revelations i guess you can call them. hmmmm...

Sunday, July 28, 2002

had extremely weird conversation with friend last night.. i can't remember that last time i was so uncomfortable. however, it did clear the air and it turned out okay, so in the end i guess it was good that it happened? it kinda gave me a lot to think about - how i see people, how i see them seeing me, how i treat other people and act around them.. how do you change without people noticing that you've changed?
anyways, girl day with petrina turned out great! we got so much done in one day. i even got a dress for the wedding in september and possibly a semi dress. its really pink and with flowers, and even though semi is usually very formal and dark, i think im gonna try and pull it off.. i'll be the spring princess amidst all the dark winter people.. lol we'll see, it was only 20 bucks.. also got a shirt (it was a little more expensive though).. anyone wanna pay for it??.. it'll be like my birthday present.. lol okay fine dont.
we went to nine different places today.. it was nice, although dorky fun.. need to get my pictures developed. i;ve had this roll for about a month, which is a long time for me... lol
i'm off almost all week this week!!! monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday!!!! hehehehe but then two 9 hour shifts following that.. ugh!!

Saturday, July 27, 2002

hurrah! have made plans for tomrrow with petrina, who i have not seen recently. and tonight, although i thought i was doing nothing, turned out to be an adventure, albeit a tiny one. so i go out for dessert, with yoyo and frances and KENJI! yes KENJI!! so if you know me, we already have some sort of idea what kind of an adventure it was. was it wrong for me to consider not going just because he was going to show up? was it wrong for me to make a smart alec remark after everything he said? was it wrong for me and yoyo to exchange knowing glances after every one of his annoying gesture or comment make by one of us, oozing with hidden meaning? no, because i was good. it could have been a lot worse. but it wasnt too too bad, despite the fact that i may have looked like i wanted to make myself so small that i would magically disappear (according to a certain someone).. hahah thank you

Friday, July 26, 2002

wow, everything i planned to do is now changed.. hmm.. oh well
tomrrow's petrina and ang day: coldplay ticket getting via internet, getting petrina's b-day present, sandy lion sticker factory (yes we are SUCH kids), swiss chalet, visit jeanette?
what started as a draining day, which left me feeling unappreciated, over looked, and taken for granted...turned around later that night and slowly left me feeling loved and treasured. funny how things work out.

Thursday, July 25, 2002

i wanted to get one of those digital fridges.. but i can't register... its can anyone figure out how to get a new account? i dont think they are taking any new users.. boo

-ice cream date with mr. robinson.
-shopping with lis
-yoyo's house
-dinner with lis chez ang?
-tennis with jaxs and lis and luke?
- a visit to shoppers to see a special someone (jeanette)?

-friday night date with petriners?
-sleep over?

-coldplay ticket getting? (i'm not even sure if i wanna go)
-day dedicated to correspondence. since im not going to the debooze, might as well be productive and make sam proud.
i needed today. thank you jeanette, sam, and brendan. but maybe without the annoying world youth day people. the hot ones can stay though.. lol

Monday, July 22, 2002

sometimes people frustrate me so much. and really, its not even their fault, because they are probably just acting normal, and i am probably just being really sensitive. even the little things in normal everyday conversations, that i know wouldn't normally bug me, drive me insane. it may be just because this past while has been really emotionally straining, i'm just irritable because i haven't slept well the last few nights, or the fact that my period is coming. nevertheless, i need a break from certain people and i need to get out more with the people i havent seen in a while - this sounds bad, but sort of like a rotation of friends.

the good news: found out this week that the girl i dont like is leaving. was able to have a long conversation with french boy. a certain ass didnt get the job. also made manager proud of me cause i was in the denim shop on saturday and our top selling item was bootcut jeans (i'm pretty sure she previously thought i was a selling failure).
the bad news: yes i'm good at selling, FOR THAT ONE DAY. but manager does not understand and that one day of success has landed me permanently in women's denim and away from my beloved cash register. there could also be another reason for the change, maybe i did something incredibly wrong and they had to move me somewhere (my paranoid thoughts at work but both situations are still bad, perhaps one more than the other, now that i think about it.. lol).
the possible solution(s): as i sorted through the piles of hell today, i was contemplating what would result if i just talked to my manager. i wanted to ask her exactly why i got booted off of cash island. was also thinking about updating resume and submitting it to shoppers, where it is cash all day, every day but the people working there are not as awesome.

yeah well, lets just say that this isnt happening.. lol
but do appreciate sam for trying to motivate me.

realtionship with family unit improving. its probably because we spend so little time together, that we do nothave time to get on eachother's nerves. it works and i'm fine with sticking to what works.

-am incredibly mad at myself for lack of g2 and the fact that i dont have parents that stay up past 11.
-have found that if you add sugar covered raisins to anything, i will eat it, even bran flakes.

Thursday, July 18, 2002

you think everything is going great and suddenly it hits you. and no, it doesn't really affect you personally, but it still hurts. it's one of those things that makes you grounded once again from whatever high you were just on.

and although i was wondering why it took so long for me to find out, he called me himself and told me and wanted to do this, and wow.. something has got to be said for that, because if i were in his shoes i would hope that my friends would magically know what to do cause i sure wouldnt.

Tuesday, July 16, 2002

im shaved, and pumiced and buffed. i am soft and i got more of the moisturizer i really like. i'm 150 dollars poorer thanks to alana, but i really dont mind that much. i got my very first eye makeup compact (with four shades of colours).. and still dont know what to do with it.. but intend to one day find out. i ate like a high-class working mother: druxy's pasta salad and a smoothie from cultures. i got my mall discount card (yay me). i got a raise. still wondering if i should go to shoppers where all i have to do EVER is cash instead of trying to be friendly and helping people... ugh. am excited for wednesday full of semi-hall exploring and dinner with my graduates!

Saturday, July 13, 2002

good bbq at emmanuel's last night. wasn't anything big or incredibly exciting, just nice to see everyone together again. it was funny and i realized how much i missed everyone together like that. like when we found out no one really knew how to use the BBQ, we all thought we did, but never actually used a charcoal one before and everyone was just adding lighter fluid and charcoal and matches.. lol.. lets just say there were flames.. and billowing smoke.. not enough to start a serious fire, but enough for us all to stare at it and think uh oh.. yesterday's realization: i'm not a bad football thrower (most of the time) i can't get a lot of distance, but my football sprials and goes straight and everything!! was a proud and sporty moment for ang.. even caught the ball while running.. miami dolphins here i come!! hahaha
i got a new phone!!! its so pretty... my new number is on my old phone, which will be given to my brother in a couple of days so dont call it anymore after.. monday? i finally joined a plan, evenings and weekends free, so as part of a deal, my dad paid for the cell was kinda a birthday present as well... and i promised him that during those free times, i would use my phone and keep my house line free.. because he seems to consider me the phone devil...and im thinking, all this to avoid getting call waiting? so yeah call me i need love.. lol

Thursday, July 11, 2002

talked to sam s.p today, which was lovely cause i havent seen or heard from this girl in a while. we were supposed to do soemthing, but laziness and a lack of good ideas stopped us. everyone's in summer school!! that or at work.. ahem sam!!
i am itching to go out.. somewhere thats not work or the mall.. that reminds me.. jeanette when are you working cash so i can pick up pictrues? im excited
also, starting to freak out because i cant seem to find my yearbook.. anyone seen it?

Wednesday, July 10, 2002

so anyone wanna do something saturday and let me sleepover?? cause a whole snotload of people are coming to stay and they will take over my room and the rest of the house and i dont feel like being around an extra 6 people i dont know who i am sure i will have to spend time with. please take me in *puppy face*
i feel like i'm being changed..not in a naturally occuring kinda way that everyone goes through.. i mean in a purposeful, molding kinda way. well maybe not changed, but they want me to change. i can feel it. but im too stubborn to give in cause i know what's going on.

Tuesday, July 09, 2002

hey all you people from ward who still read this, especially graduates.. do any one of you remeber a chick named mirabelle?
tell me if you do.. now off i go to find somethng to prepare for the bbq
The name of Andrea gives you a clever, quick, analytical mind, but you suffer with a great deal of self-consciousness, lack of confidence, and much aloneness because of misunderstandings. Your idealistic and sensitive nature gives you a deep appreciation for the finer things of life and a strong desire to be of service to humanity. There are times when you experience inner turbulence at your inability to say what you mean. It is far easier for you to express your deeper thoughts and feelings through writing than verbally. You find pleasure in literature, in poetry, and in your ideals and will turn to them when you feel you have been misunderstood. You are deeply moved by the beauties of life, especially nature. Because your feelings run deep, you must guard against the ups and downs, being very inspired one minute, then moody, reserved, and depressed the next. Your reactions to people vary according to how you feel. You tend to be secretive and noncommittal about private matters, yet at times you will talk effusively in order to hide your self-consciousness or to lead others away from personal subjects. You are inspired by encouragement from others, yet suspicious of their intent. You crave affection but seldom find anyone who understands your nature. Physical weaknesses would show in your heart, lungs, or bronchial organs.

true, except for the poetry and nature part..

Monday, July 08, 2002

looking through cell phone and cell phone plans.. geez.. im almost willing to pay the extra money i'm wasting on my prepaid phone just to NOT go through this.
i know it's late, but before i go, just wanted to leave you with this. go to previous entries and click back with the arrows on top. you're gonna fall in love with this boy, i guarantee it

Sunday, July 07, 2002

although i might have missed beach day today, it was a pretty good day for ang. work, although it started at 9 in the morning and i was stuck in fits, went by really, really fast and plus the people with me were ones i liked. lol
the highlight of today? doing training that involved us trying on ALL the types of jeans we have.. yes, even the womanly, big-hipped, tapered ones.. lol it was so funny as we all came out of the dressing rooms with our different styles and saw how gross we all looked. things learned today:
-all ON jeans look like shit on me..
-even the short legged ones are too long, much to my manager's amazement
-boys should not wear bootcut jeans, especially if you have chicken legs and are short... they just look like flares.
-starting to develop tiny crush on cute french boy... he is nice and funny and has an adorable nervous laughter when he talks. just found out he is my age which makes it even better.. has aspirations to be a lawyer and has a condo in montreal.. fluent in french and sometimes has a slight accent when he says certain words..*swoons* bonus: also has sister working at montanna's who is in charge of side dishes like that incredibly yummy garlic bread *drools* what more can a girl want? lol
btw, the greatest thing in the world right now is breyer's feature flavour of the month: strawberry shortcake swirl... mmmm. think mcDonald's mcflurry with less cookie...but i like the cookie, so technically not as great as a mcflurry but im too cheap to care.

Saturday, July 06, 2002

two things should be learned from today:
1) never EVER let ang and petrina go shopping together unless you want to be late... or have us be late.
2) somehow i always ruin movie nights becuase whenever we're supposed to have one, it just doesnt happen

nevertheless had a good day with my girlies.. really a continuation of the previous night. missed you guys and havent seen you in a while.. it was good.

Friday, July 05, 2002

found this while looking through aa.. i enjoyed it cause i can actually picture people who would seriously do it
NOTICE: Job Offering
For those who have nothing to do during the summer and want to effectively use their time, this is for you.
Position: Grade 12 Mathematics student
Hours: 12:15 - 3:15
Pay: $100
Days of employment: July 2nd to July 28th
Requirements: Must be proficient in math and chinese looking
In addition, transportation will be provided by me and you will recieve a total of one bottle of water every day. You can`t beat this offer. So get off your asses and note me to apply.

Thursday, July 04, 2002

jaxs.. i need my laptop back.. gimmie back please?
it is my second attempt at this stupid correspndence course. in the past 2 1/2 hours since i have woken up, i have only managed to write one journal entry, consisting of 4 sentences. im so confused. i dont know what they are looking for. am i even supposed to be handing inthese journal entries? because they are complete bullshit garbage. the first article they tell me to read isnt the first one in the book, which makes parnoid me think that i am missing something. i am lost... because its all too new and i am unsure.
there are ants on my computer desk. i have killed 5.. where are they coming from? i dont know.. and there is still the matter of that earwig that i refused to kill a couple of nights ago.
so went to school yesterday to go to dreaded SAC meeting, which turned out to be more of a painting session than a formal, sit-down meeting (score for me!) but then when i discovered what colour adrian had picked for the wall. i didnt know if i wanted to paint, or run away because the atomic green was burning a hole through my retinas. mental note: never ever put adrian in charge of anything ecer again that has to do with decorating or the coordination of colours.
went to alana's for a little get together and found out exactly what a domestic goddess she was. she made this awesome chicken pasta with vegetables and iced cappucinos. mmm... mr. volpe, cyn, lis, racs and matt came to join in on the fun. have not seen my princesses for a looong time and was glad the oppertunity came up-well worth the sweaty walk from school to her
watched movies.. the others with nicole kidman, i didnt like.. it wasnt THAT scary, but that's only because i ddint watch half of the movie.. was busy distracting myself and staring at my knees so wouldnt get freaked out by the ghostness of the movie. i can take murder, i can take gore, i can take bleeding flesh wounds, but i cant take this supernatural shit.
p.s. thanks again for the ride home in your man-van mr. volpe.. lol

Tuesday, July 02, 2002

and i think theyre gone again
oh theyre back.. phew..
no.. this isnt funny.. where did my comments go?
also...waxing legs mission never materialized. went to ashbridges to watch fireworks with friends. saw nicole working at the pizza pizza there.. hehehe hot an sweaty.. just the way i like them. and sexy even in that orange get-up to boot! yeah fireworks werent that exciting, but hey what do you expect for free? company was good though...and it was definitly feeling like summer
i can't believe he stayed up. figures. the night my mom isn't home he stays up. i hate that he doesnt trust me. i hate that the reason he stayed up wasn't out of love (otherwise, why wouldn't he stay up allthe other nights), it was in hopes that he would catch me at something. in hopes that it would give him an excuse to get me in trouble...give him an oppertunity to tell my mom that me going out isnt a good idea. he was secretly hoping that i would come home crazy late so that he could rub it in my mom's face about me not respecting him or something like that.. or hoping that i would come home piss-assed drunk, or stoned, or soemthing to that effect.
is it my fault that he never had a social life? is it my fault that he never had real friends? even today he doesnt have friends. mom goes out for her girls nights out. my dad is too much of an asshole to have friends.... and even has trouble with coworkers, believe me i;'ve been listening. he gets a F for "plays well with others". would he rather have me like my brother sit on my ass all day and play video games.. well maybe he would cause then we would actually have something to talk about. but still.. its better to have me going out, experienceing things than being a social reject who inhales household cleaner fumes for kicks.

Monday, July 01, 2002

if i were a lightbulb, i would be one of those annoying halogen ones that hurt your eyes, or those big ones that people use in theatres to light up actors. really, there's no reason in particular why. is this what it feels like when you're content with who you are or what is happening in your life? cause i dont think its that.. because well, we all know i have problems. lol just a good day today i guess. didnt even do anything but read.
mission for tonight: soften up in the shower and give another go at this whole waxing leg thing. why do i have the feeling that im gonna warm it up, do one strip and chicken out again? tis the way it always turns out
it awesome when you have people in your life you know will be there even at times when you just dont feel like going home....even when they themselves dont want to do anything. i ended up playing video games for a while at yoyo's, and really i didnt mind. i found myself actually interested in the game, which is weird, but at the same time not because i've always been a fan of sonic the hedgehog... lol. we went out for dinner with frances and mike at east side mario's..adam was our waiter.. it was hilarious seeing him sing /chant happy birthday to a five year old, cause i never could have imagined him that way. food was amazing even though we were trying to aim for cheap cause we all had almost non-existent cash. picked up nicki and amanda and drove around old finch..
really a simple night, but i needed it. i can't stay in this house..
my mom is worried i am out too much.. i can tell. cause we rarely see eachother even more now.. not that we usually did mind you. but at least during school there was a reason-school and work. but i figure eventually it'll die down.. people have summerschool.. i;ll be at work.. eww correspondence..

Friday, June 28, 2002

i feel as though i am ten pounds heavier, but it was well worth it. we did nothing but EAT today. lol it was crazy and girly and i loved it. although basically planned this morning, jess, jeanette and i ended up in st. lawrence market getting groceries for our picnic. it was great, got cheese, bruschetta (sp?)stuff, roasted red pepper dip, french bread, grapes, strawberries, a quarter of a watermelon, tomato basil turkey and another seasoned chicken thing (both highly reccomended by the gino butcher guy), raspberry lemonade, and also an assortment of desserts. we walked to a nearby park.. or rather a parkette.. or maybe we should just call it a little oasis inthe middle of front street (picture a island of grass and a fountain in the middle of a street that splits in half), you know, the one behind that funny shaped pointed building? we sat, spread out our food and ate, and ate, and ate. four hours later, we were done. lol. you think im joking, but im not, and we still had dessert left. The eating had started while we were shopping at 1ish (mmm free samples), continued for our four hour feast and after exploring, we ate our dessert and then had drinks in the marche while trying to stalk sam and her swiming people, who were supposed to have dinner there (this was at 7:30). oh and we must not forget the cinnimon sticks jeanette and i had in the subway station while waiting for jess.
i love downtown people. they are soo friendly. we acted like tourists and took pictures of everything. so many people offered to take pictures for us or gave us a friendly comment (ie: when we were taking a picture of me and jess grabbing the ass of this guy postered on the bus stop, an old business man laughed at us and said, "i know what you were doing!") i got a briuse on my elbow trying to climb a lamppost. jess got stuck up in a tree. jeanette felt naked. we met some new friends (sort of) named sinbad, marlon, spike, charlie and penelope and fed them grapes and helped them get the peanut. and yes, even though they were all pigeons and squirrels, we were highly amused by their antics. even the crazies were entertaining, until they get too close and we get scared and start to frantically pack up. i swear she was scary, she would walk around and yell at things.. some of the weirdest things happened today but definitly exciting. thank you ladies

Thursday, June 27, 2002

went down to the AGO today.. was excited about the surrealist exhibit, but was kinda disapointed. was looking forward to seeing cool paintings of dali and margritte and miro, and although these artists did have works on display, they were few and far between. i expected whole rooms dedicated to them but no. there was a lot of this masson guy, who at first is cool, but it quickly gets broing cause its all scribble-y. there were also a few of those creepy juxtaposed pictures of naked women like the ones i saw in new york. the big hamburger is still there.. i was thinking i wanna make my own.. and have it in my room.. summer project?? its made out of painted canvass... and i can just stuff it with cottan batting or bean bag styrofoam balls.. you can take it apart and have different mats/hugs pillows... i would have a tomato and cheese and a pickle.. hm maybe i dont even need canvas.. i can just use fabric.. i see it sorta looking like those trolli hamburger gummis.
lesson learned for today: i dont care if you have an afro, if you have a receeding hairline, DON'T WEAR AN AFRO PICK

Wednesday, June 26, 2002

even though i was dreading the bus ride to lis' house in the steamy heat, it wasn't half bad, and turned out to be really good for me. on my way to the bus stop i passed by darryl's house and had a nice talk with him about highschool, elementary school, graduation in general. i didn't even mind the fact that i could feel myself start to drip with sweat..or rather, i didnt even mind the fact that i was starting to 'glisten' on the bus, it seemed like a mini st. bede reunion. i talked the whole bus ride and reminised. thats the only reason i like the nugget; the chances that you'll see someone you know are very high. lis' house was great. i missed her and it was a good time to catch up. later bowling with lis, jac sen and yoyo where i totally sucked by the way, but still managed to get a strike in before jac sen.. yay me! on the way to school for grad i got hit on by some middle-aged man in a little blue car...i got scared and walked faster even though i knew that no matter how fast i walked, he could easily have truned around and come back to get me... he was afterall in a CAR. also on my way to school, i met up with a gaggle (haha wow i actually used something from W5H) of geese in the middle of my path. there were seriously 25 of them (yes, i counted). at first i started to walk through them. some of them parted, some of them stayed, but it was eventually too weird for me and i decided to take a huge detour around the pond. and then looking back, i see that the stupid pack of geese moved..
graduation was one big sweaty mess.. there were a billion people there.. but i got to see mozzone, adam and nicole..
everyone is gone.. i realize that i dont know many people from the younger hasn't hit me yet, but it will next year when i walk down the halls and don't see anyone i know anymore.

Tuesday, June 25, 2002

thankful for:
- it not being boiling hot when i had to take the bus today. i was worried that it was a high of 32 but there was a nice breeze.
- darryl driving me part way to work despite the fact that he totally didnt have to and didnt feel stupid having a little grade twelve in his car with his friends..or maybe he did but didnt show it, and that's all that counts.
- a cashier who didnt show up for work and thus i didnt have to be in the women's area for my whole shift..
- granola bits in my fruit-yogurt parfait.. they are agruably the best part... i think im gonna try making my own with berries, vanilla yogurt.. and that quaker harvest crunch cereal in my house..
- gap repackaging their perfumes, which means half-off SO PINK for ang just as she was running out.
- people that don't get mad when they find out you and a few friends ate all of their timbits.
- deciding to wear running shoes today despite the fact that i felt incredibly short.

Monday, June 24, 2002

i want to try that berry yogurt thing at macdonalds.. it looks really good. it took long enough for new food to start coming in. i remeber seeing that thing and lots of other stuff like salads and soups in the states a long time ago..

i got jaxs all to myself today... a little adventure
-spent more money than i should have
-had people think we were hong-kongese cause jaxs made me look at the stupid clock with her...
-a boy offered jaxs a chair..sort
-jaxs got sexy pants

tomorrow is gonna be hell..and with the heat to accompany it. firs tto school for new sac stuff.. and then more sac stuff and then off to work...
you know what my latest idea is? a little convience store on the bus. yep one right on there, cause i have no time to stop off somewhere to eat. there will be no lunch or dinner for ang..

Sunday, June 23, 2002

i feel restless. remember the days when you longed to just stay home? all you wanted to do was lie around like a big blob and watch tv. Why can't i be that blob anymore? i sit.. but i feel as though i should be doing something else. something more productive...something with more meaning. it's not like i have time to just sit and do nothing either, it's a rarity in fact...i can't even survie one day without going slightly crazy.

i think i have had too much time to think lately... its only been a half-hour on the bus here or an hour in my room there.. but collectivly, its a lot and i tend to over-analyze things - which isn't good. it's better not to give me time to think about stupidness, cause when i do, i over do it and make things a big deal when they are not and see problems where there really isn't any. why am i a big mess.. there's nothing even wrong..

Saturday, June 22, 2002

i've decided that the internet is poison.. i simply waste too much time on it doing nothing. i was never one of those people who could simply just 'surf' the net. i always had a mission, and once it was completed, i had nothing to do. however, i would continue to sit there.. looking at dribble.. sometimes even staring at the stupid browser window. i'll still come on.. but no more wasting mindless hours on it when i could be doing something else. what i should have done tonight - stayed in my room with a book, hot cocoa and an our lady peace cd playing. but instead i was here.. doing nothing and feeling stupid and resentful and angry at myself. i'm sorry i promise i'll be better soon

Friday, June 21, 2002

jeanette i did those stupid quizzes..


You give your love and friendship unconditionaly. You enjoy long, thoughful conversations rich in philosophy and spirituality. You are very loyal and intuitive.

Find out your color at!

i dont know what's wrong. did i do it? i can't even write about this here.. i feel like a loser
i gotta go pay a visit to my diary...

Wednesday, June 19, 2002

today was my first day of me just sitting at home.. i enjoyed it.. im still in my fish pajamas at 5:00 in the evening.
i cleared some of the clutter from my family room.. cause in the last month of school i have covered it in school work and have left it alone.. i swear papers make babies when you dont look, because it seems as though the crap has multiplied. tomorrow i have work.. my first shift for a while during the day, on a weekday, when i would normally be in school. i have dinner plans at vanessa's.. she's making me curry.. and not yellow curry.. BROWN curry.. cause according to her yellow curry is only for potatoes (which by the way, she also says should NEVER be mixed with the meat curry!). but i believe that the two can be mixed.. in a symbiotic relationship.. and taste rather good.
im probably going to end up sleeping there.. especially since i have pajamas and bathroom stuff still there. and plus, i'll be able to walk over to school the next morning to get my chem mark.. eek.. im hoping jess is home so that its not just me and vanessa's brother and big sister in the morning after vanessa leaves the house at 8.. then maybe lunch out with leo, yoyo and jacsen?
oh if you guys need me, call me on my cell cause i dont know where i;m gonna be.. unless its thursday night.. then im at vanessa's get me there..
sam what's happening with the penis dialogues?? what nights is it playing? im working saturday early until about 5 i think.. but you guys couldnt do it saturday right? well i'll see you tomorrow at school anyways.. call me to tell me when youre going to see your mark so i dont have to cry alone.

my hair smells of grass (the plant not the drug) and my t-shirt smells of sweat and dirt. i ran around an uneven lawn in heels chasing a soccer ball. i learned how to play magic.. well sort of.. and gee its the most complicated game in the entire world. i pretended to be avril lavigne..on a skateboard, with the wind whipping through my hair and refusing to wear a helmet because "avril doesn't in the video" and ignoring the fact that if it were not for the person dragging me down the street, i wouldnt be able to even move an inch.. let alone stand on that bloody thing. i lazed around.. doing absolutly nothing, and didnt care, simply because i wasnt alone while doing it.

Tuesday, June 18, 2002

it done..its all finally done..
despite the fact that sam and i both got raped by that final, we're done.. summer has officially started. i now know why i didnt feel it before. it was cause i was never really done. but sadly, i'll still be in and out of ward for a while.. gotta check that final mark on friday... got sac meetings.. ugh..

Monday, June 17, 2002

the countdown has started
there are 13 1/2 more hours until my chem final.. which also means that it is only 15 1/2 hours until i am totally done with the year.. ugh!! i think im starting to feel some of that end of the year excitment sam was talking about.. not much.. but there's a glimmer.
im studying my brains out.. well sort of.. i dont seem too worried about it, which is usually a bad thing..

Sunday, June 16, 2002

this weekend was excellent! got my ear pierced finally as a finished school present! heheh i enjoy it so! also went out for crepes with jeanette, sam, petrina and vanessa at the marche.. mmm sooo good.. my new favourite thing in the world is vanilla sauce.....*drools* we talked for about three hours! being loud and obnoxious.. we were one of those tables of people that you could hear from across the room and who you would give dirty looks at.. but i didnt care that we were loud, or annoying.. it was SO much fun and sort of a release to get our last end of the school year frustrations out. so what if the movie day didnt really work out.. and so what if i gained like a bazillion pounds.. it was well worht it.. now off to study chem.. sam's major studying and my lack of is starting to make me nervous

Friday, June 14, 2002

it's over.. IT'S FINALLY OVER!!! but it still felt so anti-climatic. everyone's been working so hard to get to this one point... and once its here... it means nothing. it didnt feel like the last day of school the way it normally does. in previous years, you would feel the last week.. and feel the building anticipation of summer. this year, there was nothing....

Tuesday, June 11, 2002

the following is a list of things i have done to distract myself from studying:
-watched the view
-took an hour-long nap
-read people's blogs
-checked e mail and delete junk mail
-made myself a late lunch
-finished off the carton of chocolate milk
-proceeded to try and fill the enpty carton with garbage until it was full
-walked around my house
-consumed a hlaf a bag of doritos
-looked at pictures
-check e mail again and delete junk mail
-shaved my legs
-made myself yet another snack of crackers and cheese
-talked on the phone
-ate a mango
-made a mental plan of what to do for the rest of the week
-thought about possible new york trip
-thought about how bitchy i was today
-sorted trhough some laundry
the list kinda goes on.. and really i'm not so prepared.. but funny how i dont really care right now.. i bet i'm gonna have a freak out tomrrow though

Monday, June 10, 2002

fed up with everyone.. including myself. i think its that time of the month again

Sunday, June 09, 2002

she just held it in her hand, merely feeling it with her fingers. she had simply taken it out of her bag, to see, to hold, to remember. and despite the fact that i laughed and despite the fact that i made fun...the idea was really sweet. and yes, maybe a little too sappy and weird for me, but nonetheless sweet.
i don't really have time to blog, but just to let you know the vagina monologues were great!! in the words of sam, " i feel so enlightened".
it was a weird feeling at first when we saw the sea of middle aged business women and then us.. one of the few groups of teenagers in the audience. but after a while, it felt good with them... i wanted to be like them when i grow up, coming in with black capris, hair done up, mules and a matching patent leather purse, looking as though i just got off of work, and after the show my friends and i would go out for drinks. it was nice having the feeling that all women can relate to these certain situations and openly talk about them and joke about them and have a good time. it also gave me a window to situations which havent come up.. things which i can't relate to as of yet, but can picture was wonderful.

Friday, June 07, 2002

i'm such a girl
why do i have to be such a girl about things? i over-analyse.. over think..make things an issue when they are not. Why do i torture myself with things that really shouldn't matter? why do i make things seem like a possiblity, when it really is nothing? i hate being a girl.
today was a day ripped right out of hell. a million things went wrong and i just feel really crappy. bad mood + rough day = antisocial ang. so maybe i wont go to the party and ruin everyone else's night? sounds like a plan. hopefully this funk will be over by tomorrow

Thursday, June 06, 2002

and now one good thing that came out of this very crappy week.. jeff and i are officially done physics!! whoohoo!! last unit 19 mark in and everything!!! yay us! and now i have to try and not fail..i mean carry over law...(haha we look so weird.. whats with the hair shadows?)

Saturday, June 01, 2002

i'm cooking dinner.. for myself.. and being very domesticated. lol
i wanted to invite people over for dinner a la ang.. but found out about the empty house wayy too late and was too hungry to care.
on the menu tonight: lemon pepper sole, corn on the cob, and rice.
it smells good so far.. i'm convinced there's a chef hiding somewhere in me.. somewhere. or not.
space cowboy?
i don;t know if i like the idea of a bubble-gum-pop boy going into outer space. i mean.. he's obviously not qualified.. what happens if there is some big space explosion? what would he do? he would just get in the way. if i was an astronaut who studied all of my life towards this one goal, wouldnt it suck that he took my spot on the ship? i know he;s not the first one to buy himself into space, and i know if it wasnt for his money, the shuttle may not even launch at all but he's still a pop star for goodnesssakes

Friday, May 31, 2002

after half an hour of phoning people, i finally have june 8th off!!! and i have the 9th off too!!
so VAGINAS here i come!!!
and jeanette? is the offer still on the table?? please please??
i'll bring popsicles!! oh wait. no i cant can i?? i'll bring.. uh.. my love??

Thursday, May 30, 2002

you can really see the effect the end of the year has on everyone. at our school, there is no cheering, no grins spread upon people's faces at the thought of summer approaching. There are tears, frowns and general sighs of pain. everyone is sick and gross.. and no one seems to have time for anything anymore. i've never been one of those people who pulls an all-nighter.. i just can't do it. when i'm tired, im tired. i find that if i write something at even 12 at night, it sounds like shit when i read it the next morning. its true when they say that people need sleep. everyone is so fucked up from the lack of it. people are incredibly sick, and ready to keel over, others have messed up periods, and some are just dead. it's hard to talk to people now, knowing that anything can make them crack. anything can make then yell at you or make them go to tears. i dont like it.. not at all
okay me go now and stop wasting my time
sam.. why was your daddy driving some kid home today around my area?
guess what?? you guys are prolly going to get BOILED hotdogs!! lol and I'M cooking them.. which means food poisoning all
wasting time on blogger.. really, no one wants to read this
it a quarter to seven... hmmm.. half an hour until i go...why aren't i doing homework??
im soo bored.. and im not going do my law test afterall.. boo me.. i guess that means 4 tests for me next week. ugh
hope your isp went well jaxs..muah. get better.

Wednesday, May 29, 2002

i'm feeling content.. and loved.. and needed. i've realized today that it doesn't take much and that its in all the little things, rather than the large overt ones. i appreciate the little talks with teachers and offers of sugar-filled pixie sticks. i like girly conversations full of excitment and laughter and getting caught up with friends you haven't truly talked-talked to in a while. a trip to the library afterschool, thats makes you feel as though you should be on a sit-com like saved by the bell and a ride offered even though they know perfectly well that you live on the other side of town. there was the realization that not all things have changed, and some things have restored themselves naturally.. to add to the happiness is the materialization of a long-awaited girls night out.. hahah when i say "girls night out" i think of 40 something mothers who make special dates with their friends to escape the stresses of day to day life.. lol
i'm excited.

Tuesday, May 28, 2002

i stayed up and re did my magnetic boards and put up all new pictures. i like..a lot! i realized that all my pictures with sam and jeanette are ones i can't put up.. you guys.. we need some real pictures!!!
i dont know what's wrong with my page.. it's fine for me... im thinking the pictures are taking up too much time to load so i took a few off.

Monday, May 27, 2002

hehehe pictures.. i hope no one minds

first day.. haunted walk..with the stalker

everyone in the dining hall...before the digestive problems started

ang and her algae actually says algae on the jar

vanessa and ang freezing their asses off

eating dinner out

last day, right before the gifted nazi yelled at us
ohh i've found a new obsession to this girlie band- letters to cleo.. and save ferris.. okay maybe its not an obsession.. i just found a couple of their songs last night.. i like..and i found that one i liked in the movie 10 things.
wow im done that stupid isp.. my last isp done!! whoohoo!!
sorry about the threats to your ovaries

Sunday, May 26, 2002

okay i;m done with my whiny girliness.. just dont ask
sam.. so when is the vagina monologues?
i wasn't sure what was going on.. but i didn't think that i was an inconvienence. yep.. that's what i am... an inconvienence.
i know nothing is going to happen.. but i always do this- i torture myself by making up little scenarios in my head. they either freak me out because the possibility is too scary, or they're really good and when they don't happen, for some reason i get kinda let down, even though there was no possibility of it happening anyways. i really dont care what happens.. i just dont like the weirdness before deciding what happens.. i'm not supposed to be doing these stupid things.. geez..
did that make ANY sense at all?
i;m starving.. havent eaten since 1030.. and i'll save the details for you guys tomrrow..
oh MY god!! i can't believe that even happened.. not little ol' me..this is going to be interesting.

Tuesday, May 21, 2002

so did everyone cath my mental retardation speech?? or was it only jaxs that noticed?

Monday, May 20, 2002

craziness with jaxs in the car.. just another one of our everyday adventures

Sunday, May 19, 2002

so after reading sam's blog..
i feel like a sleepover.. in fact many sleepovers. it's decided that once summer comes, there will be more bowls of chips and buttery popcorn and tubs of ice cream. and we'll all be in our cozy, fluffy pjs and have our contacts out, throw out all the sheets and pillows on the floor and do stupid things like yoga or board games or facials.. just plain ol' girly fun. we'll excitedly gossip and giggle about boys, we'll reminise and generally catch up. we will get acne and gain 5 pounds from staying up and eating crap, but it'll be great.

Saturday, May 18, 2002

so this monday, my first day back from queens, my ta wants to do a ta interview with me. she calls up my marks on the computer, looks at it and says " i dont think its even worth doing a ta interview with you because you havent really progressed at all". now if that isnt discouraging i dont know what is...
instead of doing homework, i distract people on the phone. the urge seems to hit around 10-11 o'clock every night. maybe i am feeling "needy". i just feel like i've lost touch with so many people. i want them back. i've been calling up people i've never really called before and have been having amazing conversations. i think it helps to reassure me that they're still there- that they havent totally disappeared and perhaps things aren't as out of reach as i thought they were. i feel loved this week. everything's been pretty great *beams with goodness*
btw, i think jess not getting to be a speaker at her own grad is crazy.. she's the most involved student the school ever had.. and i know that lots of people voted for her and its the way that the whole voting system worked that screwed her over. her votes were split because she was notminated in two catgories. next year its gonna be different, cause thats just unfair.

Wednesday, May 15, 2002

today i was reminded of why i love my friends. each and every one of them.
and now im off to take a strawberry bubble-filled bath. yes.. a bubble bath at 12 in the morning sounds great.
98 days til my birthday
just thought you would like to know : )

Tuesday, May 14, 2002

i want to know what's happening, but at the same time don't feel like its my right to intrude. nothing is said; if anything an awkward "how are things?" followed by an equally awkward "okay i guess". i know there's something more, something being kept hidden. a part of me wants to throw my arms around and say everything will be okay and maybe even have a good cry, but another part knows that keeping it quiet is maybe what they need. i would have liked someone to be there, someone just to act as a release but then again, i didn't want to talk about it either. The need for normalcy has to be respected, but i wish i could do more.

on another note. someone took my old blogger url. some chick named angela.. grr.. who apparently lives in japan, and feels the need to mention that twice in her first blog. okay so maybe im a little disgruntled. for some reason or another i thought i would have it forever, to see it, click here

Sunday, May 12, 2002

if this trip had accomplished anything (because i got 0 units out of it), it was to make me more at ease with this whole university thing. going there made me realize that the things people have said about mary ward, which i've always kinda considered mere 'hooplah', is at least, somewhat true. although i am so ready to leave this house and start over again, the fact still remains that its a whole new thing in university, where marks actually matter and what you do will in some ways affect your life and there's a lot more distractions, its a whole new way of learning and the fact that i still dont have a program. But i relalized its not ALL that different. Thy have lecture halls like the ones we have in the caf, but bigger. they have science rooms with black lab tables like ours. they have buildings dedicated to certain subjects, which we have in the form of resource rooms. I know that i'll be able to book three hour labs and still book in time for fun and homework, because i will have 5 years of schedualing, talking to teachers i dont like, writing last minute essays, and pulling shit out of my ass and calling it work behind me, whereas others will be mere rookies. If anything, i feel more comfortable knowing that im going in just a little bit more prepared than others, and really, thats all i need right now.

Friday, May 10, 2002

queens was amazing, and sorry that i didnt blog, but the day i went on, it didnt work for some reason. i did write you e mails.. well some of you.
i have learned a few things.
1) caf food, although it looks good, is sometimes not good going in, or coming out.
2) i dont like showers that everyone has access to, nor toilets, or rooms in general that everyone has access to in which you are partly or completely naked in
3) i cant live in dorm
4) every boy that you think is cute at this program, will inevitably be in grade 10
5) ginos are everywhere, and equally as annoying

it was fun and i got to dig in my pond and study stuff under a microscope even though it was freezing the day we went out and i had sandals on and ended up ankle deep in the water, which almost turned my toes blue. i got to drug up zooplankton and watch them swim. i got to touch snails and other shelled creatures that didnt like me peeling them off their rock. i got to walk around with a bag, and my "grown up" coat and a cup of tim horton's coffee and feel like a university student (because to me, that what ALL unviersity students look like). i got to be rory gilmour in a small town. i got in trouble for being in the boys' room and secretly pinning their underwear up on the herpes bulletin boards with vanessa.. and then felt really bad afterwards when they talked about how much trouble we could potentially be in, and how it was all my fault and what the gifted nazi would do...but then i didnt get in trouble, so its okay. i got to buy beads and make hemp bracelets and then get caught in a downpour walking home. i got to take pictures, i got to bond with teachers i got to spend time with my friends. it was great.

Saturday, May 04, 2002

i'm off to queens.. miss me!!!
now off to pack, cause im running out of time, and when i got home, i found out that someone had stolen my washing machine and dryer and left my still-damp clothes in a pile on top of my hamper. so here i go to wash everything and pack it .. turrah!
wonderful time at wonderland.. even though it was freezing cold
jeff was wearing a t shirt.. and almost wore flipflops till i made him change into real shoes.. and the rest of us had like a t shirt and a light jacket or sweater. it didnt seem that cold when we boarded the bus.. but by the time we got there, it was blowing wind and it made your face ouch and you body shiver. my mom was right to tell me to wear a coat.. we all needed parkas. we didnt really feel like going on roller coasters.. cause if it was already cold and windy on the ground, our faces would insta-chap hurdling through the open air at 300 km/h. it didnt seem like it would be fun..but it turned out better than anticipated, which goes to show that everything is fun with the right people. then after, since spiderman was sold out EVERYWHERE, me and my boys had a koren BBQ adventure.. okay, so maybe it was only an adventure for me. you get to cook your own meat and stuff on this grill built into your what if i almost gave myself food poisoning 15 times. lol

Thursday, May 02, 2002

no excuse me while i go and try to dig up something from my pile to wear tomorrow.
go here and click on the virtual model thing on the left, bottom.
you get to make your own virtual model and try clothes on.. really its a way of trying to lure you into buying their clothes, but its still fun.
sorry.. no boy models...believe me.. i was trying to find my virtual model a boytoy.
kopach is a math wench
Omigosh.. i almost didnt take my test today because of her.. and really.. i tried to be nice.. i didnt even get my question out and she closed the door on my face. Is there something going on between her and my math teacher?? cause it seemed as though as soon as i mentioned his name, she got all "get out of my face and go deal with him yourself" geez.. you know he's been away a couple of days.. you didnt have to be so bitchy about it. you didnt even know what i was about to ask. these are things that make little boys steal their father's gun.

Wednesday, May 01, 2002

i have to take this math 17 test tomorrow.. i over-estimated my knowledge of the unit.. i suck at trig..
vanessa you at school tomorrow? call me on my cell and find me
remember these quizzes? heheh it's BAAACCKKK
for some reason the html isnt showing up.. so you'll just have to cut and paste

Friday, April 26, 2002

must... ....sleeep.... must ...i dryer.
must stay awake.. must stay awake. if i dont get this laundry done, i will have no underwear for tomrrow... yes.. i have reached the end. a good solid three weeks of not doing laundry.. okay i cheated and threw in a pair of uniform pants and a couple of dress shirts into my mom's wash.. but.. still three weeks without doing laundry. er.. im not sure if thats something to be proud of.. really this night is only a consequence of my laziness.
i'm beaten.. i'm worn out. i'm not even really meeting my weekly objectives as i have it planned out.. i feel stuck.. stagnant.. like a big blob that cant seem to get moving. tomrrow will be better.. will finish unit 13 english in its entirety and hope that no workin on sunday so can start making a dent in religion isp. i need some me time.. what am i talking about? i have TOO MUCH me time.. two hours with amazing rce and a tub of mango ice cream is not good.
by the way.. i love those two gay guys!!!
if it keeps snowing like this, all the tadpoles wont hatch and there will be no aquatic life to study!! me and vanessa will have to crack through the ice just to look at seaweed

Wednesday, April 24, 2002

i hope you all missed me, even though it has only been four days
so its decided. no religion retreat for me. the mere thought of trying to decide again is giving me stress. i figure, the fact that i didnt try harder to go means that i dont really care about it all that much.. and plus the calibre of the people going? meh? i couldve sworn ms. ireland said there was only about 25 people signed up so far. yeah it will be great, and yeah there will be loads of bonding, but i talk to almost everyone at school anyways.maybe not the bonding that will be reached at retreat,but good enough for me....and with the way things are going, the majority of the grade 12s are going to be AT SCHOOL instead of the retreat. really i dont feel like rushing anymore. and now i willhave 30 extra bucks to spend.. yay me!

Sunday, April 21, 2002

im tired.. and i'm hurting. 10 hours today on my feet. i can feel the vericose veins forming. i got a family and friends discount today at footlocker and champs, and heard that footlocker is also having a buy one pair, get the next one half price sale and is also adding on the 30% for friends and family day as well. Can you just picture the excitement?? so i went, but the selection was non-existant. the women's shoes had half a wall, which they shared with kids. mens had the whole wall on the other side.. in fact a bigger wall. my friend had like three pairs of shoes he wanted from his side of the store, while i was standing on my side looking at the same 5 pairs of shoes repeated in different colours. figures.. if only i had known yesterday. i guess i should snoop around in the drawers at work more often.

Friday, April 19, 2002

the italy people came back today, and not long ago, so did the england people, and after hearing all of their stories and seeing the excitied looks on their faces as they are telling them, i begin to feel myself sink. i had obviously missed something great. i always knoew i did, but it only hits home when you see these people come back and tell you how surreal things were and their new life experiences which they have added to their ever-growing list. but at the same time i wonder if i too would have the same reaction. i dont appreciate buildings or even statues or monuments the way i feel i should. i dont look at them in awe. i look and think, "oh thats pretty" and then walk away. but then again, maybe it would all change once im there.. and its probably different with your friends there with you too.. its okay, cause one day i'llbe there too.. one day..
i am a big loser
sooo.. i see this small doughnut shaped thing made out of plastic.. and its flat. and what did i do with it? i stick it on my finger like a ring.. and i cant get it off now.. now i have a plastic disk on my finger and a red knuckle.

Thursday, April 18, 2002

so for the purpose of bring everyone back to reality, cause i do do that so well, i just had my ta interview today. i went after charlotte who had an amazing 15 untis left.. gee i guess those university deadlines do make you work harder. surprisingly i am not as bad off as i thought i was. 46 units in 41 days. unfortunatly, its more like 32 days for me after all of these trips and 20 tests..ugh.. how did i ever have so many tests? so not so bad. yay me
skillicorn still hasnt marked my isp.. im convinced that she doesnt want to read my crap.
i;m special too
i got my call from soupy from italy yesterday. it was 1 in the morning for them, and about 5 hours before they left for the plane. hehehe they're home!!! i missed you guys

Tuesday, April 16, 2002

i got my course in queens!! soo happy!!! course with vanessa, rooming with jaxs.. hahah jaxs doesn't know what course she got cause the paper cut off her name.. funny.
my girls all got their first choices.. which rocked.. someone didnt even get one of her four..
today was one big fat chem day.. first period i went to lis' ta to ask dalton about a seminar. i look at he sheets from lis' chem contest practice and laugh at our stupidness for not knowing these things.. even though they were really hard. i then go to skillicorn to get my kick-ass cheat sheet approved.. she laughed when she saw all the examples i wrote down, inthe mircoscopic writting. then off to take my chem mid term.. it was a 2 1/2 hour midterm.. and it took me only 1 1/2 hours.. i was worried i missed a page somewhere.. but there were these questions crossed out and stuff.. i hope i wasnt supposed to do them. After school was in my bedroom trying to remeber how to bond and balance equations. it was soo gross and jaxs doesn't have the tables we did last year, which makes it even more confusing. then mark comes over in a desperate attempt to finish his chem course and gets a crash course in organic chemistry and nomenclature.. now its yoyo on icq.. its kinda funny really.. everyone hates chem. my head is numb.. but i feel good cause i actually remember some stuff. getting past this midterm has in a way cleaned the slate and let me start all over again, with a new freshness.. heheeh
my boy toy was on rosie today.. but he only sang (which was just so sexalicious) and didnt get an interview.. what a jip.
hahah my mom likes him too.. its so funny watching her go.. yep that guy is sexy, if you found a guy like that i would approve..
but mark disturbed my viewing

Monday, April 15, 2002

i dont know what happened today, but i dont think i like it

Sunday, April 14, 2002

i'm happy, but grossed out, im jealous, but still grossed out
ahhhh petrina and jeff... jeff and petrina.. im soo weirded out.. but at the same time, it was bound to happen.. everyone already thought so anyways. wow see how much you miss when you go off to italy sam, sam and jeanette? haha vanessa and i are wicked for helping jeff come up with his super cheesy plan. but she liked it, i know she did
sometimes i think i say things i shouldn't. but i think at the same time, people should know, cause i would. im a firm believer im communication-to a certain extent. lol
thanks sam for your notes
i finally did some hard core (yes... thats right, i said hard core) chemistry studying today cause i realize that i have to get this midterm done someday. im aiming for tuesday. and that way, it'll still be done by the time sam comes back, and she won't eat me. even though everyone who has taken it (about 5 people) has said that their cheat sheet wasn't of any use to them, i fail to accept this and just think that their cheat sheets simpy weren't good enough. so i spent today making a kick ass cheat sheet. i think its too good and skillicorn wont let me take it in. i have definitions, examples, and even instuctions on how to do things on that sucker. and the size of my writting in some places, is almost non-existent. my plan was to make it so hard to read, that she wont, and will just sign the bloody paper.

Friday, April 12, 2002

sizzle sizzle
oh before i forget, i saw the closing ceremonies of the olympics, and you know when they put out the flame and charlotte church and some other dude were singing? i was convinced i recognized that guy from somewhere. and today, thanks to 20/20, it all makes sense. he was on this episode of ally mcbeal that i watched.. he was a shy, geeky (but gorgeous) boy who wanted to sue this girl that wouldnt go to the prom with him. ally went with him instead, and eventually coaxed him to sing at his prom, and he did and had this wicked andrea boccelli-like voice (but in a hotter package.. wayyy hotter lol) so yeah me, being the loser that i am, went and found him on the internet.. enjoy.. his voice makes me melt like butter... even though its all opera-ish.. i think it's only cause i know its coming from him.. cause there's this song called 'youre still you' and if you listen to it, it sounds like andrew lloyd webber, but if you watch him sing it, oh, it's so goddamn sexy. *giggles* it makes me wanna follow him around asking him if i can have his babies. oh yeah, he's only 20 (yeah for a sec, i was like.. aww so old.. but really, its not far at all).. vanessa, jaxs, get the search dogs, we're gonna find him. he;s my new pretty-boy-with-big-ambitions crush since alexandre despatie failed so miserably.
jeff and steph's big brithday dinner today.. everyone was there. best part of the night?
1. jeff getting creamed i the face with what was supposed to be a cream pie, but ended up being two coffee filters and whipped cream
2. jeff and steph wearing moose helmets and trying to 'butt' eachother like dorks.
3. my yackers asking the hot waiter for his number
4. my yackers, me, vanessa, and petrina dying of laughter before we could hear what the hot waiter said in response.
5. bev and her stories.. i love bev.
6. gettig caught up in the big plan...although it wasn't in the night
today was the craziest day. not because of actual things that happened, but rather the potential of things to happen, and the things i found out. i had a sudden yearning for something i didn't have, which someone else did. i didn't want that specific thing, but something like it.. im soo jealous.. vanessa.. if the time ever comes, i want you and jaxs to help. (i like how it kinda turned into christine's blog, where no one would understand except for the people involved and everyone else is and my opinion of someone changed drastically today.. from me having a good time with him/her, to me thinking that he/her is a big jerk, and me not wanting to have a good time with this person based simply on principles and not because i dont want to.

Thursday, April 11, 2002

scaring myself
my computer is making funny noises. like static noises (although irregular and more crunchy), from the speakers. but when i mute the speakers, the noise is still there.. which began to creep me out. either my computer is about to explode or there's poltergeist (which then really made me freak myself out). then i hear the basement's dehumidifyer switch on, and then automatically off. it doesnt do this normally.. i keep on hearing it click on and off. and im the only one up, and all alone in the basement.. and then the static noises stop and suddenly the dehumidifyer is working again.. geez.. creepy
too many
april 25th- death of a salesman play for english
april 30th-may1st- grade 12 retreat
may 3rd-physics goes to wonderland
may 5th-10th- queen's
really. i have about 6 trips this whole year and four of them have to be all within 2 1/2 weeks. geez\but cant wait!

Wednesday, April 10, 2002

we realized today, that a lot of people have their own little 'stories'. little pieces of gossip passed around from person to person about particular people. like for instance everyone, including a certain female comm teacher seriously thought a certain someone was going out with a certain somone else.... we have decided that there aren't any stories of either of us... we're basically broing and are not contreversial in any way. Although i guess it is better to have no stories than a bunch of bad ones which are spread all around the school, it would be nice to have some good ones. Like when we walk past, why aren't people like "hey there goes those two girls with the hot boyfriends?" or "those two are classy bitches aren't they?" or "hey those are the two sweet girls who like get along with everyone" okay so maybe theyre bad examples.. but then at the same time, im pretty sure some things ciculate about me.. and im kinda curious.. i kninda want to know whats being said -the good and the bad... i dont care if people think im a bitch or cold-hearted, or even perhaps fake. i just want to find out.
i like the planet cafe.. a good place to work... unless VANESSA is there!!! i swear to god, everytime me and this girl get together, its nothing but mindless talking and giggly, girly gossip. a whole morning of it.. hehehehe. we both learned a lot though... and i added to my wall of fame.

Tuesday, April 09, 2002

you guys!!!! im finally on my chem mid term!!! go me!
i havent even studied yet.. *wimper* i dont want to... its sooo gross.. do i really need to be reminded of all that grossness?? whats even worst about it? i have to restudy all of it for the final... why couldnt i just have left the midterm and do them both at the end??? yeah yeah i know..
i spent my day in seclusion.. well almost. all morning stayed in ta room doing work and pigging out on popcorn, chocolate, and bits cheese cracker sticks with three other ta members. ta bonding lol.. i laugh, but really it was. then spent the afternoon in the planet cafe. i was nice and quiet. did lots of work with minimal distraction. everyone has to see my drawings of people in the cafe wall. i add to it continually.. maybe youll be up there too.. im quite an artist.. lol
i broke my nail. i know its such a girl thing to say, but it really hurts.. like a third of it is ripping off.. i dont even know how it happened. but i dont like not having a nail there and only feeling FINGER!

Friday, April 05, 2002

after jaxs, vanessa, and i had our adventure at markville, i came home and after making dinner, felt a strange urge to do homework (i think cause my brain knew i was going to do nothing tomorrow). so i sat and started to read law.. but i just stopped.. i spent like 3 hours just thinking.. daydreaming...sorting things out in my head. Its not like i solved or did anything in those three hours.. so really, it was an utter waste of time.

Wednesday, April 03, 2002

8 ways to a new me
i have decided that i need a new routine. new resolutions which are a must for me to finish this year without a nervous breakdown.
1. When i get home, no more lying around watching tv and trying not to fall asleep. Will start homework right away.
2. After dinner will work non-stop from 6-9 at the kitchen table. Will extend to possibly 10 if need arises.
3. No more chatting on the phone. dont call me unless a) you have sawed your hand off and need instructions on how to put it back on, b) are really really dying to talk to me and if you don;t, will spontaneously combust, or c) have won the lottery and would like me to come help you spend your new fotune.
4. After 10 will 'me' time. Every girls needs time to relax, read books, primp, and watch gilmour girls.
5. Read more non-school books and less Teen People.
6. Resolve to get to bed by 11, 11:30 the latest so that i can be raring to go the next morning.
7. Drink more water so i will be well hydrated and not have headaches or dry eyes and body will thank me.
8. Find ways to solve what i believe to be a developing sleeping disorder. Body is tired and eyes are tired, but head wont stop going which results in 3 hours of tossing and turning. And after many days of this, it equals one cranky, tired, not-so-hot-looking, bitchy ang.
so church came in today to help explain this whole no scheduled days thing they have planned out for next year, and we sorta got off topic at the end and were talking about how the school ran in general, and the purpose of self-directed learning and everything. so we're talking, and church would use examples off the top of his head like how students who are on unit 4 for example in january should have a serious discussion with their teachers and ta about how they plan to finish the course and if it really is realistic to keep it..and me and vanessa kept on laughing cause every example that he used, could have been US!! (although he didnt know that) i was only done unit 5 in january in law, and vanessa's only like on unit 5 now for history.. so while he's talking about these hypothetical students who are doing very badly and who wont finish their courses, vanessa and i are thinking, then that means all of the grade 12s aren't finishing this year, including us. thanks sir.. lol

Tuesday, April 02, 2002

So i get a frantic call from my mom this morning asking for her liscense plate number. I wonder what could be going on so i answer her, to which she resonds, "my car was stolen". It was bad that i was mildly amused by my mom's misfortune, it was even worse when i thought maybe she only thinks her car was stolen. Afterall she did just get off from a night shift and should be tired, and who in their right minds would steal a 15 year old dodge anyways? My mom is a firm believer that things always happen for a reason. I told her it was God's way of telling her to finally get rid of the death trap that was her car. Mabye we can now get a new car, you know, one with functioning automatic door locks, safety features such as airbags, a left turn signal that works all the time and not just sporatically, and one which doesn't leak mysterious fluids or has mysterious stains from our childhood. What are the chance of a stolen car turning up again anyways?

Monday, April 01, 2002

okay its finally done.. well almost, i still have do do some of the appendixes but no worries. phew! i spent all day on practically doing only appendixes and footnotes. i had to stop 4 times and take 15 minute breaks cause i swear i had a headache and was nauseous at the same time. my legs have fallen asleep and the cookies i just had prolly went straight to my hips cause i've been sitting in this chair all day...gee its long and no one has proof read it but i dont care anymore! its done.

Sunday, March 31, 2002

i have convinced myself that if i find these specific heat capacities and do the caloric value calculations, i will get the nobel prize equivalent award for my chem isp.. or at least a really really good mark. but alas, even after signing up for a 7 day free trial for this stupid crc index thingy and searching it, i cannot find it for my fuels.. this book has like a million pages and none of them respond to the search "gasoline"

Saturday, March 30, 2002

does anyone know where i can find the specific heat capacity of things such as petroleum diesel, gasoline, natural gas, ethanol, or biodiesel?
i know its kinda weird, cause it would depend on the make up of the fuel, but i just need any old example.
grumble grumble
i hate chem. i hate my isp... okay no i dont, its not that bad actually, just a pain in the butt

Friday, March 29, 2002

oh yeah if you ever talk to you know who, the roof thing never happened.. i want to go up again, so dont tell him i blabbed.. lol
smells like sam
sam, if you were wondering my i was smiling and pointing to my law test on thursday it was because it reminded me of you. it was a case studies test. scenario 1: Darlene gets a job at the neighbourhood garden centre. Darlene is a great worker and gets great comments on her reviews. Suddenly owner of nursery starts to tell Darlene she is pretty and begins to lean in close. Darlene is creeped out but dismisses it. Owner of nursery begins to complain to Darlene about how his marriage is falling apart at home and that he needs to find "satisfaction" somewhere else (and yes, the test did use satisfaction). Darlene tries to avoid owner, but nevertheless, he still comes over and asks her to kiss him, and tries to make her come home with him to make babies. As i read it, i pictured you and johnny.. lol very creepy for you yes, but mildly amusing for me. my verdict? Yes, according to the Ontario human rights code, your rights have been violated.. lol
i love it when the weekends are equally as long as the weekdays. it should always be like this.

Thursday, March 28, 2002

ahhh.. its almost 5 and im still in comm, sucking in the fumes... it smells kinda like roasted chestnuts and paint. but together. i hope my yacqueline didnt leave me.. mooshu, where are you?... i just realized that i told jeanette on tuesday that i was gonna take the bus with her afterschool today too woodside.. oops.. i hope she forgot too..
ahhhhhh.. im waiting for jaxs.. waiting for jaxs.. where is she???? its like 430.. comm smells like paint from the art show.. when is it anyways???
had an afterschool adventure with a friend.. hehehee our little secret.. went up to the roof.. its soo cool!! felt like nancy drew. i was convinced we were gonna get caught by a janitor or somehting.. or we would get locked out. we tried to get back into the school, but the janitor was right next tot he door wehn we opened it, luckily facing the other way.. we ran like we've never ran before! it was weird.. he knew all the rooms and everything to get there.. i was quite impressed. i asked him how many other girls he tried to bring up there..