Monday, December 31, 2001

is krispy kremes speeled with k's? or did i just make that up and therye really spelled crispy creme?
i finally got some days off. not working until thursday. talked to sabrina about the people at jp.. and how everything has changed.. im glad i was there when i was, and left when i did. although witnessing the firing of the "stupid girl" would have been nice. god works in mysterious ways. and lately ive realized that he does in fact do things for a reason.. for instance, even though all this working has killed me, my bank account is pretty again.. and all of us at work are closer because we;ve struggled through the long hours, long lineups, crazy cleanups, and bitchy, yelling customers together. and finding out that people think im 19 and having old women call me "pleasant" are also other bonuses. and i've probably got 80% of the people's names down.
got my first taste of krispy kreme doughnuts.. i am no longer a krispy kreme virgin.. and they are soo good... not as good as i think everyone is making it seem to be.. but the ARE GOOD!!! sinfully good.. and i think one doughnut has the same amount of fat of 3 tim hortons ones or soemthing like that.. one of the managers said if we heated them up in the microwave for 8 seconds it would taste even better. we was about the same.. that was a total let down.
tomorrow is new years eve.. lis are we doing anything for your birthday?

Saturday, December 29, 2001

it didnt even feel like christmas came this year. if someone told me that christmas was still two weeks away, i wouldve believed them. There's just soemthing about this year that was not "jolly". its not that i DIDNT have fun, it just wasnt christmas to me. Its probably because i usually go to montreal every year, and THATS where christmas is. my house, you walk in and theres no tree.. no presents.. no nothing. im not really complaining cause i did get lotsa cash.. but i wuld have rather opened sweaters and jeans and stuff...instead of just being given the money. jason, karen, melissa and christina called on the night of christmas eve and after hearing all of the excitement in the background, i could feel tears welling up in my eyes. I wanted to be there so much.. like a part of me was missing, even though that sounds so cliche. It disturbs me how we are soo not a family. its like we are 4 individuals cohabitating in one house who help eachother out at times. i havent had a full family dinner at home since about 2nd grade. we;re all in and out of the house as we please. i dont see my mom and dad for days sometimes and even when i do its only for like 2 hours. sometimes we dont even know where everyone is. it was even awkward for me to give my dad his present this year and vice versa, because its never really been done before.
ive heard before that children grow up and get into screwed up relationships and families because they come from screwed up families. my parents not talking to eachother cant be setting a very good example. what if i never learn to love, to compromise, to communicate? i can already feel myself developing a fear of commitment. do i want to procreate and spread the garbage around? maybe i;ll find a boy from a good solid household who will teach me his ways.... or maybe it will end in divorce.. and scar our children for life..

Sunday, December 23, 2001

this working business is getting really gross.. ive worked basically over a week straight.. not a single day off until christmas.. and then friday off. ahhh! you cen tell everyone in our store is run down... we USED to smile, we USED to be happy, we USED to wanna talk and help customers. but its still fun, no matter how crappy it gets.. i think a whole bunch of people like quit or soemthing.. cause we used to have SOOO many people.. now it seems like im seeing the same 50 people.. weird.
had a nice dinner with james.. it was good to just sit in the mall and eat.. no one is better at making fun of other people with. an hour for break is a wonderful thing.

i'm feeling all isolated and neglected by everyone from school.. but its not even their fault.. its feels like i havent seen anyone outside of work for a bajillion years
eww.. i feel all needy and gross. but what can ya do?

Saturday, December 22, 2001

hey jeanette? or anyone else who takes law.. can you tell me what we have to do for unti 4 so i can start on it? post it on blog or e mail: since my comments dont seem to be working,
people visited me at work today! i felt special... too bad it was crazy midnight maddness and i couldnt really stop to talk. People at scarborough town are cows.. big, fat, honking, mooing cows. Geez do you think i give a damn that you have to pay for gift boxes? You can yell at me all you want, it's not gonna make me give them to you for free.. as if i care whether you buy them or not. I mean you already saved enough money by buying those 5 dollar shirts... which were original price 20 dollars.. you would think that $1.75 for 3 boxes wouldn't be a problem....
Then there are those people who yell at you because they assume that just because they talked to the manager about something at the other end of the store, that i am automatically supposed to know what they said..and am magically supposed to know that the manager said it was okay. geez, it only takes 1 minute for me to check. But yeah, i guess i would rather be taking abuse from people at cash than running around the store helping people.. yuck. so someone wanna go oxing day shoppig with me? i dont go in until 2 o clock and have money to blow.. maybe i;ll go by myself.. more efficient and give me some "me" time.

Sunday, December 16, 2001

looking through semi pictures are fun..memories like the corners of my mind.. wait, is that how the song goes?
i havent been on here for a while. its been so crazy. finally started to realize that christmas vaction is basically here and we are supposed to be on like unit 8s or something.. its weird that im not even worried.. last year i would have been in full-blown panic mode. interestinghow much difference a year makes huh? why does nothing seem to cause me to fret anymore? well at least school-wise. must remeber to get sheet signed to drop galang's course.. or else im screwed because it will count as a fail or something. i got 33.5 hours this week alone.. andthats not counting my breaks which i dont get paid for.. but 23 paid hours from last week and 33 for this one equals one big, fat, juicy paycheck.. too bad i'll have to wait to get it.. dammit.. i need it now!
well i must go now and finish this stupid law isp... well not really finish.. do is more like it.. am i shocking you guys yet?? yes this is ang, the crazy homework/deadline geek.. doing her law isp all in one weekend.. its weird but for some reason its kinda easy... but we'll see wheni get my mark.
christmas shopping is done hurray!

Sunday, December 09, 2001

good refering to the release of emotion.. not the you know..
i dont know what to say... it still seems so unreal.. what do i do in a situation like that?
its the first time in a long while that i exhibited so much emotion in public.. it was weird.. but felt good at the same time

Tuesday, December 04, 2001

oh yay! its working
blogger wont let me publish

Sunday, December 02, 2001

saw joyce at her work today while out with petrina before work. she looked all grown up doing her stuff.. hehehe
really glad she enjoyed her discount.. have fun with your sweaters! did you get the bunny one? we're not suppposed to call it that cause it may offend some customers.. we;re suppsed to call it "angora"
im sooo excited for semi!! too excited unfortunatly.. i cant concentrate on my crappy isp.. stupid virtual library wont give periodicals.. and only the name..
do you think if i try to convinve myself that i like my essay, i eventually WANT to do it?
jaxs may be coming semi!! whoohoo!!! yay jaxs!!
im soo tired

Wednesday, November 28, 2001

i'm feeling fake lately. is it possible to feel fake? i just dont feel like myself. i just dont feel like i interact with my friends on the same genuine level that i used to, not that i know what a "genuine level" really is in the first place. There are some when, after i stop talking to them, it's kinda surreal.. like did that really happen? or why did i say that? im pretending.. trying really hard to make conversation. never felt like i had to put so much effort into it before. Like an out of body experience. maybe i just need a break from it all.. a break to myself...
will probably meet and talk to new people at steph and carlo's party this weekend.. if i go.. it;s pretty close so maybe i can get piked up by mommy or dad..

i'm thinking i have a fear of commitment.. this comes after doing all that personality stuff in religion.. just realized it while reflecting on some stuff.. but of course i didnt write it down. rule#1 for religion: even if you find something that is the truth that you can use, it is always better to lie..

Tuesday, November 27, 2001

brushing my teeth.... toothpaste really gets gross after its been sitting in your mouth for a while.. just thought i would share

need a semi dress! really getting excited! stupid jaxs isnt coming!! everyone harass her until she chages her mind.. *pout*
actually being semi-productive this week.. cramming for tests and taking answers out of my ass in order to get back on track.. stupid law

oh for anyone who need to drop a course, guidance is putting a hold on appointments because of all the craziness with universtiy applications.. so the deadline for dropping courses has ben extended *phew*

Saturday, November 24, 2001

oliver wood=yummy
had a fantabulous time friday night celebrating a friend's birthday. afterschool had a mini-impromptu party.. everyone sat, ate and talked.. a couple of teachers there too. wetzel is such a wicked person. it was a weird semi-bonding moment with him and the group of us.. sharing common stories and laughs.
had a couple of hours to waste.. went to cris' house with emmanuel. good conversation.
harry potter and the philosopher's stone was a really good movie.. and a boy named oliver wood is HOT!! and his accent makes him even cuter.. despite what leo and nic tell you, he's mine. it says so on the table of montanna's. missed our show and had to wait for the next one.. got free hair dye.. l'oreal open... and free lipstick.. shine delice. all full size. finally got in and our group was split up a little.. afterall there was baout 15 of us. got out of the movie at 11, went to montanna's for a bite.. stupid (but soo funny) friend chugged a pitcher of water and felt sick.. being driven by a boy home at 1 o clock is nice especially when it was a big favour cause i live in the middle of nowhere...

thankful for:
-a lovely night with people i havent fully seen/talked to in a while
-rediscovering how amazing some of my friends are
-discovering how amazing some of my friends are
-the amusing way that emmanuel drives
-intimate conversations
-people who run out of the theatre to sneak in kernels and come back just in time for the movie
-people who return "sexy" comments and make the sizzle noise to go with it.. hahahaha
-wonderful jac sen for drving me (living in the middle of no where girl) home
- seeing joyce working.. all grown up..
-girls who just seem to understand

Wednesday, November 21, 2001

jess wanted me to tell all of you guys that she wont be blogging for a everyone go to her page and showever her with love, so that when she gets back all the messages will fall and bury her
merry christmas
tomorrow is crazy christmas shopping day!! sweaters are on sale at old navy for 25% off..

Sunday, November 18, 2001

now i must bid you all adieu because my brother's friends are coming.. yes.. a bunch of pre-pubescent little boys, who andrew says has annoyingly high pitched voices, are coming to watch wrestling.... ewww too much bubbling testosterone.. help
my plan? seclude myself in my room with my cd collection, thus forcing myself to finish unit 3 law...
the amount of blogging by everyone has gone down considerably... even jaxs is dying. she used to post at least once a day.
but who am i to say anything?? me, the one who ordinarily blogs about once a week.. well at least im consistant! i dont tease people with new posts and then, once they're addicted, disappear... or get a life away from the computer.. whatever
my law essay is going nowehere.. i think i have about 4 weels before my isp is due.. i just realized that all of my reasearch is garbage and must do more.
damn me

Saturday, November 17, 2001

jaxs is the best
my blog hates me and gets all sensitive whenever i touch its template. Now i'm not a big html person. but i do know enough that i can change the font size or add links to the side of my page or add a guestbook or comments.. but lately everything i do messes it up.. each time in the same way. but when jaxs goes in, she somehow performs magic. so thank you for fixing my screwed up page again!!, cause you know that me, being so neurotic, see the imperfections on my page and know that they were driving me nuts.
i havent seen my mom since thursday night. and its not as though she or i have been away. our schedules dont match up. and you would think that i would be used to it by now since its been happening for years. but im not. i miss her.
i hate scarborough town centre on busy days. You wait almost twenty minutes in line at macdonalds, just to get up to the front of the line to have the cash close on you.
i think i lost my sex and the city addiction. its on right now. almost over in fact and i have no desire to watch it.
did you see gilmore girls today? boys in tuxes are hot.. even old rory's dad (even though he isnt THAT old).. hahaha if i ever end up going out with a 50 year old man just because he's in a tux, hit me.. HARD
for jeanette.. i hope this helps:
Dear ,
This letter is to regretfully inform you that I will be leaving Japan Camera and the Japan Camera staff. I had come to this store with the intentions to work here permanently part-time at least until next summer. However, the commute to work took more time and effort than was anticipated. After a summer of employment, I have realized that it would not be beneficial to my academics or practical to continue to work at a location which is so far from my home during school.
I genuinely appreciate the time and effort that you have put into training me. I know it takes a lot to teach new people all of the workings of the Developing Lab. I also am thankful for the knowledge and experiences which I will be taking away with me. I have had the privilege to be able to learn to print pictures and basically have been given an “inside look” to picture developing, which few get to see.
Thank you again for all of the opportunities that working at Japan Camera have provided me. It is unfortunate that it did not work out. I hope that if the need comes, you will provide me with a favourable recommendation. To ensure that my leaving goes as smoothly as possible, I plan to stay two weeks so that you have time to hire a replacement.


okay maybe you cant use it word for word, but it'll probably help right?
why does blogger hate me?
whohoo! i just got mentioned in christine's blog! and its not just a little mention.. its a WHOLE post.. hahahah be jealous i know you are. I love christine and although i havent seen her for ages until about a month ago, she is still basically the same lovable, sweet and sexy person we remember in highschool who all the boys secretly fantasized about. And although her blog posts are the equivalent of grade twelve english novels, i still read just to catch up... (however i do wish she be more specific sometimes with the people she talks about so that i can picture them and imagine them with her, as if i knew them) And even though i don't know of 3/4 of the people she talks about, i still feel comfort in the fact that i am in a way still part of her life. wow.. i just read that over and realized how sappy i am. But i mean every word of it, even though it sounds stupid.

Friday, November 16, 2001

if you had made someone cry, would you want to know?
you ever have one of those days where you just feel older? I had one of those days today.. it wasn't even big things.. it was tiny, insigificant things which for some reason affected me today. I love my friends.. old and new... even teachers.. they absolutly made my day today. If i had any contact with you today, THANK YOU
I had a great evening with my girls. Lying around, sitting on the kitchen floor (racs: non-alcoholic, alcoholic tequilla cooler.. hahahaha).... being indecisive about where to eat, and then jaxs taking charge (hahah rowr!) The chicken lady giving lis an extra wing cause as a child, she was gay too.. the movie and watching jaxs die of laughter when the fat chick on shallow hal dives into the pool and puts out the barbeque while sending the little boy up into the tree from her big splash. (by the way, that was probably the best part of the movie.. it kinda was slow.. but still enjoyable).. and then playing phone tag afterwards to make sure everyone was okay.

Thursday, November 15, 2001


Wednesday, November 14, 2001

basically spent my day in comm....
in the afternoon a friend's boyfriend came in.. for no apparent reason i guess.. or maybe there was and i just dont know, well in my mind he came for no reason. and as i pretended to do my law essay, i peered up at them (but not in a perverted, i look at little children kind of way). it was nice just to see the simple way he would go over, and put his arms around her with a sweet "whatcha doin?" or run up and surprise her with a peck on the cheek. im so jealous... you know who you are! damn you!!
went shopping after school and saw jeanette and people from work... got introduced to a guy named patrick only to realize that i went to gifted with him.. he thinks jeanette is hot.. but then again, who doesn't? jeanette also introduced us to a whole new world of chicken lunches from grocery stores! haha and brad pitt on vanity fair is hot, except for the matted-down wet chest hairs on the cover..
christine, a new boy got hired today at your work.. he's really REALLY tall and very blond.. i told jaxs that he reminded me of nick carter "the early BSB years"... the shoppers boy had that really weird bowl-cut thingy that nick carter had.. hahahaha
dont quit honey.. theyre hiring more people! it will all be better soon.

Tuesday, November 13, 2001

i had a loverly day today. one of the funniest.. most of it with jaxs. so read her blog. im too lazy to write.

Sunday, November 11, 2001

look.. i have royally messed up my blog.. AGAIN!...sigh
sign the guestbook as a comment
my anthrax is growing.. okay it's not anthrax.. but it's definitly some kind of cash register disease. I showed one of my coworkers it, and she said she had one too!! so we compared and hers was darker.. more brown.. but mine isnt as bright red anymore.. so i guess its gonna get darker.. her mom said it was a blister too
found another men's cologne i liked. It came in a magazine.. nautica longitude/lattitdue or something like that. now THIS is james marsden in a bottle wrapped up in sex...i will rape any man wearing it. lol. thats assuming i still remeber what it smells like
alert the authorities
remember how a while ago sam was convinced she had anthrax? you know that raised red dot on the middle of one of her finger inside?
well now i swear I HAVE ANTHRAX!!! I get off my shift from work and i'm walking from the back stock room to the front to get checked out and i notice on the muscle part of my palm under my thumb, there is this bright red, raised dot. I had just finished doing the garbage so i thought maybe it was a fruit snack and tried to scratch it off. But then it hurt a lot when i scratched it and thought okay maybe i got a cut and it was bleeding and it hurts cause the dried blood was attached to my skin.. but it was soo bright red, it couldnt be dried blood and it was hard, i couldnt wipe it away. So my dried fruit snack theory came back and i tried to lick it (yes, this is what i seriously did). I apparently didnt care that it was probably fromthe garbage, i just wanted to figure out what the hell this red spot was.. so it tasted like metal.. which sounds about right since i was just putting away hangers also..
and i told sam before that hers probably came from slamming the cash register drawer on it, and she didnt know it.. but even though i was on register today, i couldn't have possibly slammed my "thumb muscle" in it cause i do a weird hip-check thing (which made one customer laugh today.. but he was hot so i dont care).. yeah so maybe it isnt anthrax...and it's some sort of cash register disease.. it looks exactly like a mole, but bright red, and even typing, when it touched the side of the keyboard, it kinda hurts.
but maybe its just blood trapped under my skin.. but how the hell that that happen??

Friday, November 09, 2001

Since reblogger is obviously not working, why dont you leave me comments on my guestbook? eh? eh?
Another wasted day. Maybe I'm stupid, but I'm the kind of person who thinks that if plans are made, they are actually plans and are not just stories told for amusement. I'm probably just being petty and immature to still be thinking of this but it seems as though everytime a couple of people decide to plan an event, others decide they suddenly can't come. I understnad that people have other lives to and must be a part of that because everyone does. And i know these plans were hastily made and not concrete, but the general concensus was yes. If you knew there might be a problem why wouldn't you say something? People bitch and complain when people can't come to their things even though they are told days in advance and complain how now everything has to change because of it. I had to call this person the day of the planned event only to find out that she decided last night that she had something else to do... and when was she planning to tell me this if i had not called? in the evening after she came home? Why wouldnt you tell someone that you weren't coming WHEN you found out you weren't coming? If i were told last night, i could have made plans with other friends, instead of sitting here at home. I would actually be doing something right now. Im not mad.. well yes i am. But i just think it is inconsiderate to make your own plans and not to let me know and make me waste my day waiting in anticipation.
andrew is cool.
having the bestest conversation. An unburdening of the soul. actually a re-unburdening
you've got balls and i worship you.
so ANDREW.. is this interesting enough for you ANDREW? hehehee
i dont have balls
There are so many things which i wish i could say, but dont have enough guts to (however cheesy they may seem)
- tell the stupid bamburgh circle mcDonalds counter lady/manager: "I didnt order rudeness with my value meal" then asking her for her name and then having all the rest of the staff (who i am sure also hate her) come out and throw hamburger buns at her.
- telling a certain someone that they really have no friends and explaining each and every reason why.
- telling a few different certain someones that i think they are being big assholes lately.
- telling a certain teacher or teachers of how miserable they have made my life and other's lives for simply being themselves.
- go back to former place of employment and tell store manager of how much of a miserable bitch she is and how her hair looks like dyed bundles of straw
- tell certain former schoolmates that "secrets don't make friends"
- tell sixth grade crush that i liked him..cause then i would have gotten that illusive "first boyfriend" stage over and done with.
- explain to father why we dont really have a relationship and show him the list of "Things I Hate about Dad" which i composed in elementary school tucked in my diary.
- tell my TA that she just "isn't cutting it" and that any family studies teacher who hasn't cooked for 100 people yet or who goes into a panicked frenzy when someone asks her a science question is not the TA for me. And really, you should not be lecturing us about "accepting everyone".. and "not to put people in boxes". cause accept it, we're not two.

why the hell cant i post on anyones blog comments?
did i break the blog comments again?
im glad that half the universe shares the same opinion.. im not being an asshole cause if everyone thinks it, it must be true
this is why i have separate groups of friends
why does it seem like everyone from a certain group is getting on my nerves? okay, maybe not everyone, but the majority. Its for little stupid reasons too.. and sometimes i cant even explain why. I usually just need a break from these people and everything is better. But the weird thing is, is that i havent spent much time with them in the first place. People just dont seem the way they used to be. and i know how that may sound.. but i dont really mean it that way. Some people who i used to have a blast with, i now find petty, and annoying. Others who i have never really talked to, are actually becoming closer.. come on.. im actually carrying conversations with eric yerro without wanting to gauge my eyes out. If you really knew me, you would know how miraculous this feat was.
It kinda amazing when you find new people who you;ve never really conversed with and find out what wicked people they are.. im not talking about eric of course here.. but other people who i've basically only started really talking to this year. How could i have only discovered them now?

Tuesday, November 06, 2001

but i need boots.. what else will keep my legs warm? besides mommy paid for those..
and i need underwear.. you wouldnt want me walking around with holey ones would you? so maybe i dont need HALLOWEEN underwear.. but cant a girl have a little fun?
im spending too much money.. well especially considering that christmas is coming really soon.. so no more for me.. that's it.. no more mall til december.. or unless its a christmas present..hehee
The super TA interviews are coming! The super TA interviews are coming! Run for your lives..
And apparently we have a liturgy or mass or assembly something on monday...ewwww.. and its like at 1:30 too.. ewwww

Sunday, November 04, 2001

had a beautiful day with nicki, and eventually petrina and vanessa at the library.. wel that wasnt the good part.. speed shopping with nicki was the fun part! got my boots!! yay me.. and also picked up sam's christmas gift. while i was there, i indulged myself in the 3-pack halloween panties ive been eyeing since they came out. heehee.. one of them says "boo" in orange sparkly letters.. it makes me happy. got matching socks for them too.. hehee. half price stuff is good.

Saturday, November 03, 2001

I have a chem isp topic! whoohoo me! well not really. but i have some idea of what i wanna do.. well i have two ideas. one i likemore than the other, but its a bitch trying to find information on it. The other has a lot of information, but not as interesting to me, and im not sure what to do with the product after i make it.. it would be pointless just to make it and have it sit there.. i need to talk to skillicorn.
objectives for this weekend:
study for math 9
do math 4
start chem 4
start sph 4
do religion 4
start english 4
finish law 2

what i did today to meet this objective:
watch american beauty
watch cider house rules
eat copious amounts of ritz crakers

Thursday, November 01, 2001

basically wasted my halloween.. did nothing. stayed in did physics.. well maybe it wasnt a total waste.. my street was totally deserted.. i looked outside at 7:30 (which i would think is prime trick-or-treating time) and i see literally 3 people. So yeah that was strange and somewhat depressing. Also learned last night, that sometimes it is better to forgive but NEVER forget.. cause if you never forget, you wont get hurt again. And if you do in fact forget, it may just come back and bite you again and you'll feel ten times more stupid for falling for it the second time! People don't change, and you shouldnt expect them too. Well maybe they do... but the change is based on their fickleness.. okay maybe fickleness is too harsh of a word.. if it is a word at all.
Just wanted to say that im proud of my jess for pulling off such a wonderfully creative halloween mystery murder thing... even thought the ending was cheesy and the school was upset that mel actually wasnt dead, it actually got the school talking about it.. and that in itself is an accomplishment! Congrats girl!!
Tomorrow's mission: TRL for both ISPs

Monday, October 29, 2001

i found a sample of candies for men, and decide to open it and smell.. it smelled like men.. so i decide to put some on (dont ask me why i made this connection) so i dab some on my neck and i smell myslef.. and i smell like boys.. and i like it. a lot..
so i sat there with the edge of my sweatshirt next to my nose watching james marsden (who is sex in human-male form) on ally mcbeal. What's WRONG with me? oh lord if im like this now...
nevertheless, i will be wearing men's cologne tomorrow

Sunday, October 28, 2001

feeling loved.. great way to end the night.
Must go to bed before the glowing subsides
im tired.. after a day of doing what? Wanted to do homework. Ended up watching the last 2/3 of billy elliot eating ritz crackers and fruit. I should go to bed, but then i realize its really only 11:20 (if you could the hour we gain) and therefore cannot cause it wouod be a crime.
i am insanely jealous of jeanette's (aka my soulmate, although i am sure she has many) blogging skills.. how can so much come form one girl? She must be really good at religion and english

Saturday, October 27, 2001

Talking to my mom today and she said something about how in the last few months its been so busy around here. I thought to myself and wondered how she could possibly say that. No one had visited, we haven't gone anywhere. Nothing dramatic at all had happened. Further into the conversation I began to understand what she meant. She was saying how so much has happened with us (me and my brother) lately and was not talking specifically about big events. Just little things that all add up and then seem like a big difference once you look back at them. And its true. If you are reading this, picture yourself about 3-4 months ago when school was about to end. You may not have noticed it during the time that the changes occured, but looking back, things are crazy different. People now have jobs, lisences and in some cases, their own cars. People have boyfriends and new groups of friends. Some have different interests and have goals for future occupations and lives which before were so unclear. People have taken up new activities and dropped old ones. And i know this is the way life is supposed to go, and im not afraid of change.. but does it all really need to go this fast? Im sorry, cause i know this is depressing, but to think in about 2 months time, people will be begining to turn 18. In 4 months time, we will have to decide what to do in oac and in about a years time, we will basically be defining the rest of our lives. Its sad that i think about these things, sometimes.....more than an healthy person should.

Wednesday, October 24, 2001

Im back!! im back!! and the conference sucked.. im sorry but overly happy people bother me.. Girls who giggle wayy to much scare me and when people like these are around you all the time, and all you want to do is sleep, it makes you want to hit each and every one of them. But i got free hair gel samples, a video of the Patriot (mmm..heath leger) and free lipgloss, so im happy.. dalton is fun.. way funner than i would have ever anticipated.. If anything good came from this conference, is that i know know everyone better, both good and bad qualities

Saturday, October 20, 2001

If you watch gilmour girls, you'll know what i mean, but if you dont skip this. How is it that the whole summer passed already??? i was expecting some sort of lorelai-luke affair thing!
I'm leaving on a jet plane...
okay maybe not in a jet plane, more like dalton's car.. his old beat up jeep.. but i rather be in there then in a humongous van witha whole bunch of people i dont know/like. So the hell that is this trip will start tomorrow... I am hoping it'll be fun.. it will right? Please tell me it will. And another bad thing is that for about 7 hours jess, simone and joyce will be gone cause they have to go back for field hockey. If you really knew me, you would know what that means. Adrian told me in one of his workshops last year, the speaker was talking about living in the moment and was asking people about things they wished they did but didnt do.. One guy got picked out of the group and said "i want to tell my mom i love her more", and the speaker guy whipped out his cell phone and the boy had to call and tell his mom he loved her in front of everyone!! Who the hell does that???
Onto a different subject... the last two days with my girls was wicked.. loads of fun!! Jaxs looked good... do we have any pictures of her hair and makeup? i want them! The centreville boys were nice...they actually tried to make conversation.. but obviously our side of the table wasnt as fun as the other side since matt left.. or maybe he just wanted to get a closer view.. hahahaha
Yes, all in all a very good dinner. I had curls.. and i enjoyed them thoroughly. Thanks lis for doing them again.. i'll be knocking at your door when semi time rolls by... hehehee..

Thursday, October 18, 2001

Rac's Party! Hardy Har Har
Time to party hahahahah
die jaxs die this is jaxs' stupid plan... one person types one word, and then another... check the group blog for our gayness

Saturday, October 13, 2001

its weird,, i think both of my urls are working right now.. interesting huh?
Today was a very blobish day... but somehow i almost finished my chem notes during it. I have no rcollection how or when i did them, but all i know is that they are almost done. However, i cant do anymore cause no textbook for me and i have to get them into skillicorn for monday... hmm how much do you think i can get done during my spare?
Played with my new washing machine and found out what what "the delicate/handwash cycle" means. I put my uniform pants in there. The washer literally runs for 5 seconds, stops and another 50 seconds later it runs again for another 5. Maybe its a little too delicate.
So the dance was stupid, and incredibly stressful at the begining cause i needed a photocopier to xerox the ticket list and it was already 7 and we couldnt get into the office and the other photocopier was broken and dalton was getting all stressed at me too, but what could i do? But me and jess had our laughs in our booth. You know the kiosk thing inthe front lobby that has food sold from it during lunch? well wee were in there. The front lobby was totally dark, and there were two red flood lights lighting up our booth, as we peered out of our window. At first I felt like a piece of rotisserie gold just baking in there.. then i realized jess and i were in a little room, with a window and a large red light, and felt that some dirty old man should come up and offer us money for a peep show. lol then mr stepanian walked into the lobby.
Glo-stick necklaces for a dollar
is it wrong to suddenly feel sexier just cause someone says i look it? even if they were joking and playing around, and you knew it? i like it when people say that.. and i know this stupid of me to think i am just cause it's said half jokingly. Maybe thats why i say it so much, cause it brings me so much happiness and i want to spread it around. hahaha.
I dunno.. today was a weird day.. filled with weird conversations about boys and girls and how you would show someone of the opposite sex that you like them. I basically admitted that guys are screwed cause girls are as complicated and messed up as they think we are. lol Also realized im a big fat flirt sometimes, but as soon as a guy responds in any way i get scared and want to run.. cause i guess im no longer in control.. i like to be in control.. but why do i constantly feel the need to be babied?
Talking about confused people, heather was wearing this survivor tube top and she had her belly button pierced and she had loads of makeup on and she totally did not match her personality, which jess called "motherly".. we think shes confused and still needs to find herself. I still need to find myself, but I'm hoping I'm not THAT lost.

Monday, October 08, 2001

whohoo hotmail works..
but my isp is totally sucking.. i dont want to do it..

Friday, October 05, 2001

well my hotmail is totally busted.. and only from my computer apparently.. which makes it suck even more.
went downtown today with petriners.. and we went to the reference library so i could get some research photocopied.. hahah.. i needs to go back though to see the periodicals.. we went for lunch and then SHOPPING! hahah i got myself a coat at american eagle a bright red one.. everyone watch out!!! hahaha

Wednesday, October 03, 2001

yay sammy put in reblogger for me, and not i have comments once again, so everyone go comment! GO!!!!
i got mentioned in christine's blog.. thus, i am officially cool.. christine needs to bring her booty as well as her boytoy's around here more so that we can gawk and giggle at them.. and so we can all get some christine lovin' for ourselves.. share the wealth baby.. lol
sam is god. sam is god. i will worship sam forever more. wow, sam is the greatest human being on the planet. greater than ethan hawke. and even britney spears. hell, she could kill britney spears with her pinky. go sam.
i have a computer-induced headache.. wrote two pages of SAC minutes which weren't bad,but then there came the essay.. ugh!! i remember when english essays were worth a whole unit!! some areas an essay was worth two units!! when did they suddenly become written assignments? they stick it in there like its no big oh yeah, you have to write an essay!! well its done and over with that god! lets see what mark i get.. ahhhhh
hotmail is stilldown.. notthat i was gonna write e mails..but yeah i just suck.. and that means i cant write on the group blog either cause my reinvite is in there...

Monday, October 01, 2001

hotmail isnt working why?? why??? i finally put myself into a "im gonna write e mails" state and hotmail is down.
you know special k red berries.. well the dehydrated strawberries remind me of those "space food" things we tried when we were in 6th grade.
everything in my life right now is like a peach.. life is peachy...
theres the soft furry outside.. i think im on very good terms with all of my friends and teachers..even lucciola.. i know its something a normal person is concerned about, but face it im not normal and i think about it a lot.. i worry about these things and am content and warm and fuzzy inside when i know everything is well with the world.. even work is great.. yeah im not annoyed or angry or sad with anyone that i care about right now, and no one hates me, so thats always good.. hahaha

then the peach has a weird sorta, "well its alright and all, yet im still not sure i like it, but maybe this is what makes life interesting" area.. what fits into this area? well law and physics basically.. i solved that whole avn or sph thing.. and its physics.. i think i owe it to myself.. to bad i am barely understanding it.. well i kinda understand it, and you know who i have to thank for this? ms. macisaac! omigosh i cant believe those words are coming out of my mouth.. but yeah i actually enjoy her teaching me.. not totally in a i love wetzel way. but ebough that i think shes a really good teacher and interested in what she has to offer.. oh yeah and we had this whole conversation about how she remebers how mark was lazy in grade nine and still is now, and apparently she remebers me from grade nine too when she taught me.. you dont understand how scared i was when she said this.. but she said i was "pretty keen". i'm taking it as a positive thing.. but im gonna have to look up the exact definition of "keen" to find out if it can be twisted into something bad.. (yes, maybe i am a little paranoid).. so yeah and then theres 's the whole "i hate that stupid annoying girl from work" but it doesnt matter cause other people hate her too so therefore my hate is somewhat justified. Anyone else start unit 3 chem? are you ready to cry? is it possible to be even more lost and confused after skillicorn's seminar.. im sure she;s smart and all (okay, maybe not sure) but that woman just can't give a seminar. OAC law is weird with lucciola.. shes screwing up these deadlines.. she want our research in by october/early november... but my point (which i tried to tell her) was that it was stupid cause our essays were due the week before christmas break.. isnt the research the big part? so yeah off to downtown to do research for my first OAC ISP! ahhhh help!!

the last part to the peach? the hard bumpy core in the middle.. lets face it.. i got a month to do all of my law isp research and i am feeling soo incredibly lost.. i need guidance and help.. the only upside is knowing that i can carry it over no problem..very scared about the presentation/debate cause when lucciola's opinion isnt the same as yours she makes it known.. poor betty fung almost got eaten alive in class by her.. i mean betty had a valid opinion but lucciola almost bit her head off.. i mean she was basically barking/yelling at her.. i wanted to cry and it wasnt even my presentation.. yikes and i have also come to the realization that i am not getting my g2 in november... why? cause its a month and a half away exaclty and i havent driven since april.. so umm.. we'll see but im not feeling too confident right now..

Friday, September 28, 2001

had a talk with a friend today.. she's happy...REALLY HAPPY!!! hahah and she's so cute and girlish and gushy!!! one day that will be me!! except i will be 10 times grosser cause..well its me.. and i overblow everything!! hahah im glad shes all giddy.. causebefore there was some bumpiness.. and she was a bit worried and a bit of others things as well.. but now she found the goodness... hahahah yes..goodness
hhahaha i love it when you and other friends have a common distaste for people.. its really REALLY fun sometimes...

Sunday, September 23, 2001

i worked this weekend, as usual... yesterday was hell..usual for all saturdays actually. i was on fitting room.... which was hell cause it was a saturday and there were clothes piled so high that i couldnt see the sutomers anymore and i had to walk around the piles to help people.. this is what happens when youre short staffed... but even though it was hell, after the annoying fat girl went home, ricardo and krystal came in and helped, and everything was well with the world again.. hahah its so fun in the change rooms with those two.. she didnt believe he lived like a block away from me, and he didnt believe she had a baby.. so of course being the over dramatic people we are, this stupid issue turned into one big amusing fight..its something you would have to experience to fully understand it..
today wasnt bad, even though it was a long shift.. i spent most of it re-pricing men;'s clothes which are now on sale.. i got this big laser-scanner-gun thing and scanned everthing in the department and read the price on the screen.. and then i got to play withthe pricing gun.. found a new boy who worked at old navy..didnt get a change to ask him what school he went to though, and therefore i dont know how old he is.. aww..sniff sniff.. hahaha... he sort of had a mike daly personality though..
found out who rosa was... people said i looked like her.. however we did not look anything alike! first of all, i was chinese.. hahaha
we were thinking there must be another rosa working ..

today i was talking to a friend on the phone and she was amazed at how i actually kinda like going to work.. im thinking maybe its the people cause they actually do make the difference... the people i work with are wicked..even though there are a few i that fat annoying girl in the changing room on saturday..hahah theres actually an anti -(annoying fat girl's name here) group and im in it!! hahah with one other girl and a gay guy.... but its also the environment.. we actually sing and dance to the music when the customers are gone...we have fun.. the managers have fun.. one of them reminds me of wetzel, but happier.. even some of the customers are wicked.. hmmm
thanking God for: the little two year old blond boy jumping around the store in a fuzzy frog costume saying "ribbit ribbit". i helped him put on the hood thing that has the frog's head and eyes and mittens which were the frogs hands and find him a mirror.. i love that little boy..

Wednesday, September 19, 2001

evryone seems down right now... is it cause we are settled into school and the excitment is over and now all we have left to do is work and think about our own problems? or maybe im just aware of more people's problems... im not the only one in a bad mood now.. everytime i feel gross, i guess i have to bring everyone down with me.. lol..
yeah its not a good time right now for anyone.. everyone has their own personal conflicts to overcome.. and so do i.. it sucks.. but at least i think im almost at an answer...almost.
hey what happened to our group blog? why did it die? did sam kill it by doing you know what?? or did someone delete it and just not tell me?

Monday, September 17, 2001

today's assignment: write a one page editorial on my thoughts about the world trade centre bombing.
seems like any ordinary assignment right? well the stupid thing is my teacher got the idea from the kids section in the star... you know "starship"? The starship on sunday requested kids to send in stories, poems or drawings about their thoughts on the whole bombing situation and they would publish some in next week's starship.
so lucciola walks in and wants us to write an editorial expressing our thoughts and views on the bombing, she then wants to send all of our editorials to starship...
we were like, um you do know this is something for 8 year olds right? but apparently she didnt care. so if you see an oac student's name from ward next to some 6 year-old's drawing of a plane, dont laugh...please dont laugh...

Friday, September 14, 2001

This whole AVN or SPH issue is getting me down. I know this doesnt sound like it should be a big deal but it is! This descision and this decision alone has the potential to affect the rest of my life.. well actually it IS gonna affect the rest of my life. well at least my hishchool and university life..sigh
i am stressed, adn therefore allowed to be over-dramatic

Thursday, September 13, 2001

yes i know ive been neglecting blogger.. and im sorry.. just no time right now..
well actually, im too lazy to haul ass to the computer... so yeah. you'll hear from me later though.. promise..maybe

to nicole, christine and adam:
hope you guys are having fun at your schools!!! i miss you guys and the halls arent the same at all without you guys..

Monday, September 03, 2001

he is 170 feet tall
i got adams post card from england a couple of days ago.. it made me happy.. incredibly happy.. i was having such a shit day and all of a sudden i go look at the mail, and there is my teen people and a post card addressed to me.. from england. from a boy! lol
so if youre reading this adam, thank you soo much!!!! i will miss you oodles
oh. and thank you for my english boy.. but he doesnt have an accent.. but i guess his other "features" fully make up for that
so long, farewell, alveitazien (sp?), goodbye
okay okay i know.. ive been ignoring my blogging sorry im horrible.
welps summer is coming to an end.. and although it was GREAT summer... i still wish i could have done more.. but isnt it always like that?
wednesday: had a sac meeting and went to see alana's boy toy.. he was alright.. nice. not bad to look at..hahahaha
we had planned to go do something that day or stay in with pizza and movies and games.. but i guess alana and racs had made other plans and forgot that we had already starting planning things.... so dinner didnt happen.. oh well. i was kinda happy to go home, was incredibly drained after that stupid thing (stupid thing meaning SAC meeting, not alana's boyfriend)

thursday: yet another sac meeting.. this one took what? 3hours? hated it.. after jaxs came in flick and we went to see american pie 2.. i remeber laughing more in the last one.. could it be that ive matured? or is it just not as funny? ate in the theatre some stuff i got from sobey's.. that chicken caesar wrap was sooo good.. i wish i could have seen it so i would have know what i was eating.. it was like a surprise with every bite.. hahahaha

friday: stocking the shelves at old navy.. finally talked to the old navy boy ive been eyeing since training.. first two sessions of trianing were with him and we working the same first day.. goddamn, it must be fate.. hahaha but theres something peculiar about this boy.. i will stalk and investigate...
finally got my bank account fixed AGAIN!! now i can actually use the damned debit card instead of making purchases with it, only to realize that the little machine thing says : "access denied, see main bank branch"

saturday: relatives came friday night for baptism, was supposed to go out for dinner withthem.. instead we went shoping for gifts and dinner with about 25 people.. wasnt as much fun as it was last time, just cause i think the service sucked (how long did we wait for a table? how long did we wait to actually be served?) and there were a bunch of people you really didnt know too well..but im glad i went.
cant believe everyone is gone next year.. it hasnt hit me yet that so many people are leaving..

sunday: baptism.. boring.. need i say more?

monday: havent realized that school is tomorrow, which is why im putting off doing all my sac stuff and the little speech about uniforms (which i know you will all enjoy ....making fun of me with) and which is why im putting off laundry cause im my head, school = uniform

Tuesday, August 28, 2001

i smell like strawberries
it was supposed to be a shopping trip for "just the girls" after a long summer of not seeing eachother at all.... a day downtown with me nicki and amanda...
but five extra people ended up coming.. so we were the downtown with yoyo, mark, leo and two other boys as well. it is very complicated to go shopping in a group of 8 people.. people get left behind.. people decide to go ahead.. people get bored while waiting for one person to getout of the changing rooms cause she is trying on the equivalent of a whole rack of clothes!! hahaha
but it was fun too while waiting.. yoyo and i argue like brother and sister. Anything from who's ass is bigger and taking more room on the chair that we shared to debating whether nicola was actually going to buy anything after trying on the whole store!
it was fun.. people i havent seen since well the last BBQ but still.. these are basically the only people i like from the BBQ.. minus the two boys who came along..
but by the end of the day i was tired and bitchy feeling.. and so was everyone else.. so we sat in the subway on our way home.. not really talking but laughing at secret jokes shared by only a couple of people while resting our heads on whatever or whomever we could find..
i got a birthday gift too from nicki and amanda!!! the body shop strawberry spritz thingy i was talking about, lip balm (also strawberry) and soap that i liked.. i was really surprised cause i didint even see them buy it and i was surprised that they even knew what i liked or even got me anything cause there was no need to get me anyhting and my birthday was a while ago

i am very content right now... there is a warm, toasty fire in my heart.. (hahah im a loser for saying that)

Monday, August 27, 2001

it was a day of sticky hands...
our outing with mark and luke finally worked out..even though jac sen dropped out of it (stupid camp).... but yeah something which was planned actually materialized this summer.. it can actually happen!! we went bowling first.. hahaha very fun, even though i sucked very much!! 70 something is a good score right? hahahahah
then we went to LeSpot.. for pool.. and me and jaxs were very scared.. i felt like i was in some biker bar in Taiwan.. it was very ghetto there.. me and jaxs sucked sooooo sooo much... well maybe jaxs sucked more.. at least my cue ball would hit things!! hahahaha
yeah i think the guys sort of got impatient with our suck-i-ness... so we let them play a "real game" while me and jaxs gossiped about them and the other people in the place.. hahaha pool whores!
we then went to marks house for some food.. chicken legs!! they were pretty good.. i dont know why yoyo doesnt like them.. then again, maybe we were just really hungry
then up to marks room to point and laugh at things.. ghostwriter book!!! hahahaha and we looked at maxim magazines (careful not to touch the pages too much, just in know...)

Saturday, August 25, 2001

why dont parents understand? an age-old question i guess.. starting from when adam and eve first gave birth to cain and abel.. if i knew the story about how one of the sons killed the other, i would tell you a witty story about how it relates to modern day, but alas, i dont know the story, so thats the end of it i guess...
but really.. its basically a week till summer is over.. is it really that bad if i dont feel like i need to make time for you? is it that bad if maybe i would rather go out with my friends while i can? is it my fault i have plans for the begining of the week and youre working at the end of the week? dammit..

Friday, August 24, 2001

it feels like a goat rubbing against you
tonight was fantabulous..i was out with my two sammys.... lucky me! (arent you all jealous).. jaxs couldnt come cause her mom was mad.. too bad.. but we went to see a movie and well jaxs woundt have come anyway..cause she has issues.. but i still wished she had come. yes so it was great! shopping(well not enough shopping, but less is better cause then i spend less), talking about boys.. (ahem sam) and movie and food and a big toothbrush!! hahahah and who can forget my "malvern homies" sitting in the row in front of us, disturbing the peace!! hahahaha sam s got school shoes and sam m found boots she really like .. and i want shoes too but havent seen any i would die for.. (sams boots were really nice but im not sure about the material.. is that waterproof?) i think im secretly still hoping for leather ones that go around my ginormous calves...
hahah rat race was funny..everyone go watch it! i think any movie with breken meyer and seth green is worth a watch... a lot of well known actors are in it.. but the ending sucked.. that was a dissapointment

Thursday, August 23, 2001

i was thinking today while i was lying on my familyroom floor staring at the stucco-ed ceiling (yes, it was a very boring day) and i realized i was finally 17. i mean ive been saying i was 17 for months now (your allowed to say your new age as long as its three months before your birthday) and so when i actually turned 17, it didnt feel like anything really that big. but today i realized that i felt like a friggin 14 or 15 year old.. literally. In eigth grade, i had such an idealized perception/image of what life would be like when i was seventeen.. i just thought being this old would be some sort of continuous party or something.. i wouldnt have imagined that i would be spending my weekends pretty much the same way as i did then. i know its wayyy better now than before, but i just thought there would be more.
proabably when im in my last year of collage or soemthing i'll be having the same conversation in my head.. about how i thought i would be living on my own, in an ikea decorated apartment (but it will scream me, and not scream ikea like last year's big brother house) and i will have a boyfriend.. correction, live-in boyfriend (hahahaha) and i will know exactly what i want to do with my life and so will he (we are very motivated/inspired/ambitious people), and i will go out every weekend.. to parties, to cottages.. or just strolling around town.. i will study by day, and play by night. and my mom will still be calling every other week "just to check in"

one day i want to not be self-contious when i eat alone in the food court of a busy mall...
i want boys to lust after me and pursue me like the way they do in movies
i want to leave my mark on society and leave a lasting impression wherever i go (a good one of course)
i want to be known as more than the smart girl whos a bitch sometimes
i want to be able to have enough confidence to tell people what i think of them to their face and not only in my head
i want to say all the things that i have in my head, tucked away somewhere, which i dont remeber right now
i totally forgot to tell you guys about the thing that happened at LeChateau at fairview with me and jaxs and petrina!! go read jaxs blog!! cause she tells it good
went to the bank today to close my account... we were getting crazy service charges.. last month was 13 dollars practically.. so i went to talk to the teller and found out the limit was changed.. i heard 2500, but it was really 25 000. so yeah we didnt have that kind of cash.. and didnt want to continue to pay crazy fees so we closed it..
i could have opened a kiddie account.. (note: sam, youre not scamming the bank afterall, youre allowed to keep it now until you reach 18) but i would only get it for a year and have to change it again.. so yeah i got a GROWN UP account..hahaha but it still kinda sucks..service charges if i go over 10 debits a month.and i literally get 0 interest. buti wont need thatmany debit stuff when school starts.
money money money money
went yesterday to fairview and got my paycheck.. second last.. stupid manager schedualed me so that i have to go back again..argg
so i went with jaxs and petrina in jaxs cool new volkswagon, flick! haahah didnt do much shopping though.. actually none of us bought ANYTHING.. but enjoyable still.. im still thinking about my body shop strawberry mist.. hmm.. maybe i will go get it

Tuesday, August 21, 2001

I'm baaaaaaaaaack!!!!
jaxs fixed my blog, it is not longer retarded and now lets me post... yay jaxs

i have the most wicked friends in the world!!! yesterday on my birthday they came to surprise me with hugs and ballooons!!! a big boquet of colourfull balloons!! the night before, jaxs and i agreed that she would get me around 12-1230.. so i start calling her at 1145 to find out when she was coming. the phone keeps on ringing.. i call her cell. it too kept on ringing.. i called her a billion times. no answer. i thought, maybe shes on the toilet or something taking a shit.. but then she finally picks up her cell and says she was doing some errands for her mom.. i though thats was a little suspicious.. jackie getting up early to do errands for her mom when we could have done them after lunch?
i thought they would all be at the restaurant waiting for me or something.. so i later go upstairs to put on my contacts and mid hand-wash the doorbell rings.. i panic cause i know its jaxs coming to pick me up, and being the girl that i am, i am not ready.
i open the door and there is everyone!! sam, vanessa (who got up early with jaxs to get me balloons), lis, and jaxs and the bunch of balloons.. hahah i felt special (whoohoo!!)
we went to caseys where nicole met up with us later.. oh and i had to carry this big elmo ballooon that announced to the world that it was indeed my birthday as sam sang (and danced) to "who let the dogs out" in jaxs car while we all watched strange men laugh at her (i love sam, without her, life would not be entertaining)
sadly, after dinner i had to go to work while the party continued at vanessa's... arg.. its okay i had free minutes all day on my phone so i called lis and went shoppig with her until it was 4. all in all a very VERY good day! to top it off, it was my last day at japan camera and i got hugs and my photo taken by gay men and sabrina (who is also wicked) got me her famous dip with vegetables (my digestive tract thanks her) and cake and bubble juice.
thank you guys, i love you soooo much!!

Monday, August 20, 2001

first jaxs votes me off the survivor island then she kills my blog comments!!
they will be back later on this week.. when i redo my blog..

Sunday, August 19, 2001

im freeeeee!! well almost
this weekend at work was pure hell.... it was only me and sabrina, which is really fun, except there was lots of work. saturday morning, we come and and set up.. then about 15 minutes after we turned it on, we hear a frantic beeping from the machine. we thought that the control strip we sent in was stuck or something so i go to look.... i start smelling something funny. i was gonna tell sabrina that soemthing was funky smelling when i realized it was coming from the machine and there was this sudden big cloud of smoke. i stand there like an idiot going : "uhhh" and a guy from the front finally tells me to trun off the power.. he comes and investigates and sparks start flying at him...we called my manager and we had to turn off the electricity to the whole store.. we stood in darkness until we got security.. my manager says i poured the water in too fast... sabrina and i think that she just want something to blame the mess on.. how can i pour water too fast??? saturday was hectic even though there was one less machine to operate.. then the priniting machine broke downa nd we had to call someone in the japan camera downtown to help us.. were such losers..
today wasnt so bad.. i printed all day.. we were actually on time with out one hours, unlike saturday when we were asking for three hours.. hahaha, and people are still willing to pay the one hour price interesting huh?

perhaps the only thing that kept me going was knowing that i only had 2 or 3 shifts left to go.. just tomorrow and im gone!! finally!!

Thursday, August 16, 2001

sign my guestbook!! each and everyone of you!
the gay guys at work are the best.. when one of them dances and sings to the backstreet boys and wiggles his bum, and another checks out pictures of a man who he claims "has very good genes" with you (although i insisit his cousin is wayy better looking), and the other sits there with his big eyes laughing at the crazyness, you know its a good night
the world is ending
im worried.. and for thoseof you who know me, you know this is a regular thing...
i was thinking.. maybe i took too much on this year too early without realizing that i may not be able to do it all.. im sorry to get everyone down with my back to school bad mood... but i just gotta say this stuff. and dammit, its my blog
i got two oacs next year.. which means i really gotta work at them. one is chemistry.. which is going to be interesting..cause grade 11 chemistry was non-sensical enough (especially at the begining) i cant remeber anything that i have learned two months ago.. i dont know how to bond.. i cant name the stupid molecules.. and then theres law.. im hoping that somehows deoliveira teaches it.. cause paterna is gone right,, but i probably will end up with cafiso, and that is why im scared. i have SAC which i didnt think was really anything lat year.. but with melanie as the president ans the new reforms coming this year, it might be more of an effort than i had anticipated.. and now i got a job,., im hoping for few hours.. but want themoney... and i dont know what my course are!! should it be avn or physics?!?!?! i dont want either!! but must pick one to get my six courses.. ahhhh.. i feel so overwhelmed.. but then i thinkof sam with her crazy soccer scheduale (both at school and league) and think of her during the last month of school with her work and her soccer scheduale.. and it gives me hope.. but then again shes been doing this crazy-ness for years and im still a dribble-nosed rookie

this week has flewn by.. i had my first traiaing day on tuesday and my secod one today.. they were incredibly boring.. we learned "how to be friendly", "how to treat other with respect" and how to have a "passion to engage" we did go over the products too but not much could be done without the product and the store in front of you.. next tuesday i have to somehow make it down to eglingtion and warden by 10 for actual in store traiing..went home ont he bus today and noticed that there were three other old navy employees.. one i sat next to cause we took the bus together tuesday as well.. and when she got off her stop, there were still the other two..they started to talk to me and we found out we all got off the same stop.. one of the boys lives really close to me too..on we walked home together until we got to the cat walk, and went our separate ways.. it was sooo nice to have someone understand the ghetto-ness of our area.. and we talked about all the fires and car accidents and how much the streets smelled while it was raining (it was spitting at the time and we knew the smell would be upon us soon) and i told him baout the dead mice i see in front of a certain house on my way tot he bus stop.. the shortness of the traiing and the people make up for the boring-ness of the training.. but it beats japan camera... only 3 or 4 more shifts to go!!! yayy!!!
i am incredibly tired and need some sleep i took a napon the couch when i got home.. jaxs is crossed with me.. cause our phones kept disconnecting (or i couldnt hear her for some reason) and i kept calling back and i think she was mad cause i was disrupting her.. and since i sensed she was mad, i got mad too..(life is very complicated with me and jaxs) all i wanted her to do was see if there were any t shirts left at american eagle in markville...i am going to buy myself a birthday present tmorrow.. and not a little birthday present.. a big expensive one.. hahahaha
i love me

Sunday, August 12, 2001

yeah, how com emy blog times dont work?? its not 6:15!! ahhh.. jaxs did you mess it up the last time you were on my template?? someone fix it???
whats the deal with this pop life?
yesterday i got home at one in the morning.. not cause i was partying , or having fun.. but because i stayed at work developing pictures.. okay it wasnt all that bad cause the store was empty except for me sabrina and deidra.. and we played nsync all night and i learned all the words to "dirty pop" hahah or so i think, cause no matter how much i hear a song and think i know it, i always seem to screw it up,.. you can ask jaxs..
my sincere apologies to sam for not showing up on friday to see her and get sundaes... we were really planning to go.. but we at the last minute went to vanessa's house and stayed there the afternoon playing the "Survivor" boardgame until like 4 o'clock.. and we couldnt just leave in the middle of it.. well technically i could have cause JACQUELINE voted me out!!! so yeah unless you wanted us to come after you shift and hunt you down on your way walking back home...
im still holding your lipgloss hostage!!! *peers behind me, where i have hog-tied the pink grapefruit-flavoured lipgloss to a chair and gaged it with duct tape* we'll see eachother soon.. im off next week from wednesday on.. until the 31st
we better ALL do soemthing then!!!! *glares at everyone*

Thursday, August 09, 2001

does anyone wanna come with me for a hair cut.. i wann get my hair relayered cause i just noticed it does a funny v shaped thing at the back, and the layers are all grown out and nasty.. someone please??

Wednesday, August 08, 2001

i have plans.. it feels good when you have plans.. friday: during the day, nicole, jaxs, sam, petrina, vanessa, hopefully bev and chrisitne and maybe a few others will spend a day eating and shopping.. such girlish fun!!! then in the evening a BBQ at marks..will go early to help set up.. yayy mee!!!
wont be on until sunday.... tomrrow working, friday out, saturday working.. hmm maybe ill be on saturda night..well see
Score!!! my new comments thing works!!!!
now leave coments!! everyone!!!
Happy 17th birthday petrina!
so today was the day i quit japan camera.. i was soo scared to do it as i came into work.. but then my manager started to bitch about the two days i requested off from work next week, and i decided that now was a good time to spring it one her.. so yeah, i told her, and she seemed hurt, but got over it quickly.. i didnt give her the letter until just before she left..

then after sam dorve me to montannas to celebrate petrinas brithday! everyone was there.. okay maybe not everyone... but it was soo funny.. i dont think anyone could possibly have more fun with a few jam jars, tin cups, knives and a napkin...hahah bev.. i love bev!
jaxs where the hell were you? i tried calling you a million times.. and your phone was off.. are you dead in a ditch somewhere?

Monday, August 06, 2001

how the hell do i write a resignation letter????
why must i sugarcoat: " bye denise i hate you and this stupid store! and you can kiss my big fat ass as i walk to my new job, with my higher paycheck and closer location! so ha! try yelling at me now bitch!" ???(denise is my manager of course) but alas, i must be nice, cause one day i might need her as a reference, and im thinking that if i say the above, she might not give me one..
so here i go.. trying to write a resignation letter, even though i have no idea what im doing, and i know i will probably be laughed out of the store once i give it to her because it will not look or sound anything like one.. but im doing it... cause i must quit and i wont spend a single day more there than i have to
geez, quitting is so much trouble, no wonder people dont do it more often

Friday, August 03, 2001

wow... i cant believe christine has a thing with her dad too!! hahah we rock.. however, i unlike her, have developed a hate.. wait.. i wouldnt call it a hate.. how about a strong dislike?
aphids are easily smashable
yesterday i got off at 6 and took the bus home.. i walk out of fairview and walk down to the sheppard bus stop.. i stop at the light and look down.. my white shirt was spotted with tiny bugs everywhere.. i brush them off with a look of disgust and embarassment.. i had no idea why all these bugs chose to die on me, and no one else..

i get off the bus at my stop and walk home.. again, i look down and notice my shirt and pants are full of the little things.. its like when you walk the bugs crash into you and die!! i was beging to worry.. do i have B.O.? was it my perfume? it was totally gross.. but i was relieved this morning that it wasnt just me, there was a whole epidemic of bugs.. phew!
im going to montreal this weekend for the long holiday... be back tuesday.. but probably wont blog till wednesday.. wait, maybe if youre lucky, ill be on monday night.. ohh baby!! rowrr
so this morning i wake up and watch tv and eat and stuff, you know just basically doing nothing since i dont have work till 4( which means i leave at 2:45) but then my brother gives me a message from yesterday morning(i was gone to work already when they called), it was old navy, and they wanted a final interview either today or tomrrow from 10-7.. i was like oh shit. . i have to go now before work cause tomrrrow im gone out of town...i was also like omigosh!! cause i totally was not expecting them to call.. since i thought i totally bombed my second interview.. so i run upstairs and shower and change and run out othe door.. i was totally psyching myself up for a on-on-one interview..cause it couldnt possibly be a group cause it would have had to be in a schedualed time.. so i walk in and the guy who the message said to ask for wasnt there, so i had to wait.,. that must have been the longest 10 minutes of my life.. i was going over all of my good qualities in my head and how i would go about explainging them.. the guy finally comes and pulls me to the side and says: "we would like to offer you a position at old navy" i was amazingly could he have said something which brought so much joy so nonchalantly? it took a few seconds for it to all sink yeah i got my shirt, filled in my training times. and got out of there.. it felt like i was in an amazing un-popable bubble of happiness. i went to find julie at walmart to tell her and buy a new hairbrush (my old one is in two pieces.. i dont know why)

but my bubble was i guess, not so un-popable.. my dad came to pick me up from work, and i told him with this big grin on my face about my new job.. i could tell that he wasnt happy.. he asked: "so what about the library" and i said im gonna tell them i got a job at old navy!! he was not happy.. he had before told me that it would be better if i got the library job, rather than the one at old navy.. so i knew now that he wasnt happy with my choice of work.. he wouldnt tell me why,..somthing about getting more life experience at the library.. but i mean how much life expoerience would you get from shelving books??? i think a retail job would look wayy better on a could be mute and deaf to work in a library.. there is no showing of social skills...or even an understanding of anything more than how to put objects in numerical order
so eventually it turned into an arguement about whether or not i should write a resignation letter (he says yes, i say its just a stupid first job) and how im shutting doors.. when i kept on refusing to waste my time with a resignation letter.. he gave me this whole speech about how i never listened to him and how there were so many times in the past that i didnt when i should have.. and how he could never tell me to do anything, and merely just suggest things for me to do, and have me not listen ,,i told him yes, you cant tell me what to do, and you never will be able to.. yes, there were times when i should have listened to you, but because i didnt, it may have been bad, but i had a new life experience.. so therefore, it was good that i went through it..we sat in the car for the rest of the ride in silence, while i thought : FUCK.. we havent talked for years... and now that things are actually getting better.. youre making me not want to deal with you at all... really.. if this is how youre gonna be when we get along, i dont want to have anything to do with it, cause things are so much better when were ignoring eachother (well at least more peaceful)

i hate how when you feel so good about something, fathers feel like they have right to shoot you back down.

Thursday, August 02, 2001

be back to blog and sign guestbooks tomorrow... im freezing down here right now..
going to montreal for the weekend maybe?
vince carter baby
i got picture of vince carter...REAL ONES... i stole them from work.. well technically they were "paper waste" and were going to be thrown out anyways..
if you guys decide to do something the weekend vanessa comes back, scheduale it for the friday!! cause im working saturday, and since im quitting, my boss wont let me change my scheduale around

Wednesday, August 01, 2001

i have a guestbook now!!! sign it !!!! SIGN IT!!!
on the nugget
i was thinking the other day, while on the nugget.. that the nugget bus was sooo much a part of peoples lives in my neighbourhood.. without it, we would be stranded, or have to take three busses just to get to scarborough town... i noticed that it was weird that everyone called it THE nugget.. instead of just nugget...
boy 1: "what bus do you take home?"
boy 2: "THE nugget"

people dont call brimley, THE brimley!!
boy 1: "what bus do you take home?" (he likes to ask this question)
boy 2: "THE brimley"
didnt that sound weird?
your gravol worked wonders jaxs.. but unfortunatly, it didnt help my interview..
saw matt, yoyo and mark after my interview.. they went to walmart with me to get jaxs an air freshener for her car..
its ugly jaxs.. but i want you to hang it.. or throw it somewhere so that it doesnt smell anymore.. its blue, to match your car.. and in the shape of a leaf!! hahahaha
yes, i know my blog looks ugly.. jaxs was fixing it for me, and she began to play around with it, and eventually, everything got fucked.. so i will fix it, just probably not anytime soon
i hoped you all missed me
did you have a good day? of course you did! you were with me!. well sort of....
today i had work and jaxs came to get me.. i bought her a birthday lunch.. since we werent going out for dinner... after jaxs (who is the most wonderful person ever!) drove me to my interview at woodside library... and stayed there, so she and i could go hang out at her house after.. at 4:45 i had to leave her house for another interview at old navy... it was my second one, and it didnt go well.. it was a group interview.. me, and 8 other people.. he went around and asked us each a different question..the first one, he took notes on this sheet of paper.. and the second set, he didnt write anyhting.. which made me wonder.. so yeah i doubt they'll be calling me back.. but theres still hope in the library i guess...
last friday was the best day at work ever!!! i dont think anything can top it.. except maybe next next saturday...friday night, me and sabrina were the only two in the back the whole night.. and even in the front, the people doing the selling were all young people too.. so we turned up the music, and talked.. it was a very slow night and me and sabrina started to gossip about everyone who worked there.. (well only the adults) and about how we both have secret plans to leave... i even ate and drank while i was printing, so i didnt have to use my break.. it was wicked.. next friday night the same and next,next saturday..
i cant believe they trust us that much..yikes
yes i realize that i sound stupid. and really, its not big deal.. but now that ive been working.. every little good thing is a big deal.. cause they are so few and far between..

Thursday, July 26, 2001

i just came on with intentions to ONLY read blogs, cause i am very tired, but still feel the need to catch up with all of your lives... i have missed all of you.. anyways.. a while ago, jaxs was telling me how churchie signed her guestbook, and we debated whether we should believe it is actually mr church, or some stupid person posing as him.. but in the end, we concluded that it probably was him.. then just now, i was reading nicole's guestbook, trying to find mark's website (cause i am intertested in what he has to say about a special someone.. hehee) and i see that churchie signed her guestbook too... then i come to the realization that he probably reads all of our blogs.. whichis kinda creepy when you think about it... he could be reading this right now, and now know that i think its creepy that he reads our blogs..
you wonder why he knows everything about everybody??? probably cause when its late at night and he has nothing to do, he comes on the net and stalks all of his students through their web pages

Saturday, July 21, 2001

it was a great party... a few games of basketball... conversations with people you havent seen since school ended, moonlit bike rides (well more like streetlamp-lit), pop and pizza.... that is until the party starts to die down, and people begin to leave, and there is only a small group left in the basement watching a rented movie in the dark.. and you look around and all the other girls are snuggling with their boyfriends, or maybe soon-to-be boyfriends, and you realize that you are the only girl without a guy wrapped around yourself... and you continure to look around and realize that the other boys in the room who arent taken, arent taken cause their gross.. and you sigh to yourself cause you know that with this group of people, you will never be a part of one of those couples that makes the single girl jealous..
aand all that you can do is make a mental note to find boy toys in other social circles...

Thursday, July 19, 2001

tomorrow: shopping with vanessa and jaxs.. and not to town centre.. NOOOO were going to markville cause jaxs got wheels baby!! hahaha i am a loser i know.. then matts surprise party.. please come jaxs!
my blog reading time has been drastically cut down now that nicole doesnt blog and sam is away this week... why did you both leave me??
nicole, if youre still alive and not dead in some sort of sewage drain, come back on and leave a tiny message, oh yeah and we still have to do something with our birthday thing.. secretly i know its probably not going to happen, but dammit im gonna try my bestest!!
sam!! sam!!! come back too.. and tell me of all youre naughty, naughty adventures

Wednesday, July 18, 2001

i feel like a prisoner being hunted down
today is my day off... at 11:37 am my work calls me.. of course i secretly have a feeling they want me in today, and refuse to pick up...
less than 5 minutes after, they call again.. again i dont pick up... hoping that they will get the message..
10 more minutes and they call again..i get my brother to tell them that i wasnt home.. 7 mintes later they call again.. and again my brother tells them im not home.. if someone tells you that who you are looking for is not home, what makes you think that in 7 minutes they will be? they say to have me call back as soon as im home. its urgent..
i refuse to go into work.. after a conversation with jaxs on the phone, i hang up and instantly, the phone rings again, it is as if they knew...
it is work again, and my brother AGAIN says im not in... and AGAIN they say to have me call them... they call two more times after that and finally tell my brother that they need me in, so get me to call back, after they have asked him questions such as where i went, when i will be back and so not a fricken prisoner on parole here.. when i get the day off, i expect to be off.. not be on call for you..
what if someone was sleeping? what if we needed the phone to saty open? who calls 4 times within a half an hour and then 4 more times during the day?
who doesnt understand:"she;s out, i dont know when she'll be back, yes, she'll call you when she gets home?"
really now.. am i not allowed to take the day off and assume that i WILL be off, and not hounded by crazy phone calls.. ive worked three days in a row so far for 7 hours each and you want me to work today? making it 5 days in a row? is this really a part time job here?
i swear if i go in tomrrow and they get mad that i wasnt home to go to work, i will seriously leave.. and not because of only this.. a lot of stuff has been bothering me about work.. for instance how my manager insists that i come in at 830 when the store opens at 10, even though she knows it takes an hour and a half to even get to work.. arggg..

Tuesday, July 17, 2001

*witty title here*
so i got my first paycheck the begining of last week.. it was much, since it was only for my first two shifts... after tax, i had $88.95. And who knew that money would go so fast... hmm.. i spent about 55 on clothes and bras.. and another 10 on a journal, and i have about 15 bucks left.. oh by the way, i also got money from my aunt while she was here, and somehow i spent that too.. who knows how... im dangerous with money.. hmmm
so if you wanna do anything, i cant do it till late next week cause hopefully i'll have another paycheck by then.. *sigh*
so working basically sucks.. i want to leave already... ive been doing a lot of thinking lately (I have lots of time to think while travelling on the bus for an hour and a half going to or from work) and ive come to the conclusion that i cant commit.. yes.. what women have complained about for centuries about men, is something i too cannot do...
i'm always looking for something better... i cant stay in one job.. the second day i was there, i already wanted to leave..
i cant even commit to a damned halter top for goodness sakes (long story, which i feel too stupid to actually tell)
i have been plotting for some time now how im gonna tell my manager that i want to leave.. its evil of me to go out and find a beter job, now that i actually have some work experience.. not much mind you.. about three weeks worth.. but thats almost a month... i'll just tell my new employer that me and my boss got into an arguement about the chemicals and health and safety hazards or something like that, which led to a bad breakup of our employee/employer relationsship, which i why i left so early and also do not have her as a reference..
good plan huh? it should be cause ive been thinking so much about it..
gap is hiring at town... im dropping off my resume on thursday before work..why? cause i am just THAT desperate to get out..

lately at work. ive been having to come in early (like 830 early) cause she has to teach me all this new stuff (which is partly why i hate work so much).. i get so mad, cause secretly i know its pointless for her to waste my time and hers cause i will be gone by the end of summer (hopefully!! *crosses fingers*) i just feel like shouting : i dont want to come at goddamn 830 and wake up at 645 to do so cause im fricken out of here in three weeks (hopefully)..

does anyone know if the old navy and walmart has opened at town yet? i havent been there for ages!

Tuesday, July 10, 2001

i got a belt for $2.88 today..
one good thing about working at the mall: you catch all the sales
one bad thing about working at the mall: you catch all the sales
on the nugget
so today as i was coming home, on my infamous NUGGET bus.. and i hear these two boys talking behind me.. and i keep on hearing my name whispered.. kinda ignore it, thinking "oh lots of people have my name"
suddenly, one of the guys says "andrea!"
i turn around to see them try to look the other way, trying not to look at me... and there i am being the nerd that i am with my head turned back looking at the two of the trying to figure who it was... i think one of them was shallun from bede..remeber him jaxs? but i have no idea why he would remeber me, since the one year he was there, we never said anything, never knew eachother, so i doubt it was him.. some stalker from ward maybe?
jason: "so andrea, are you ready to babysit us?"
today was a fairly good day at work.. it wasnt the best, but it is the best i;ve had so far. Thank God my mom is off and drove me to wrok today. i had to be in at 830 and would have had to get up at 6:15 to take the bus!! ahh.. i love my mom, and i owe her dearly for waking up early just to chauffeur me around. So despite the ride, i was completely stressing. cause yesterday (which i also had to show up at 830) my manager taught me how to set up everything in the morning.. all the machines have to be put back together and tested before the day can start. it ususally takes about 1/2 an hour, but for trainees like me, it takes an hour.. which is why i was there so early. So today i was kinda getting tested on how much i remebered, i was having a mini heart attack as i drew closer to work.. so yeah, you know that new hired boy? well turns out today was his first day afterall. and i was so gald he was there. someone to talk to, and also, i didnt have do my set up fast cause my manager was teaching him along the way... so it gave me time to read over y notes and think about what i was going to do next...
today wasnt a very busy.. the least one hour developing since i started working.. and then after i came off my break, (i only had two hours of work left) the machine which prints the pictures jammed, and therefore, we had to slow down on preparing all the film, cause they were completely piling up.. also, after about an hour, we had to stop taking in one hours.. so basically nothing was coming in , and i spent the last two hours of my shift, walking around tidying things and putting slide negatives into these plastic sheets... the new boy had to work with the technician to take apart the printing machine and do something with it in the back.. im so happy i wasnt involved in that.. hahaha
the only thing bad about my day? i had to mix chemicals like 5 times.. but 4 of them were at the same time, so i dint have to wash up and everything
perhaps the best thing: thrifty;s is having a major spring clearance sale.. i got my halter and two t shirts.. one for work, and one for play.. i like the, , theyre stretchy.. i want the purple or blue one.. hmmm
im beginging to think that those thriftys girls see me too often and are wondering if i am stalking them
tonight: babysitting my cousins while my aunt and uncle have a romantic "date"

Monday, July 09, 2001

a new trainee got hired today.. so i wont be the only stupid one around japan camera.. but he's starting wednesday, the one day im off.. so i cant watch him screw up to make my own ego feel better (yes, i know it is bad, but anything to boost my self esteem is good) wait a sec, what if he learns everything faster and can do everything better than me?? hmm.. that wont look good..
and no, hes not cute... okay, but not something to hunt down or anything... (hahah i knew some of you were wondering)
picking up report cards with jaxs thursday.. anyone else wanna come? for lunch? i gotta be at work at 2 though.. but im free after 6

Friday, July 06, 2001

work sucks when all you seem to do is screw up... someone almost got the wrong pictures because of me..
i tried to ask my maager for a couple of saturdays off to spend with my relatives from out of town, and she almost bit my head off... she said she would make an exception for me.. i wonder how she;s gonna take it when i want to leave..
when my family leaves, i want to go me.. someone drive me to work?

Wednesday, July 04, 2001

what i hate the most is mixing chemicals, not only do you have to wear goggles, an apron, and yellow dishwashing gloves (yes, picture me and laugh), everything is disgusting,..including the stuff you have on... chemicals are too much pressure, if i mess it up, am am surely fired..after the manager taught me about chemicals, she handed me a three inch thick binder and told me that if i ever come in contact with any, to look it up and see what the side effects and symptoms are (not a good sign at all)
i had to eat lunch alone today,, i felt the whole world was staring at me, laughing.. didnt eat much though.. i think the chemicals made me nauseous.. hmm.. plan: to lose 15 pounds by end of summer fromt he noxious fumes of photography chemicals..hahaha,, new diet anyone? i dont think it'll work if i fill myself up with ice cream after..mmm plantations tonight with sam and jaxs and lis?
so i enter the dim lit mall and discover hoards of old people exercising.. i panic, cause i don’t know where to go or what to do for half an hour,.. and decide to go and "freshen up" in the ladies room.. turns out, its locked.. the food court is packed with old people and it just felt too awkward to sit among them.. alone.. in my box of i find a bench and pretend to rifle through my purse in search of some illusive object that i just cant find..
five to 9 i go down to japan camera.. the security gate is still drawn over the store.. like a force field,... i know.. i look in.. no one seems me.. i wait..
i was begining to worry that they would thing that i was late for work
finally a blond woman comes in and lets me in
I walk in to the back and try to look cheerful and friendly, which is actually hard if you are scared and intimidated by everyone
So I get started, and im there with my notepad (my manager told me bring one, I bring it cause I thought it looked cool) and I am incredibly overwhelmed..*sigh*
I screwed up so many things.. and I hate it when people notice it and tell you.. even though they say it in the nicest way, it still makes you feel like your two inches tall.. what I hate even more, is when you know you did something wrong and try to hide it or correct it, and your waiting to see if anyone notices,.,.such stress..hahaha..
i had written this incredibly long blog about my first day at work, but then lightening came, and the electricity went off.. Fuck.. so here i am trying to recapture the passion that was my first blog. imdoing it in parts, just in case..
so today i get to fairview half an hour early (seems like a trend is starting huh) even after having a heart attack on the bus.. well not literally.. who woul dhave guessed that the shepard express bus doesnt stop at fairview?.. i was trying desperatly to figure out how far don mills was to the stupid mall.... i got off the bus and realized it was that far, basically just crossing the street and through the underground parking.. however, the closest entrance was sears and i had to walk around a whole frickin corner of the mall to find a mall entrance..

Tuesday, July 03, 2001

i think im getting ablister.. i walked all day today in heels.. sandal heels. i tried to look sexy and mature and tall, but i guess it didnt work..
there are two patches on my foot, where it loks like the skin came apart from my foot, but the skin is intacts.. im worried that the interstitial fluid ive been hearing about in bio is gonna collect in there and make a blister.. i dont want it to look like adams ear, so im pressing down on those two patches
ang is sooo hired
so today i had a 5:30 interview at Gymboree in Fairvirew. its a kids clothing store.. well even though i didnt feel like it, and i knew i wasnt going to get hired, i decided to go anyways...
i got to fairview a half an hour early so decided to go find JAapan camera cause i heard from a friend that they were hiring..i walk in a realize that everyone who worked there who was under 25 was from ward... there was sabrina, and her sister deidra, denise and andrea ong.. so im waiting for the manager, which seems to take ages.. and she finally talkes to me.. it was going fine.. no major questions..she asked if i was a fast learner and if i had any work experience.. and deidra put in a good word for me (thank god for deidra) and she took me in to see the lab. i looked at my watch and realized there was oly like 15 minutes until my interview at Gymboree and she was still telling me about the lab.. i was wondering if she did that to everyone, or if she was hiring me, cause who would take all this effore if theyre werent hiring me?? so after i convinced myself i was hired, she handed me an application form and sent me outside to fill it out.. it kind of threw me off, cause i was thinking "i thought i was already hired?" haha.
so yeahi got the job.. and by the time i finished, it was 5:35 and i coulndt go to Gymboree late, and tell them.. hey i just got a job , so i didtched them.. in retrospect, im thinking it was the wrong thing to do.. but ah well...its not like theyre gonna post my name in all the malls telling everyone that i ditch interviews like a WANTED poster right? RIGHT?!?!?!?!
so im proud.. now i need a car.. dammit... i have to be there at 9 in the morning..ugh!!!
after the interview i had to go out and buy some white t shirts.. cause thats what i have to wear and the only white tshirt i have, has a big yellow duck on it... so yeah... t shirt and tanks are 2 for 15 (solid) and 2 for 20 (striped) at fairview smart set...
i am already making a mental list of what i want to blow my first paycheck on.. hmmm..
i hope im a fast learner, cause i told them i was and deidra seconded it. and i dont want to look stupid.. im feeling rather insecure.. but at the same time excited.. ahhh... what sam must have felt like
sam: now i have money to go out and eat lunch!! ahahahaha

Sunday, July 01, 2001

couldnt resist
so yeah im back.. bring me out someone!! im drowning in little kids.. okay maybe not drowning, there are only two.. but get me out of here.. i need to make plans for next week as well... come on... i need to fill up my weekdays next week... any offers??

my aunt, who is chinese, likes it here in toronto... she says she finally feels like she belongs (meaning that there are a lot of chinese people here, as opposed to the few in montreal).. when theyre here, all she wants to eat is chinese food, why? because she feels deprived of it, since to get chinese food in montreal, good chinese food, you have to go to chinatown.. and thats too much trouble with two young kids,...and she enjoys our malls, stores and grocery stores here.. why? cause groceries are cheaper here, especially fruits and she gets a kick out of all the hello kitty stuff she can get fairly cheaply here..(the hello kitty craze is just starting amoung the white people in montreal, and the stuff costs a fortune..since there is so little supply, and increasing demand)...
but of course since i live in toronto, nothing is new, and nothing is amusing, but i am forced to go to all these chinese malls..(ie:pacific mall) *yikes* and walk around looking at san rio stuff.. and you know how comfortable i am when im surrounded by chinese people.. me and my white uncle.. look around making fun of peole who look fobby... and quiver when we see a herd of them coming.. so maybe its not a total waste of time.. hahahaha
*note: since i am chinese, i have every right to make fun of my own race... black comics do it all the time.. so ha!!
sharpies are stinky
so my family is down from montreal... they've been here since only saturday.. but it already feels like its a long time.. thats not a good thing is it? I love my cousins.. they look so white and perfect.. they have light brown eyes and brown hair, and can speak french wayy better than i ever could even though they are only 5 and 7. sigh... i wish i could speak french..but im not willing to learn.. thats sort of like the saying you wanna have the cake and eat it too.. hahahah..okay im a loser, its official,, i'll stop now..i am the weakest link. goodbye

Thursday, June 28, 2001

im not exactly sure why that book remind you of me, but since its so feministic (is that a word?) and bitchy, i enjoy it as well.. hmm bitchy.. is that why it reminds you of me?? lol
i read the exerpt and was kinda diappointed it was more of a forward or afterword, instead of an actual exerpt of the book.. if you do get it (with your large lick's paycheque of course) lend me it after.. ohh and bridget jones diary.. a nd while youre doing that, can i have my cd back?
Congratulations Graduates!!!!
Today i spent most of the day at home alone.. it was WONDERFUL!!! i turned up the tv so thatit could be heard throughout the whole house, and sang my heart out to much music!! and listend to dirty talk shows while brushing my teeth and cooking. it was in a way totally liberating.. oddly liberating, but still. then i shaves and showered and got ready for grad.. Grad was great! everyone looked bootylicious and yummy.. ahh... when chrisitne started to cry during her valedictorian speech, i did too.. i felt so stupid cause i was sitting near mrs dunn and mrs eustace and ms ste croix and jess and strange people and i didnt want them to see me cry.. although i really needed to.. it almost felt like i was graduating, cause a few of these people are so much a part of me.. these were the cool grade elevens that accepted me and my friends when we first came into the gifted room as nerdy/loser grade nines.. how i looked up to you guys....i even went through a phase (maybe still going through) where i wanted to be Andrea Chance.. she was science goddess to me, and she had a steady job at roots, which seemed glamourous at the time, and now that im in grade eleven, i still cant achieve what she has at my age. *sigh* i got to see everyone's awards and stuff before you got them.. i knewexactly who was an honours award or whatever.. hahah i feel so powererful!! hahaha... adam, i enjoyed those faces you made.. you were like the only one not too nervous to make eye contact and get their mind off of not tripping on stage... oh and i hope you enjoy your 'present'..hahahah i went through them before, and i felt the urge to put post its with "censored" all over the dirty, dirty magazine!!! i cant believe i stood in line to pay for that thing! many pictures wiht many pretty people
now that grad is over, im at racs house.. talking about boy.. so must go.. hahaha boys!!