Sunday, September 29, 2002

hey you guys.. message from yoyo:

I just created a webspace on msn for Mary Ward OAC's!
there's a message board and a chat room!
so feel free to go there whenever you are bored and post stuff about life, music, school or whatever. Chances are there will be other ppl on and you can chat with them as well!!
here's the link
new 'bag' from the Bay..............................$1.79
cake to surprise a friend............................$1.85
my portion of the pizza..............................$2.25
bus fare to and from Downtown..................$5.00
socks from jacob.......................................$19.27
gas for the car..........................................$22.50
pilates book from Chapters........................$25.11
clothes from Old Navy...............................$52.79
a weekend filled with friends...................priceless

hehee i know, that was cheesy

Monday, September 23, 2002

so i went to work today at the store, hoping that somehow the managers working would be the ones who didn't know about the other job, because simply, i was too confused to be ready to have a conversation about it..but both were there. i managed to avoid the subject the whole night, almost thinking that maybe since they never got a call for references, they just assumed i didnt get it, or perhaps they had somehow forgotten altogether. but as we were closing, tom says to me, "so about that thing that we talked about the other night, what's going on with that?" i felt my heart sink.. so i told him what was going on. i told him that i wanted to come back for christmas because even though it was hell, it was one of the best times of the year as well. i asked when they would be doing the seasonal hiring so i would come back and reapply. He looked at me and said, "come back any time, there will always be a job for you here." and even though he may not have fully meant it, to me, he seemed truly sincere, and for some reason it meant the world to me.

Saturday, September 21, 2002

wow i'm so tired
so i just got back from a bbq, which eventually had to be moved into my friend's dinning room because it was thunderstorming.. lol but despite all the fun, it really made me think. now that i sort of have two jobs (well at least during the next week, while the doctor 'sees' how everything works out) of course im debating which one i should take if in fact i do end up with two. the office job yes is a new experience.. and yes it pays more... but am i really ready to give up old navy yet? it's really not that bad.. my managers are awesome and the rest of the staff gets along so well.. and i like doing cash! at the office its the same old 4 people. although the dentist assistant people are relatively young.. but not young enough for me to hang out the same time, i think that the only reason why i'm so reluctant to leave is BECAUSE i'm comfortable at the store. it was so overwhelming today... and to think that i still don't know how to do half the stuff i'm supposed to... the previous secretary assistants got fired becuase they weren't performing up to their expectations.. what makes them think that i can? i mean these people couldnt have possibly been stupid. and the office is a longer bus ride.. and who knows i might not even get it cause i dotn speak chinese.. i dunno..i'm so confused and thise whole entry is a whole bunch of ramblings...

Thursday, September 19, 2002

so i just had the most awkward conversation with my manager.. how do you explain exactly that you need a reference but still manage to not offend the store cause you might be leaving? i explained how i loved working there..i explained how i wanna come back for christmas even if i get the job.. i explained how it was last minute (which is why i called at 1030 at night)... i lied and said there were three other girls running for the position, thereby decreasing my chances..
worst thing is, i had to explain it to two managers cause the one that picked up wanted to know why i couldnt deal with her.. bur i need a change.. things have been stagnant for a while.

Monday, September 16, 2002

I, like everyone else is feeling swamped.. even before the work has really started. its so hard to believe that the third week of school is already here.. and what do i have to show for it? it's not like i'm doing anything about it either. i mean i work at it and all, but not as much as i should. i realized this weekend how much my work habits have changed.. it's not necessarily a bad thing mind you because i can still get it all done.. juts makes me think that's all.

Sunday, September 15, 2002

i'm feeling like one of those jealous girlfriends... and it sucks.. it sucks even more that i'm not even a
i love these people.. but when they're there.. people act differently and i dont like it.
i don't know what's wrong with my computer.. it hasn't been letting me into hotmail... then i set up a yahoo account and it works, for a day, and then i cant login anymore.. why am i sucking?

Saturday, September 07, 2002

and it starts once again
so as another school year begins, as always, ang is making her life more complicated than it really has to be. i hate courses. i never know which ones to choose. it's like this every year- i just write them all downonthe sheet and wait until the next year to really decide. but now im stuck (yes, this is exactly like the big avn/sph debacle of last year). mag or gwi? i really dont wanna take mag.. i really dont.. i have a lot on my plate already and another math is not going to help. BUT i may need it. i dont know. i dont think i do, but its the MAYBE that worries me. i wish i knew what the hell i am doing with myself. so you would htink that the answer is now obvious but i actually kinda like world issues and it'llbring up my average this year too.. and plus, it'll be a good break from all the math and sciences i will have this year. the other option is to actually do all 6 courses, two of which are ap, sac and the job (and somewhere in there was also a slight ambition to start up with yearbook again or possibly newspaper).. but i really dont feel like i can do all of that and NOT fail and continue to have a social life.. my one glimmer of hope and possible mantra? jess did it and more, so why the hell can't i?

Monday, September 02, 2002

goodbye summer
so this is it. once i go to bed, summer's over. it's back to classrooms, units, using full and complete sentences.. lol
my brain doesn't know how to function anymore... and suddenly it will be hit with bio and math and kopach.. how will i deal?