Thursday, July 26, 2001

i just came on with intentions to ONLY read blogs, cause i am very tired, but still feel the need to catch up with all of your lives... i have missed all of you.. anyways.. a while ago, jaxs was telling me how churchie signed her guestbook, and we debated whether we should believe it is actually mr church, or some stupid person posing as him.. but in the end, we concluded that it probably was him.. then just now, i was reading nicole's guestbook, trying to find mark's website (cause i am intertested in what he has to say about a special someone.. hehee) and i see that churchie signed her guestbook too... then i come to the realization that he probably reads all of our blogs.. whichis kinda creepy when you think about it... he could be reading this right now, and now know that i think its creepy that he reads our blogs..
you wonder why he knows everything about everybody??? probably cause when its late at night and he has nothing to do, he comes on the net and stalks all of his students through their web pages

Saturday, July 21, 2001

it was a great party... a few games of basketball... conversations with people you havent seen since school ended, moonlit bike rides (well more like streetlamp-lit), pop and pizza.... that is until the party starts to die down, and people begin to leave, and there is only a small group left in the basement watching a rented movie in the dark.. and you look around and all the other girls are snuggling with their boyfriends, or maybe soon-to-be boyfriends, and you realize that you are the only girl without a guy wrapped around yourself... and you continure to look around and realize that the other boys in the room who arent taken, arent taken cause their gross.. and you sigh to yourself cause you know that with this group of people, you will never be a part of one of those couples that makes the single girl jealous..
aand all that you can do is make a mental note to find boy toys in other social circles...

Thursday, July 19, 2001

tomorrow: shopping with vanessa and jaxs.. and not to town centre.. NOOOO were going to markville cause jaxs got wheels baby!! hahaha i am a loser i know.. then matts surprise party.. please come jaxs!
my blog reading time has been drastically cut down now that nicole doesnt blog and sam is away this week... why did you both leave me??
nicole, if youre still alive and not dead in some sort of sewage drain, come back on and leave a tiny message, oh yeah and we still have to do something with our birthday thing.. secretly i know its probably not going to happen, but dammit im gonna try my bestest!!
sam!! sam!!! come back too.. and tell me of all youre naughty, naughty adventures

Wednesday, July 18, 2001

i feel like a prisoner being hunted down
today is my day off... at 11:37 am my work calls me.. of course i secretly have a feeling they want me in today, and refuse to pick up...
less than 5 minutes after, they call again.. again i dont pick up... hoping that they will get the message..
10 more minutes and they call again..i get my brother to tell them that i wasnt home.. 7 mintes later they call again.. and again my brother tells them im not home.. if someone tells you that who you are looking for is not home, what makes you think that in 7 minutes they will be? they say to have me call back as soon as im home. its urgent..
i refuse to go into work.. after a conversation with jaxs on the phone, i hang up and instantly, the phone rings again, it is as if they knew...
it is work again, and my brother AGAIN says im not in... and AGAIN they say to have me call them... they call two more times after that and finally tell my brother that they need me in, so get me to call back, after they have asked him questions such as where i went, when i will be back and so not a fricken prisoner on parole here.. when i get the day off, i expect to be off.. not be on call for you..
what if someone was sleeping? what if we needed the phone to saty open? who calls 4 times within a half an hour and then 4 more times during the day?
who doesnt understand:"she;s out, i dont know when she'll be back, yes, she'll call you when she gets home?"
really now.. am i not allowed to take the day off and assume that i WILL be off, and not hounded by crazy phone calls.. ive worked three days in a row so far for 7 hours each and you want me to work today? making it 5 days in a row? is this really a part time job here?
i swear if i go in tomrrow and they get mad that i wasnt home to go to work, i will seriously leave.. and not because of only this.. a lot of stuff has been bothering me about work.. for instance how my manager insists that i come in at 830 when the store opens at 10, even though she knows it takes an hour and a half to even get to work.. arggg..

Tuesday, July 17, 2001

*witty title here*
so i got my first paycheck the begining of last week.. it was much, since it was only for my first two shifts... after tax, i had $88.95. And who knew that money would go so fast... hmm.. i spent about 55 on clothes and bras.. and another 10 on a journal, and i have about 15 bucks left.. oh by the way, i also got money from my aunt while she was here, and somehow i spent that too.. who knows how... im dangerous with money.. hmmm
so if you wanna do anything, i cant do it till late next week cause hopefully i'll have another paycheck by then.. *sigh*
so working basically sucks.. i want to leave already... ive been doing a lot of thinking lately (I have lots of time to think while travelling on the bus for an hour and a half going to or from work) and ive come to the conclusion that i cant commit.. yes.. what women have complained about for centuries about men, is something i too cannot do...
i'm always looking for something better... i cant stay in one job.. the second day i was there, i already wanted to leave..
i cant even commit to a damned halter top for goodness sakes (long story, which i feel too stupid to actually tell)
i have been plotting for some time now how im gonna tell my manager that i want to leave.. its evil of me to go out and find a beter job, now that i actually have some work experience.. not much mind you.. about three weeks worth.. but thats almost a month... i'll just tell my new employer that me and my boss got into an arguement about the chemicals and health and safety hazards or something like that, which led to a bad breakup of our employee/employer relationsship, which i why i left so early and also do not have her as a reference..
good plan huh? it should be cause ive been thinking so much about it..
gap is hiring at town... im dropping off my resume on thursday before work..why? cause i am just THAT desperate to get out..

lately at work. ive been having to come in early (like 830 early) cause she has to teach me all this new stuff (which is partly why i hate work so much).. i get so mad, cause secretly i know its pointless for her to waste my time and hers cause i will be gone by the end of summer (hopefully!! *crosses fingers*) i just feel like shouting : i dont want to come at goddamn 830 and wake up at 645 to do so cause im fricken out of here in three weeks (hopefully)..

does anyone know if the old navy and walmart has opened at town yet? i havent been there for ages!

Tuesday, July 10, 2001

i got a belt for $2.88 today..
one good thing about working at the mall: you catch all the sales
one bad thing about working at the mall: you catch all the sales
on the nugget
so today as i was coming home, on my infamous NUGGET bus.. and i hear these two boys talking behind me.. and i keep on hearing my name whispered.. kinda ignore it, thinking "oh lots of people have my name"
suddenly, one of the guys says "andrea!"
i turn around to see them try to look the other way, trying not to look at me... and there i am being the nerd that i am with my head turned back looking at the two of the trying to figure who it was... i think one of them was shallun from bede..remeber him jaxs? but i have no idea why he would remeber me, since the one year he was there, we never said anything, never knew eachother, so i doubt it was him.. some stalker from ward maybe?
jason: "so andrea, are you ready to babysit us?"
today was a fairly good day at work.. it wasnt the best, but it is the best i;ve had so far. Thank God my mom is off and drove me to wrok today. i had to be in at 830 and would have had to get up at 6:15 to take the bus!! ahh.. i love my mom, and i owe her dearly for waking up early just to chauffeur me around. So despite the ride, i was completely stressing. cause yesterday (which i also had to show up at 830) my manager taught me how to set up everything in the morning.. all the machines have to be put back together and tested before the day can start. it ususally takes about 1/2 an hour, but for trainees like me, it takes an hour.. which is why i was there so early. So today i was kinda getting tested on how much i remebered, i was having a mini heart attack as i drew closer to work.. so yeah, you know that new hired boy? well turns out today was his first day afterall. and i was so gald he was there. someone to talk to, and also, i didnt have do my set up fast cause my manager was teaching him along the way... so it gave me time to read over y notes and think about what i was going to do next...
today wasnt a very busy.. the least one hour developing since i started working.. and then after i came off my break, (i only had two hours of work left) the machine which prints the pictures jammed, and therefore, we had to slow down on preparing all the film, cause they were completely piling up.. also, after about an hour, we had to stop taking in one hours.. so basically nothing was coming in , and i spent the last two hours of my shift, walking around tidying things and putting slide negatives into these plastic sheets... the new boy had to work with the technician to take apart the printing machine and do something with it in the back.. im so happy i wasnt involved in that.. hahaha
the only thing bad about my day? i had to mix chemicals like 5 times.. but 4 of them were at the same time, so i dint have to wash up and everything
perhaps the best thing: thrifty;s is having a major spring clearance sale.. i got my halter and two t shirts.. one for work, and one for play.. i like the, , theyre stretchy.. i want the purple or blue one.. hmmm
im beginging to think that those thriftys girls see me too often and are wondering if i am stalking them
tonight: babysitting my cousins while my aunt and uncle have a romantic "date"

Monday, July 09, 2001

a new trainee got hired today.. so i wont be the only stupid one around japan camera.. but he's starting wednesday, the one day im off.. so i cant watch him screw up to make my own ego feel better (yes, i know it is bad, but anything to boost my self esteem is good) wait a sec, what if he learns everything faster and can do everything better than me?? hmm.. that wont look good..
and no, hes not cute... okay, but not something to hunt down or anything... (hahah i knew some of you were wondering)
picking up report cards with jaxs thursday.. anyone else wanna come? for lunch? i gotta be at work at 2 though.. but im free after 6

Friday, July 06, 2001

work sucks when all you seem to do is screw up... someone almost got the wrong pictures because of me..
i tried to ask my maager for a couple of saturdays off to spend with my relatives from out of town, and she almost bit my head off... she said she would make an exception for me.. i wonder how she;s gonna take it when i want to leave..
when my family leaves, i want to go me.. someone drive me to work?

Wednesday, July 04, 2001

what i hate the most is mixing chemicals, not only do you have to wear goggles, an apron, and yellow dishwashing gloves (yes, picture me and laugh), everything is disgusting,..including the stuff you have on... chemicals are too much pressure, if i mess it up, am am surely fired..after the manager taught me about chemicals, she handed me a three inch thick binder and told me that if i ever come in contact with any, to look it up and see what the side effects and symptoms are (not a good sign at all)
i had to eat lunch alone today,, i felt the whole world was staring at me, laughing.. didnt eat much though.. i think the chemicals made me nauseous.. hmm.. plan: to lose 15 pounds by end of summer fromt he noxious fumes of photography chemicals..hahaha,, new diet anyone? i dont think it'll work if i fill myself up with ice cream after..mmm plantations tonight with sam and jaxs and lis?
so i enter the dim lit mall and discover hoards of old people exercising.. i panic, cause i don’t know where to go or what to do for half an hour,.. and decide to go and "freshen up" in the ladies room.. turns out, its locked.. the food court is packed with old people and it just felt too awkward to sit among them.. alone.. in my box of i find a bench and pretend to rifle through my purse in search of some illusive object that i just cant find..
five to 9 i go down to japan camera.. the security gate is still drawn over the store.. like a force field,... i know.. i look in.. no one seems me.. i wait..
i was begining to worry that they would thing that i was late for work
finally a blond woman comes in and lets me in
I walk in to the back and try to look cheerful and friendly, which is actually hard if you are scared and intimidated by everyone
So I get started, and im there with my notepad (my manager told me bring one, I bring it cause I thought it looked cool) and I am incredibly overwhelmed..*sigh*
I screwed up so many things.. and I hate it when people notice it and tell you.. even though they say it in the nicest way, it still makes you feel like your two inches tall.. what I hate even more, is when you know you did something wrong and try to hide it or correct it, and your waiting to see if anyone notices,.,.such stress..hahaha..
i had written this incredibly long blog about my first day at work, but then lightening came, and the electricity went off.. Fuck.. so here i am trying to recapture the passion that was my first blog. imdoing it in parts, just in case..
so today i get to fairview half an hour early (seems like a trend is starting huh) even after having a heart attack on the bus.. well not literally.. who woul dhave guessed that the shepard express bus doesnt stop at fairview?.. i was trying desperatly to figure out how far don mills was to the stupid mall.... i got off the bus and realized it was that far, basically just crossing the street and through the underground parking.. however, the closest entrance was sears and i had to walk around a whole frickin corner of the mall to find a mall entrance..

Tuesday, July 03, 2001

i think im getting ablister.. i walked all day today in heels.. sandal heels. i tried to look sexy and mature and tall, but i guess it didnt work..
there are two patches on my foot, where it loks like the skin came apart from my foot, but the skin is intacts.. im worried that the interstitial fluid ive been hearing about in bio is gonna collect in there and make a blister.. i dont want it to look like adams ear, so im pressing down on those two patches
ang is sooo hired
so today i had a 5:30 interview at Gymboree in Fairvirew. its a kids clothing store.. well even though i didnt feel like it, and i knew i wasnt going to get hired, i decided to go anyways...
i got to fairview a half an hour early so decided to go find JAapan camera cause i heard from a friend that they were hiring..i walk in a realize that everyone who worked there who was under 25 was from ward... there was sabrina, and her sister deidra, denise and andrea ong.. so im waiting for the manager, which seems to take ages.. and she finally talkes to me.. it was going fine.. no major questions..she asked if i was a fast learner and if i had any work experience.. and deidra put in a good word for me (thank god for deidra) and she took me in to see the lab. i looked at my watch and realized there was oly like 15 minutes until my interview at Gymboree and she was still telling me about the lab.. i was wondering if she did that to everyone, or if she was hiring me, cause who would take all this effore if theyre werent hiring me?? so after i convinced myself i was hired, she handed me an application form and sent me outside to fill it out.. it kind of threw me off, cause i was thinking "i thought i was already hired?" haha.
so yeahi got the job.. and by the time i finished, it was 5:35 and i coulndt go to Gymboree late, and tell them.. hey i just got a job , so i didtched them.. in retrospect, im thinking it was the wrong thing to do.. but ah well...its not like theyre gonna post my name in all the malls telling everyone that i ditch interviews like a WANTED poster right? RIGHT?!?!?!?!
so im proud.. now i need a car.. dammit... i have to be there at 9 in the morning..ugh!!!
after the interview i had to go out and buy some white t shirts.. cause thats what i have to wear and the only white tshirt i have, has a big yellow duck on it... so yeah... t shirt and tanks are 2 for 15 (solid) and 2 for 20 (striped) at fairview smart set...
i am already making a mental list of what i want to blow my first paycheck on.. hmmm..
i hope im a fast learner, cause i told them i was and deidra seconded it. and i dont want to look stupid.. im feeling rather insecure.. but at the same time excited.. ahhh... what sam must have felt like
sam: now i have money to go out and eat lunch!! ahahahaha

Sunday, July 01, 2001

couldnt resist
so yeah im back.. bring me out someone!! im drowning in little kids.. okay maybe not drowning, there are only two.. but get me out of here.. i need to make plans for next week as well... come on... i need to fill up my weekdays next week... any offers??

my aunt, who is chinese, likes it here in toronto... she says she finally feels like she belongs (meaning that there are a lot of chinese people here, as opposed to the few in montreal).. when theyre here, all she wants to eat is chinese food, why? because she feels deprived of it, since to get chinese food in montreal, good chinese food, you have to go to chinatown.. and thats too much trouble with two young kids,...and she enjoys our malls, stores and grocery stores here.. why? cause groceries are cheaper here, especially fruits and she gets a kick out of all the hello kitty stuff she can get fairly cheaply here..(the hello kitty craze is just starting amoung the white people in montreal, and the stuff costs a fortune..since there is so little supply, and increasing demand)...
but of course since i live in toronto, nothing is new, and nothing is amusing, but i am forced to go to all these chinese malls..(ie:pacific mall) *yikes* and walk around looking at san rio stuff.. and you know how comfortable i am when im surrounded by chinese people.. me and my white uncle.. look around making fun of peole who look fobby... and quiver when we see a herd of them coming.. so maybe its not a total waste of time.. hahahaha
*note: since i am chinese, i have every right to make fun of my own race... black comics do it all the time.. so ha!!
sharpies are stinky
so my family is down from montreal... they've been here since only saturday.. but it already feels like its a long time.. thats not a good thing is it? I love my cousins.. they look so white and perfect.. they have light brown eyes and brown hair, and can speak french wayy better than i ever could even though they are only 5 and 7. sigh... i wish i could speak french..but im not willing to learn.. thats sort of like the saying you wanna have the cake and eat it too.. hahahah..okay im a loser, its official,, i'll stop now..i am the weakest link. goodbye