Saturday, April 28, 2001

Pig's Offals
Can anyone tell me what pig's offals are? i have a guess, and if you know me, you know what im thinking of....

so today i went to a wedding, which was the weirdest experience ever. Not because it was a wedding, but because i went with my father. I wasnt his first choice- my borther was busy.
It was also kinda weird cause i was the only ethnic person there.... everyone (and i mean everyone) was white. But on the other hand,I have never seen so many PRETTY PEOPLE in one room before. Every guy who was there (under the age of 30) was GORGEOUS! I wanted all of them! ALL OF THEM! They could have raped me and i wouldnt have cared.. well you know what i mean. Even the usually geeky alter boy was cute.... yes the alter boy! mmmm...alter boy.....

Wednesday, April 25, 2001

Dissed by God
So yesterday night i went to my brother's confirmation.. and its time for communion so i go up. I get to the priest and put my hands up infront of him waiting for communion, but instead, i see that he's not even paying attention to me. so i stand there in front of the priest with my hands up wondering if i should go to someone else, or wait.... then he suddenly leaves and chases this woman up the aisle, and there i was the loser with my hands still up waiting for communion.. Was i dissed by God?? Did he not want me to eat him? Was he punishing me for the gameboard?

Sunday, April 22, 2001

i tried to change the colour of the bar on the left.. and i only changed the colour code, but the whole thing shrunk... i think i like my mistake
Blasphemies (is that how you spell it?)
Its sunday morning and i finally forced myself to do this gameboard idea ive had for my religion....and i finally realize its ugly.
This gameborad is turning out to be a vast disappointment. It sucks when you have this great idea and suddently you realize that it just isnt working out... i would stop and do something else, but ive put so much time in already(well not really) that it would just be a waste. I figure parlato will like it...well another 80 wont hurt my average too much. (yes im still slightly bitter about my essay).
Blog = evil thing taking my time away from homework
Im alone.. the house is empty.....i feel gross... anyone want to bring me soup and flowers?
well.. so i thought i was all "big and bad" because i had installed the blogvoices all by myself. So during this rush of excitement and invincibility, i felt the urge to fix some other stuff on my page. It was obviously a big mistake. I didnt even type in anything.. all i did was move my blovoices link around and before i knew it, my page looked like someone ran over it with a Buick. I was determined to fix it myself, so i continued. I DID fix some things.. but at the same time i messed other things up.(stupid html). I finally gave in and accepted defeat and opened my icq to see who i could beg for help.. and there i saw sam! I figured anyone who has her own website must know how to use html and will be able to fix my crap. And she did!! she was my knight...err.. (what's a female equivalent to knight?) in shining armour! YAY SAM!!! *the townspeople frolic with joy*

Saturday, April 21, 2001

it is almost twelve, a little more than an hour after i first put in this blog.. and i can already tell that its doing me no good....
im supposed to be doing my religion... but i obviously am not!!! why did i get myself into this? this thing is addictive... its like icq when you first get it.. hopefully, the novelty will soon wear off.. it better wear off... or else my courses and I are doomed to spend an extra month with eachother at summer school...
so i guess this is a good time to leave..yet i cant seem to tear myself away... hmmm.. maybe just one more hour of playing with my new toy..
OMIGOSH! I installed blogvoices all by myself!!! yes, i know you're all saying "hey whats the big deal?" but to me this IS A BIG DEAL!
computers dont like me and i dont like computers..its an agreement that we've had for a long time now....even jaxs couldnt put in blogvoices (and she's a computer pro)and had to get brendan to rescue her.. and i did it all by myself!! i am html queen!! okay not really... i can cut and paste html while reading instructions from the website.. but i did change the link!
the point is, i did it by myself!
okay im done now..
someone teach me how to add on blogvoices? someone?
So i finally got me one of these blogger thingys..YAY ME!!!
too bad i rarely have anything to talk about
jaxs and all the britain people came home today! i missed my jaxs! and my nicole and my vanessa!!
i want to go to britain.. i am very jealous..but im going to new york in a week or so... but still, it isnt britain.
today i made a new friend. well not really because we were friends before..... i love it when you can talk about something and sudenly it feels like your friendship has grown because of it.....its surprising how much you can learn about a person in about an hour... i want more of those conversations...sigh
well jaxs is telling me stories about britain and i should start listening.....just maybe